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Once again about food

Message 1939

From: Takomtor
Date: 2002-08-22 07:58:01

Namhas and Yorka made some comments that guide the game into right direction (I think so).

Food. Indeed, there are very few reasons for people to play RPG in characterwise, challenge is mostly just to proceed as high level as possible.

Lifting the profile of food - creates - not only necessity, but also purpose. When one has to focus on supplying the character everything that is needed to stay alive, there will be much more intense player-character relationship (is there such a thing).

This would still steer away from virtual pet field, since everything one "feeds" for the character, has to be earned in some way or another.

This approach will create genuine need for every player, since everybody needs food and fullfilling this need would require big part of the game time (I am not talking about mindless grasshopper hunting, but doing business, having trade etc.) to be dedicated for creating something in exchange for food.

Low level players could stay alive by eating those rats that Namhas mentioned, but for those brief moments (well, here we have lots of room for gameplay adjustments), when they wouldn't need to focus their efforts to staying alive they could try to improve themselves by learning a trade.

Trade would lead into higher level in society and enable them to be more productive, more production leads to better income, leads better food, easier life, character development, free time, social development etc. Basic Malthus, don't know if any of you support his ideas.

This could include the development from very primitive level, e.g. nobody would know how to create a sword in the beginning, the first person to do this would therefore have the ultimate/absolute advantage to other players. This would valuate that sword to be - let's say - VERY expensive.

Also this would be kind of a solution for PK playstyle, since the low level life (LLL heh, stupid term or what) would continue for quite some time, no opportunities for speedy development and item inventory. With new character the road would be the same... must be discouraging. I imagine majority of players to be rather dedicated and would stay in their role after such a harsh start.

I feel bit lazy to elaborate these thoughts, especially economy and player interdependence would have a definate boost. I don't even want to start talking about how this could just about remove the need for NPCs, but I have already been on that road... maybe next time.

Message 1950

From: yorkaturr
Date: 2002-08-24 03:43:39
In-Reply-To: 1939

Lucid points here. I agree on every part.

Message 1951

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-08-24 19:17:51
In-Reply-To: 1939

To extend these notes.

There are few more things increasing the roleplaying aspect, as mentioned preserving the food, but related to that, the actual making of the provisions.

If there were skills being associated with the creation and gathering the food, you'd have to learn more than Using a sword(tm) skill. (Yes, I'm going to say it here as well) Also skills for preparing the food. You have to know how to prepare your eats so that they preserve during your long journey. (Souse, dry, smoke-dry, bake and so on)

Salt may turn out to be quite expensive, actually.. I wonder, will there be people making salt from sea water.

The problem related to hoarding up the food is thing encouraging people to form a group and build a house to stay in. In cellars it will be easier to preserve your provender.

Adding one thought to previous conversation, it's hardly going to be like Oh no, I have only one apple and there's one day journey to nearest town, I'm going to starve to death! From first feeling of hunger there is about two weeks to get next meal before actually dying. (Of course you have to drink after a day or two, but fresh water is to be found rather easily)

Hm, this just came to mind: Why can't you dig a well. That (once more;) encourages people to gather around to one place.

You may have to eat two or three times a day to stay going strong, but to starve to death.. (if you achieve that, you'll deserve it)

Message 1975

From: ReSpawner
Date: 2002-09-03 19:19:58
In-Reply-To: 1951

HeHe yeah i really agree and like this =D but i think it should be pretty hard to dig a well... maybe not in skill but in energy it takes to dig it...