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Forum idea for namhas

Message 163

From: gxest
Date: 2002-01-13 00:48:26

		you could make different areas for different posts.
		i suggest the following:
		1.General Majik
		2.Game mechanics
		(sub) General mechanics
		(sub) Magic system
		(sub) Combat system
		(sub) User Interface
		3.World design
		(sub) cities and countries
		(sub) flora
		(sub) animals and monsters
		(sub) races
		something else too maybe... but atleast those areas
		i think will be necessary if these boards are to be
		used actively.

Message 170

From: namhas
Date: 2002-01-13 12:49:06
In-Reply-To: 163

This sounds like you would like to replace Worldbook with these forums? :)

But well, perhaps it is necessary to do such groupings. At least something, but would be nice to get somehow the stuff "interconnected". Wouldn't like to click to many different forums to just know if there's anything new. Perhaps a type could be set for a thread/message so we could then lists the messages in a nice categorized way, if we would want it so. There may also be situations where one message could belong to to categories at the same time. USENET news alike "cross-posting" isn't nice.

Message 174

From: gxest
Date: 2002-01-13 17:09:19
In-Reply-To: 163

		but you have to agree, it's really inconvinient to
		try and look up stuff in the forums you want info on, 
		when there's just unorganized 500 threads in a lump.
		And i'm not suggesting replacing worldbook with forums,
		rather, forums is where you discuss the issues, and
		worldbook is where you put the discussed and decided
		things when they've been discussed enough in the forums.

Message 176

From: darshan
Date: 2002-01-13 17:19:38
In-Reply-To: 163

I think this is fine. The forum traffic is bursty and low anyway, and if we turned the single forum into 20 hierarchically ordered forums, nearly all of them would be dead 90% of the time.

Message 182

From: gxest
Date: 2002-01-13 19:24:18
In-Reply-To: 163

		it might be slow now, and slow even in the future, but
		i'm talking about in the long run: you're bound to have
		like 500-1000 threads over a couple of years of time,
		and then when you start to look for all the stuff about
		the magic system, how do you search the forums? you can't.
		and what's the harm in some areas being quieter then
		others? i think the forum areas would be pretty easy to
		do, and only organize design babble.

Message 183

From: darshan
Date: 2002-01-13 19:56:46
In-Reply-To: 163

Well, whatever. If someone wants to do it, be my guest. Just don't make the hierarchy too complicated.

Message 188

From: namhas
Date: 2002-01-14 11:09:29
In-Reply-To: 163

I could do a search button.

Message 189

From: gxest
Date: 2002-01-14 13:18:19
In-Reply-To: 163

		why are you against the areas!!! ;(
		areas > search button