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The map and how it's available.

Message 2021

From: Yendor
Date: 2002-09-12 13:20:36

So. We want to have our map as a secret, that no player would know about the world in detail, but we already have distributed a lot of pics of our current map. This really is a problem as with the first fan site of majik3d there will be a link to the map.
Would it be easy to design a completely new map now? Yes, I know that there are descs that have some relations to the map that we have now, but they aren't that numerous.

And the thing that I mainly wanted to discuss here : how can we prevent the maps leaking from the distributed data? Should we use some simple encryption to make it harder to rip? Any suggestions?

Message 2026

From: namhas
Date: 2002-09-13 10:43:58
In-Reply-To: 2021

Urk, no, absolutely we're not going to design a new map! Information will leak, more or less, we can't do much about that, but I hope that Majik will have kind of players that wish to roleplay and thus regard such fan sites as "spoiler sites" and try everything to avoid them.