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Artificial life?

Message 1844

From: Zandor
Date: 2002-08-16 01:07:01

When I e-mailed you asking how monsters don't become extinct if they don't just reappear when fragged, you said that they mate. Does this mean Majik will have some sort of artificial life system? Will they evolve and become stronger and smarter, ganging up on people? I'm wagging my tail in anticipation!!!

Message 1850

From: gxest
Date: 2002-08-16 10:28:05
In-Reply-To: 1844

Yes, Majik3d will most likely have some large scale NPC AI that controls where they live and how much they reproduce. I wouldn't expect any amazing new never-before-seen technologies, but something that gets the job done.

Message 1893

From: namhas
Date: 2002-08-19 13:49:55
In-Reply-To: 1844

I already had somewhat working system in one of my testplatforms. Yes, the plans are that they reproduce and move after food and favorable weather conditions.

Message 1928

From: sirdar
Date: 2002-08-21 18:12:31
In-Reply-To: 1844

I decided im going to take a deeper look how an ecosystem would work and how it could be best implemented in majik.
In order for the system to work, we need 5 new attributes for each square unit (meter, kilometer? up to the development) of land.

..soil depth, the filter food layer, temperature, moisture, rainfall & humidity.

These attributes can determine where a certain type of plant or animal thrives the best.

Then, two types of 'invisible flags' for some places, such as barriers (which prevents walking species to cross over it) - and food sources, in proximity of which the animals seek to live.

Barriers like the mediterranean sea, for example, prevents some of the african animals from emerging into germany, for example. that kind of barriers.
So, soil depth, filter food layer, temperature, moisture, rainfall&humidity, and barrier and food souce flags.

Using them, one could simply draw out what kind of environment a certain species of plants or animals would like.

rainfall, moisture, humitidy - can those not be one?

Well, mountains are not usually moist, no matter how much rain would fall over them methinks and near the watery bodies the moisture level is higher - and especially to the sides of the lakes that the wind currently blows. the air picks up moisture as it moves over the bodies of water. More on seas, less on mountains.

where does this moist come from? the clouds that passes by? that is the same thing as rain apart from the way to goes from cloud -> ground

To draw another example, a desert, having a rainfall once in a while - the moisture level is not much to brag about. Well, anyways, compared to the jungle..

how about rainfall, and how far away it is from water? we dont wan't to sit plot humidity and moisture for the land

If we'd like to have the most realistic version, the clouds that form the rain clouds form from the major watery bodies. To where the wind takes the clouds, is a matter of meteorological super computers, hardly something that should be modelled realistically into the game imho. Mean, mountains 'blocking' the cloud advancement and diverting them somewhere else or making them cause constant rains over the poor village just on the watery body side foot of the mountain >:)

But i didn't say merging moisture with rainfall&humidity would be a bad idea nevertheless.

Message 1887

From: ReSpawner
Date: 2002-08-19 03:21:51
In-Reply-To: 1850

so this means like if the "code sees" that there are to few "deer's" then they whould put up the reproducing limit a little? that could be pretty cool and none whoudl ever notice... but in theory an animal could get completely exctincted if every animal dies at the same time or there are only animals of the same race left or somethign like that...