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Planes of Existance

Message 168

From: Rahl
Date: 2002-01-13 05:01:38

I was wounderig if the delvopers are planning to incorprate planes of existance? If not I have my theory that i hope makes sense. To me there would be 5 planes. The first the "real" world of Majik where normal people (ie. commners) exist. Next the next highest one would be the Deity Plane where all Deitys could convene and plan. The next 3 would be higher planes the one of Order (Good) Indiffernce (In the Middle) and Choas (Evil) the deiyts that asscoiate with those type could make their homes in their corrsponding planes and would hold the most sway there. The higher planes could be acessed only by the gods and the most highest level mages that coulp "open" a gate to that existance. Please give me feedback

Message 214

From: sweatshop
Date: 2002-01-15 03:05:15
In-Reply-To: 168

how about having one plane of existence to start, then adding if there are too many players... I would think it's too early to call.

Message 215

From: darshan
Date: 2002-01-15 10:03:24
In-Reply-To: 168

You're right, it is. And if the number of players ever grew too large for the current world to accommodate (which I doubt) I'd rather see the new lebensraum introduced in the form of more continents.

Message 216

From: yorkaturr
Date: 2002-01-15 12:01:50
In-Reply-To: 168

I would first like to say, in response to Rahl, that the Gods are by no means more sadistic than a parent giving his child a proper whooping for breaking a window. The mortals, I'm sure, understand that the Gods and mortals can coexist. Gods need or want mortals to gain power, and the same applies vice versa. An alternative for having different planes of existance could be that the world has hidden areas, that are neverthless reachable, although remote. By hidden, I mean areas that hide unlikely settings, situations, creatures and such. If we have heaven, hell or Disneyworld in Majik, I want them to be accessible by anybody brave and resourceful enough. Since we have a magical/mythological environment, why water it down by having a number of seemingly new worlds in addition? Why can't everything be, generally, in the same place? Remoteness has always carried with it myths. People have thought, and some still do, that climbing the highest mountains, diving the deepest seas, and examining the most ancient of the arcane, can yield something quite surprising. Everyone has probably seen medieval maps of the world, with the seas infested with dragons, gigantic centipedes and ship-sized squids? Everybody must know that the ancient pagan greeks thought the Gods live in Mount Olympia? Some people still think that Santa Claus lives in the North Pole. Good examples of the value of remoteness, exactly what I'm talking about.

Message 226

From: beregar
Date: 2002-01-15 20:24:09
In-Reply-To: 168

Agreed, Yorka. Except that Santa lives at Korvatunturi in Finland, not in the north pole!

On a side note, what do you think about my halls of the dead suggestion? Every god could have such place for their dead followers, at least if the god's nature does not prevent it.


Message 234

From: yorkaturr
Date: 2002-01-16 11:04:50
In-Reply-To: 168

Being the God who mostly monopolizes the dead and dying, I am against that of course. I would prefer all dead to be joined in my unholy army as mindless slaves to my cause, so that Yorkaturr will rule the world!

Seriously, dead folks should just disappear in the void and leave a corpse and, depending on their way of dying, an assorted collection of fresh bodyparts for the looting unless they have some very good reason to be regarded post mortem. Such reasons may be, but are not limited to, a specific closeness to one's God in which case the person may be resurrected, or very high magical means, such as going through an undeath ritual.

Message 256

From: phunky
Date: 2002-01-17 03:59:59
In-Reply-To: 168

rahl, keep in mind that Runescape is very well established, and has taken years to get it's 1500 active players at once, across 3 servers.. also, keep in mind that runescape's world takes 5-10 mins to walk across, while majik's takes over 100 hours.. if you look at the numbers, youll see that overpopulation will most likely NEVER be a problem in majik. adding planes of existence would just be another huge idea to incorperate in an all ready (maybe too) complex world.

Message 320

From: beregar
Date: 2002-01-25 10:14:01
In-Reply-To: 168

Yorkaturr. It would be actually quite interesting if a new creature appeared into your unholy army each time a player or creature dies in a world.

Also, if we later find permanent death too "harsh" (which I doubt), we can easily avoid resurrection spells if dead player's are just transferred into some mini world (or "halls/city of the dead" in real world) and allow them to play there until they "reborn" into real world. Of course while they are in the halls of the dead, they would be part of Yorkaturr's army and directly under his command.

Perhaps they could even advance through ranks of the dead gaining interesting powers and perhaps even gain ability to enter into real world as demons/spirits when called by priests. It would be actually quite interesting if the evil spirit summoned by Yorkaturr's priest was other player. Perhaps the dead could also "scry" living beings while in the halls of the dead, perhaps through some pond or something. That reminds me of an area which I planned to create... hmm, actually I think I'm going to write frame for it right now. :)

- Beregar

Message 331

From: yorkaturr
Date: 2002-01-25 11:18:27
In-Reply-To: 168

Wonderful ideas!

I have previously suggested that players should be able to transform themselves to "conscious undead" or "demons" and such, but this would take the system into a whole new level. However, what would be the gameplay like in the halls of the dead? Maybe the individuals who were lucky enough to become undead would have the luxury of being able to constantly hack'n'slash against mortals. However, undead individuals would start out as regular zombies, ghosts and skeletons, depending on their way of dying and the type of the character they played, and they would be a push-over for most players, as they would be clumsy and weak and slow. Another death as an undead would remove the player completely. Maybe some VERY powerful mortals could actually appear as liches straight out. The undead players would become more powerful and change their type completely, depending on their starting type, when they become older and gain more expa, so they would gain new attributes on the way.

Anyway, the advancement of undead could be something like this:

(Player who would be killed in some way that only their bones would be intact would become skeletons)
Skeleton -> Skeleton Warrior -> Skeleton Lord -> Harbinger -> Death Knight -> Lich -> Arch Lich

(This would be the most common)
Zombie -> Ghoul -> Revenant -> Revenite -> Vampire -> Mummy -> Arch Mummy

(Players who would be killed so that their physical body would be completely destroyed would become immaterial undead)
Ghost -> Shade -> Shadow -> Haunt -> Phantom -> Spectre -> Wraith -> Banshee

Message 703

From: yorkaturr
Date: 2002-02-13 13:24:11
In-Reply-To: 168

(Player who would be killed in some way that only their bones would be intact would become skeletons)
Skeleton -> Skeleton Warrior -> Skeleton Lord -> Harbinger -> Death Knight -> Lich -> Arch Lich

(This would be the most common)
Gravecrawler -> Ghast -> Zombie -> Ghoul -> Revenant -> Revenite -> Vampire

(Players who would be killed so that their physical body would be completely destroyed would become immaterial undead)
Ghost -> Shade -> Shadow -> Haunt -> Phantom -> Spectre -> Wraith -> Banshee

Message 704

From: yorkaturr
Date: 2002-02-13 13:25:28
In-Reply-To: 168

Maybe I should limit this to 6 levels instead:

(Player who would be killed in some way that only their bones would be intact would become skeletons)
Skeleton -> Skeleton Warrior -> Skeleton Lord -> Death Knight -> Lich -> Arch Lich

(This would be the most common)
Gravecrawler -> Ghast -> Zombie -> Ghoul -> Revenant -> Vampire

(Players who would be killed so that their physical body would be completely destroyed would become immaterial undead)
Ghost -> Shade -> Haunt -> Phantom -> Spectre -> Wraith -> Banshee

Message 213

From: Rahl
Date: 2002-01-15 01:54:57
In-Reply-To: 168

IF anything mabye just 1 plane sorta like a mirrior world in a way this does NOT have to be implmented now but a mirrior world opens some new possiblties mabye even solving the "catclysm" that people talk about a lot Picture this the world of majik being consumed by the wrath of the sadistic gods a lone mage opens a portal to Maijik the mirrior of Majik the slavation of Majik starts here.

Message 197

From: beregar
Date: 2002-01-14 15:11:49
In-Reply-To: 168

Besides, the game evolves constantly so we can implement them later if a need for them to arises.

For dreamwalkers and such there is easy workaround, just make them unable to touch anything, invisible to other player and allow them to locate and teleport to other creatures. You coud also modify the player in such ways that everything is blurred with a blue mist or something if that makes the world look more dream plane like. That's what I planned for seer abilities btw.

I think spirits of the dead could as well remain in the real world but just incorporeal and invisible to other players. Perhaps deities actually have prepared some place for their dead worshippers, like halls of the dead or something like that which are guarded by some entities to prevent dead returning back to world. It would be actually cool if those dead who were ateists in life were left "floating" with no place to go and could try to possess living people or dead bodies. That way we could use clerics of good deities to exorcise "damned" individuals.


Message 191

From: yorkaturr
Date: 2002-01-14 14:31:07
In-Reply-To: 168

No planes of existence! There's only one plane of existence. The dead etc would surely be transported to another place but it would be accessible. Codewise something like this would be a real pain in the butt as well.

Message 169

From: gxest
Date: 2002-01-13 11:52:55
In-Reply-To: 168

		Doesn't sound like a bad idea...
		but i wonder what is the use of this?
		Maybe you could give some examples where one would
		have to consider these planes

Message 171

From: beregar
Date: 2002-01-13 14:33:34
In-Reply-To: 168

No alignment planes certainly! Plus I think there's enough work to have even one working plane right now :). If we need planes I'd rather suggest the void, the world of dead, material plane and the dream plane as all of them have appeared earlier in descs and conversation.

Beregar Dar'Eldath

Message 172

From: origon
Date: 2002-01-13 14:41:28
In-Reply-To: 168

Are theese different places to be physically or mental states?

Message 173

From: Rahl
Date: 2002-01-13 15:59:39
In-Reply-To: 168

I am starting to agree with the no alignment planes but like Beregar said The world of dead material and the dream plane. Next fo origon to me each plane would be physical these would be places would (if they exist) physical so mainly if a wizard is genrous enough and takes them to a plane they might need to interact with that enviroment. Finally for Gxest the plane overall would be mirrior copies in their own way but maby the dream plane needs to deforest the dream like forest while the dead don't and the material plane populace wants to reforest. These planes would exist as copies but not as copies at the same time. The porpuse of this is to give just overall more space to explor, deystory, find things. Eachh plane could have a hundered differet things about but none are the same. To sum it up this would beef up to me what seems the small world of majik.

Message 175

From: darshan
Date: 2002-01-13 17:18:12
In-Reply-To: 168

I think planes are a useless concept. There is already more than enough space in the one plane we have. A "Dream Plane" (or any other plane for that matter) would be a one-trick pony that adds practically nothing to the game, yet doubles the world designers' workload.

Message 177

From: Rahl
Date: 2002-01-13 18:30:18
In-Reply-To: 168

Darshan i think you overlooked the point the point of this is to add more space to the game realistically there evuntally be too many poeple in the game adding an almost exact copy of the world and adding it as a Plane would decrease the amount of people per square foot mabye not a lot. This is sort of like medival times from my perpspective did you ever think being surronded by a few thousand people might possibly take away some of the realism of the game.

Message 178

From: darshan
Date: 2002-01-13 18:47:41
In-Reply-To: 168

There will not be too many players in the world. Consider Batmud. It has been running for 12 years. It has at the very most 3000 semi-active players. There are never more than 300 players online at any given time.

Message 179

From: Rahl
Date: 2002-01-13 19:00:16
In-Reply-To: 168

Okay i can agree with that okay here is my next point after going throguh the "real" realm of Majik would'nt you want to places to explore and with the Planes idea it opens up an entirely new place for exotic and starnge monsters.

Message 180

From: darshan
Date: 2002-01-13 19:16:49
In-Reply-To: 168

The game has to end somewhere.
It will take a huge effort to explore the whole world. And if someone really does it, he should be damn proud of it.

Message 181

From: Rahl
Date: 2002-01-13 19:20:58
In-Reply-To: 168

I want to add that a game i found it is called Runescape simple online rpg crappy but even then at its lowest poeple hours it has around 1500 on their 4 severs.

Message 705

From: yorkaturr
Date: 2002-02-13 13:26:29
In-Reply-To: 168

Puuh, the last one is:

Ghost -> Haunt -> Phantom -> Spectre -> Wraith -> Banshee