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Message 1567

From: raeky
Date: 2002-05-23 19:33:42

Decide on some description for it. Apparently mine was utter crap for it to of been deleted.

Message 1569

From: raeky
Date: 2002-05-23 19:48:46
In-Reply-To: 1567

Here is the horable description that i put:

Majikium is the hardest known substance found in Majik. It gets its name from the precataclismic belief that it is the same substance that makes up the core of the planet.

It in fact is what makes up the core of the planet, and its presence on the surface is explained by a sister planet created by the Gods that was destroyed at some period of time. The remnants of the planet rained down like fire onto Majik and thus this “extraterrestrial” metal can be found on Majik. It’s fairly common to find it washed ashore on the beaches or in riverbeds. The pieces found do not show any sign of water weathering because nothing is known that can scratch or even bend this metal. The pieces found are not even round but sharp shards. The atmosphere forces in their reentry that usually destroys or causes other materials to be round in shape, didn’t even distort the Majikium.

There is no known method of forging it into a weapon or armor. The only known armaments to be made by it were done with VERY powerful magic long ago in the ancient world. The magic that was used isn’t known to have survived the cataclysm. It is believed by many sages to be impossible to forge and without direct intervention from the Gods it will remain impossible.

The ancient armor and weapons created with the Majikium are exceedingly rare, and only a few have ever been written about. No mortal alive has ever seen these weapons and armor.

The metal because of its sharp shard shape sometimes can be found in shapes that lend its self to a spear or arrow tip. These arrows and spears are very powerful and can pierce most known armor if enough force is behind them.

Other then spear and arrow tips there is not much other military uses for Majikium. It is commonly sold in shops as a novelty.

Message 1574

From: namhas
Date: 2002-05-24 10:50:05
In-Reply-To: 1569

The problem is that there isn't really planets, meteors or extraterrestial stuff. Please read the "World" text from WB to get an idea what kind of a "planet" Majik is.
Also, I haven't ever heard of a sister planed being created. The Gods should ask me for a permission before creating such a huge thing!

Message 1575

From: Nahl_Shadore
Date: 2002-05-25 01:43:49
In-Reply-To: 1574

idea time:

Majikium could be the supercompressed solid form of the "Node liquid"

thus it is found most often very deep, and is imbued with intense magical strength (majikium armour would be incredibly resistant to harmful magics, while at the same time welcome beneficial magics.....or we could even make it resistant to ALL magics)

Majikium should be light, and also very strong. thus where you'd need 1cm thick steel, you'd only need 1mm think Majikium (or something like that) but 1cm think Majikium weighs as much as 1mm thick steel, and maneuverability would be significanly increased

Forging Majikium:

the finest quality Majikium weapons and armours would be the thinnest and lightest, and with skill they could be forged as strong as thicker Majikium by less skilled persons
to get high quality Majikium items, however, a blacksmith would not be able to do it alone. shaping Majikium requires too much strength and precision. He would have to both be very skilled and work together with a very skilled spellcaster or group of spellcasters. The mage(s) would have to use all his/their energy to increase the smith's strength and mental powers (concentration/precision) (he couldn't decrease the strength of the Majikium because of its magic resistance)

why not just increase his own strength and forge it himself? only the most advanced magic-users would be able to do this, and they would have had to specialise their entire lives to Majikium-forging. it takes too much skill and concentration to enhance someone to the required level to forge the Majikium that no mortal would be able to do both parts himself.

on top of that, since Majikium is made by the crushing pressures and heats below the planet's surface, only the heat of the most powerful magical fire would make it malleable enough to form an item. thus, the mage(s) would also have to both create this fire and control it, having it only effect the Majikium. a single lapse in concentration and the smith, the shop, and everything else in about a 1km radius would be nice and toasty, so forging Majikium is not something to be taken lightly.

oh, and finding it and bringing it back would also be a chore. only the same magically enhanced strength would be strong enough to break off a piece to bring back and forge, unless you can find some lying around that someone (or something) has already broken off. of course if they left it there, they're probably planning on coming back for it, or else they died before they could take it. and if whatever killed someone with such strength is still there, well let's just say if you find a piece of Majikium, run!

it could also be used like the nodes, as a magical energy source, but would be more portable as it's more compact (supercompressed and all that). and in a jam you could sacrifice your weapons, armour, or Majikium amulet to cast one big-a$$ spell

phew....long post

Message 1581

From: darshan
Date: 2002-05-26 13:54:20
In-Reply-To: 1575

Majikium sounds cartoonish. Both the name... and the properties: it's a Perfect Substance. It's lightest, it's strongest, it's rarest, only the most advanced magic users...., only the most powerful magical fire...
I don't want things like that in the game, but that's just my own private opinion. Feel free to override it if you think it's great to have such substances in the game.

Message 1587

From: hook
Date: 2002-05-27 02:04:25
In-Reply-To: 1581

darshan made some good points here. it would be nice to have some minuses along with all the pluses...perhaps it could be poisonous to those who touch it or something. Also i have an idea for how to change it...instead of having it coming from a sister planet have it come from the flying rooms that crashed...perhaps some of its properties (like its low weight) could be explained by by what it was used for on the flying rooms...anti-gravity?? of course we wouldn't use that term in game...something like floating rock or what ever.
a better name also might be a good idea.

Message 1583

From: Rahl
Date: 2002-05-26 23:20:19
In-Reply-To: 1581

I agree with Darshan or at least Majikum should have some really big flaw that makes it vunerable. Or reduce the requirments to find/get/forge it and reduce the magical protection qualities.

Message 1584

From: sweatshop
Date: 2002-05-27 01:24:18
In-Reply-To: 1583

What if Majikum isn't in fact a metal, but simply a concentrated, solid form of the 'node material'. Although still uncommon, it would only require a basic mastery of magic to use, and could slowly lose its power after prolonged use (similar to the node itself, except that it does not refill itself over time). It could also be rechargable (although I would make recharge time slow) at a magical node.

Well, if anyone likes that idea, (unlikely, but i figure it might be worth a shot) maybe I could elaborate on it a little.

Message 1730

From: raeky
Date: 2002-07-26 01:16:27
In-Reply-To: 1584

I like that idea... It being very concentrated magic, spells can be cast on it to make it "involnerble" or light, or invisble even. The spells would draw energy from the item, and eventually it will become just like any other regular hunk of iron (in strenth and properties.) The only thing that makes it stronger or better would be magic spells cast on it useing its own internal magic energy. Since its solid node material, it would have a extreemely large amount of energy inside it.

This is also very bad in my opinion... if Majikum is so maigcal, one can cast a spell on it makeing it weightless or just weigh enough so it won't float off into the sky. Then carry large amounts of it with them sleves. The weight reduction spell (according to other posts) likely wouldn't use much energy over time. And this spell caster carrying 40 metric tons of Majikum that weights not more then a feather, could cast one big dammaging spell on some city useing the combined energy of all that Majikum, thus createing a spell so powerfull that it would destroy the entire city/region.

So we'd have to build limits into it, possibly the types of magic spells that could be cast from its energy.

Message 1590

From: guest
Date: 2002-05-27 10:59:24
In-Reply-To: 1587

The shattered 'walls' of The Flying Room perhaps?

Also IMHO the consept of Ultimate Material is lame. It should have some properties that make it, let's say, too difficult to use and to be handled normally.. Hmh. This sounds as lame as well.

Message 1731

From: raeky
Date: 2002-07-26 01:18:31
In-Reply-To: 1587

I agree... the Majikium should be powerful, rare, mystical, and hold great benifits for those who can use it. but it being that powerful it should have some dissadvantages.

Message 1751

From: yorkaturr
Date: 2002-07-26 14:23:31
In-Reply-To: 1587

A better name could be one that hints about Majikium's supposed divine origin, such as "Metal Of Gods", or "Heaven Metal" or "Divine Metal".

Message 1591

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-05-27 11:03:16
In-Reply-To: 1590

Blah, that was from me. Why this does these things.. I was logged but it didn't like me.

Namhas, does forums check for loging after some time?

Message 1594

From: namhas
Date: 2002-05-28 09:56:27
In-Reply-To: 1591

No, the forums do not check. Perhaps your browser decided to expire your cookies? :)