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Selecting the skills for game

Message 1424

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-04-09 23:13:51

Here we go again. Here's a list.

* Martial skills (examples)
* Blades
- Swords
- Axes
* Bows
* Poles

* Use Languge (write, read, listen, speak)

* Teaching

* Surviving
* Fishing
* Snaring (making traps)

* Cooking

* Climbing
* Swimming
* Riding
* Sailing

* Taming

* Alchemy (and all it's subskills)
* Magic (And subskills)
* Astronomy

* Smithing (Making blades and other with hammer&anvil)
* Metalwork (Other than blades, rings, helmets, wire..)

* Timberwork
* Carpenting
* Woodcutting

* Sowing
* Harvesting

* Mining (and Stonecutting)
* Masonry

* Fleecing
* Leatherwork

* Shearing
* Spinning
* Sewing

* Butchery

* Playing (an instrument)

This thread is bound up with the Gameplay issues. The question of the skills is question of the player actions. Players can do more than skills give, they can eg dig a hole in the ground - without skill. This thread is about skill then - do we need certain skill or not.

As you can see, there is quite many skills in the field of item creation and material processing. I do not know if we want all this, but the fact remains that if we have strong base of skills for item building, we have a working economy and possibility to guild systems. And therefore more possibilities for players gathering to groups. And all this eliminates the temptation to pure H'n'S(tm).

I say we should have most of these.

There was discussion in earlier thread, as you can remember. Now, I still stay to my opinion about eg taming and cooking skills. Most of the folk taking part to that small chat said that it could be good to have them. But I dropped some, not many, skills out of the list as well. I'm not sure about the sowing/harvesting skills, but tell me your opinion.

If you have something to say about forgetting skills, start a new thread. I'll leave it open. I just say that it is something we should add to game.

If there was something that I forgot from the previous thread around skills, I apologize. I just can't remember more and I have no intent to read it all through again.

This is a huge thing to discuss, so if you think that there will be too many posts around one skill, just make a new thread. Let's see if this works better now. Yes, one thing, I suggest that we leave the one line posts to #majik and write more exhaustive arguments here. (I can tell that it can be a bit hard;)