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Message 1991

From: Zenire
Date: 2002-09-06 15:29:20

I remember some of you started undermajik and 3ddung in the news but never heard anything since.

Are you guys still doing that?

Message 1993

From: Yendor
Date: 2002-09-07 16:22:17
In-Reply-To: 1991

undermajik was 3d-thingy by namhas that probably was freezed due to lack of serious intrest and a HD-crash.
3ddung was something made by me. It did result in some fun editing capability, but I grew tired to it because making the client-server connections wasn't fun thing to do and other reasons as well.
Basically what I thought, was that 3ddung wouldn't ever become something worth majik world. With my programming skills at least. And with a programming language that no-one else would dare to touch with a long stick, it was pretty much doomed. But I think that I gained some exp from it nevertheless.

Message 1995

From: namhas
Date: 2002-09-08 23:29:32
In-Reply-To: 1991

Undermajik quite much went with my old server's HD, however, in the background I'm always coding a small testplatform.