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In-game music

Message 2082

From: yorkaturr
Date: 2002-09-28 10:46:53

In case you haven't heard, we've got a new music designer that is able and willing to join our glorious team ( I took the liberty of coming up with initial ideas concerning what type of music we're planning to have, and came up with the following concepts:

*Atmospheric music. This would be "background music" that would pertain to a certain environment. For example, the ash wastes of Tragothar and the dire swamps of Dethzael would be associated with a sinister, dark atmosphere that both music and graphical design would try to create, while
the jungles of Nemen could perhaps have a tribal feel. The important point here is that the music shouldn't be too captivating or "noisy".

*Situational music. Characters will encounter important, engaging situations during their adventures such as combat, having their prayers answered, or dying. This type of music should be distinctively strong. I'd say this should be the starting point.

*Complementary music. This could be everything that ranges from some little tune that a bard plays at a tavern into some fanfare that is sounded when you enter a castle (remember Ultima VII?). The reason this is called "complementary" is that the more important musical design should first be completed.

Tumababa's reaction to this was that he would like to have a list of EVERYTHING we want initially, and that he would like to start with the "situational music", as I proposed. Now, here's where you come in. As you all very well know, we're first implementing the Nemen region, so music that would contribute to that goal would be especially appreciated. I came up with a few initial ideas concerning the music we'd like to have in our initial Nemen world, and the following came into mind:

*Melee combat. Maybe a few different tunes for variety. This should have pulsating "highlights" that would accompany the blows and dodges and the adrenaline of a fight.
*Magic. This should play when a particularly strong magical influence enters your area, when you succeed in making your first spell. I have absolutely no idea what this should be like.
*Pleasant god. When a god answers your prayers or if you are blessed with divine powers, this is what you should hear in your speakers. Something that signals the most important and powerful event in your life.
*Wrath of god. When a god finds you especially annoying and teleports his personal demon warriors to kick your ass, or lets you know you shouldn't provoke him further, this sinister tune should play, letting you know that maybe you should find a way to make peace with your god.
*Death. When you die. Quite obviously sad and disheartening.

I left out the atmospheric music bits on purpose.

Feel free to comment, though flaming about not wanting music at all is not constructive.

Message 2101

From: Atratus
Date: 2002-10-01 01:09:21
In-Reply-To: 2082

Interesting. Will it be made in MIDI?

We should be careful not to drive the players insane with repetitive music. In case of having any music at all, we should have a WIDE range of songs.

In the case of non-MIDI music, why not asking some underground atmospheric composers that release their stuff in demo-tapes by obscure labels or in to lend their work to Majik3d? Many would be pleased!

Message 2104

From: darshan
Date: 2002-10-01 07:18:06
In-Reply-To: 2101

No, very likely the music won't be MIDI. It'd sound wretched on most people's computers.

Message 2197

From: Tumababa
Date: 2002-10-10 02:42:09
In-Reply-To: 2101

Hi all. This would be Chris(Or Tumababa) as some have called me.

Aratus: The compositional world has left midi behind for good. I've got some nice sample libraries on the way which will do an admirable job of simulating a real orchestra. Don't fret.

I totally agree with you on your point about repetitive music. I think the trick with games of this scope is to only have music play when something notable happens. The rest would be an atmospheric wash purely based on the mood of the region/situation the player is in.

Now would be a good time for input as I'm waiting for some computer repairs to be finished before I actually start the sequencing process.

Message 2140

From: hook
Date: 2002-10-05 12:30:44
In-Reply-To: 2104
