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Forum improvement request

Message 1832

From: darshan
Date: 2002-08-15 10:31:43

Split the forum into two. One designers-only forum and another one for outsiders. It's IMO very hard to remember to check which kind of a forum thread I'm replying to.

Message 1838

From: Indreju
Date: 2002-08-15 18:11:10
In-Reply-To: 1832

BTW. Would it be too hard to make these forums work like 'normal' forums? I mean it would be much clearer if the posts just were under each other because it's annoying to have to click through all the replies one by one when I just could scroll them thru.

Message 1839

From: SlowByte
Date: 2002-08-15 18:36:13
In-Reply-To: 1838

A total redesign would probably be the best option. I'll see what I can do :)

Message 1840

From: Indreju
Date: 2002-08-15 20:57:44
In-Reply-To: 1839

Amen that. Reading long threads is PAIN!

Message 1841

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-08-15 20:59:01
In-Reply-To: 1839

And at this point I remind you about Message #1263 in thread Developing designer's lounge.

One thing that is not too important but still exists: The author in thread varies depending who is the sender of the first message before 30 day limit, and the number of replies indicator only shows replies posted after the 30 days limit.

Hmh, I wonder if anyone go that.. |) In any case, I hope the problem disappears after creation of a new forum(?)