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Answering to guests

Message 1876

From: Takomtor
Date: 2002-08-18 12:43:01

Answering to guests questions is admirable, but there is one thing that bugs me a lot (well ok just a bit).

It is these declaration styled comments about the future of the game. Now I have only one example in my mind. Recently Zandor asked if our NPCs will be smarter than in other games and Raeky basically answered most likely and they will be able to do this and that.

Now, I have checked the new worldbook and there are no clear guidelines about NPCism, so I interpret this to be undecided field. As a result, I am still trying to argue against this massive undertaking of having one's boy or girl from nextdoor as a NPC to create the believable atmosphre, make things smooth etc. But now, what is there to do? Potential players have their image of a game where NPCs populate the streets etc. We can only try to meet the expectations.

I have answered these people myself, written some crap, but it has always contained some magic words like could, might, I think, my opinion, what about if...

Suggesting some sort of public relations person, who should be responsible of this kind of answers to the strangest questions.

Message 1881

From: yorkaturr
Date: 2002-08-18 18:33:50
In-Reply-To: 1876

I agree, people shouldn't leak their personal opinions when answering to guests. I myself have committed this gruesome crime on several occasions, but usually things I propose have the tendency of becoming official views, which is an observation instead of narcissistic praise.

Isn't secrecy more alluring than clarity? What other purpose does answering guests in extreme detail serve other than saturating their curiosity? I say, we should hint about what there is to come, but not dictate.

Also, designers should never discuss things with each other in "general majik" threads. We don't want them to see how clueless some of us are.

Message 1882

From: raeky
Date: 2002-08-19 00:31:24
In-Reply-To: 1881

i highly think, that general majik threads should be colored red or something so we can easyly tell they are public.