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Food qualities

Message 1686

From: yorkaturr
Date: 2002-06-24 12:36:39

I ran this idea through in the chat with Sinister and Darshan, and basicly we came to the conclusion that carbohydrates/proteine/fat would be too complicated for a medieval setting. However, the food quality property was considered a very good idea collectively.

What I would like would be, at the very least, a system in which one would see food/nutrients clearly affect his endurance level, in such a way that eating well would help you regain your endurance better and/or so that you would lose less endurance from exertion. It was proposed that different foods would have different digestion times, which would mean that stuff that digests fast (fruit etc) would affect instantaneously, and stuff that digests very slowly (bread etc) would remain in your stomach and affect the character for a long time, though less intensively.

For example, if you want quick energy to boost your endurance, you'll want to eat sugars, fruit, etc, and if you want to prevent long term exertion, you'll want to eat bread, meat, fish and greens.

Foods, of course, should also have other qualities, such as "edible", "poisonous", "diseased", "freshness", etc.

Sinister proposed that some races could be allergic to different foods, an idea which we can expand quite well.

Message 1689

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-06-25 12:26:48
In-Reply-To: 1686

..and stuff that digests very slowly (bread etc) would remain in your stomach and affect the character for a long time, though less intensively.

This also allows the fact that right after eating eg meat your char suffers more from exhaustion.

..that some races could be allergic to different foods..

Or even that to some races something is poisonous while same food is very nutrious to someone else.

And then we have the famous Cooking thing, whatever (it will be..) You can make "poisonous" to be "edible" by some methods in some cases, or even "edible" to "diseased" in order to assasinate (or irritate;) someone.

Message 1703

From: Zaxim
Date: 2002-07-01 21:58:03
In-Reply-To: 1686

Great ideas because I really hate it when people just use food to heal. Having it used for your endurence bar will still force people to eat and it will seem more realistic.

I really like the idea of some foods being toxic to other races.

How about a race that can eat totaly inedible foods, like wood and rocks?

Message 1743

From: raeky
Date: 2002-07-26 03:09:22
In-Reply-To: 1686

the fastest digestion times for foods would be, yes fruits, simple carbohydrates like simple sugars found in fruit, would hit the blood stream faster.

The slowest digestion times for foods would be, fats. A saturated fat molecule is very long and complex, it takes far longer for your enzymes to break it down into glucose then it does to break down a simple carb.

Speed should rank this way fastest to longest

Sugars, found in fruits
Starches, found in grains
Fats, found in nuts/dairy/meat