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Old Majik?

Message 1986

From: Zandor
Date: 2002-09-05 01:02:56

I know this is a dumb question and you're guaranteed to say no, but could you re-release one of your older versions of Majik, just so I can see what it's like?
(Cue hysterical laughter)

Message 2030

From: dazzt
Date: 2002-09-14 21:12:20
In-Reply-To: 1986

Actually, majik3 (the normal mud) and majik4 (the roguelike version) are available with full source at If you don't have enough experience with unix systems to get those up and running under e.g. linux, you can check out some very old screenshots:

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5


Message 2043

From: Zandor
Date: 2002-09-18 02:45:55
In-Reply-To: 2030

Well, that's just peachy, but I don't think the mud is playable, since it's probably offline now. Besides, I don't have Linux and don't know anybody who does. Linux is for supergeeks anyway.

Message 2047

From: Zandor
Date: 2002-09-18 03:37:21
In-Reply-To: 2030

I know the old Majik versions are prehistoric, but will Majik3D have any similarity to majik3 and majik4?

Message 2048

From: yorkaturr
Date: 2002-09-18 04:16:46
In-Reply-To: 2047

Yes, of course it will. Where you end up is a result of the path you've chosen.