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Antithesis for Sirdar's ecosystem model

Message 1929

From: darshan
Date: 2002-08-21 19:20:40

Temperature, rainfall, soil fertility.

Message 1937

From: Takomtor
Date: 2002-08-22 07:25:51
In-Reply-To: 1929


Message 1938

From: Yendor
Date: 2002-08-22 07:46:17
In-Reply-To: 1929

I though we had some sort of agreement on this already. There were posts on foodpoints that could be used to determine what foods different species are able to eat and other neat stuff. As I said back then, this system could be used for determining plant distribution too. I'll see if I can find the thread and messages somewhere.

Message 1940

From: Yendor
Date: 2002-08-22 08:14:37
In-Reply-To: 1938

Looks like I remember noexistant stuff or only stuff discussed in forums.

The point was this :
Some kind of compability system or whatever you want to call it.
The subject of the compability would have x different variables that all have different ranges. The object of the compability would have same number of variables that have one value, no ranges. With these we can generate some kind of algorithm that compares those two and returns the compability value. If compability value is small enough between an rose and an area of land, the rose could grow in that area. Another example is that if the compability value is small enough beween an wolf and an pine, then the wolf would consider the pine as one of its preferred foods.

There should be a lot of variables just to make a good diversity, for an area there would be temperature and other stuff, but also some other variables that don't have just act there to make the distribution more realistic. Same with foods, some predators would preferably not hunt some other animal just for a reason that no-one needs to know. We could enforce it to happen still, if we want to.

This system would share some code and it'd be pretty extendable to work for about everyone.

Message 1941

From: Takomtor
Date: 2002-08-22 08:27:13
In-Reply-To: 1938

Yes, foodpoints can be used here. Just how they are named. Sun, Water, Soil, Temperature etc. no need to start modelling actual effects, just create the resulting landscape. that I tried to agree. As you said foodpoints locate plants and with plants everything will follow. Simple and nice. Like it.

We should fix some sort of model to the worldbook, there is still atleast the system that Hook designed (bit more specific as I recall). Decisions?

Message 1942

From: Takomtor
Date: 2002-08-22 08:31:16
In-Reply-To: 1940

It is there thread name Foodpoints writers are Rakel and sweatshop. seems like this idea that you are describing, originated from your and sweatshop's discussion... no wonder, you remember it. :)