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Takomtor One on One

Message 1132

From: Takomtor
Date: 2002-03-15 08:57:29

First some crude stuff and if you are still interested, please keep on reading to know bit more about me.

First: Jarkko
Last: Aho
Born: 1975
Where: Lapua, Finland
Occupation: Student, MBA Economics, MSc Telecommunication
Status: Married vegetarian male
Objective in life: to be happy and ultimately live on the countryside (satellite link needed)
Objective in Majik: economy, item creation, player interaction, Astrology, Divine Points, Game finances.
Religion: well, who knows.
Games: Thief 2, Railroad Tycoon 2, Capitalism, Settlers III, Sim City, Half-Life, Curse of the monkey island.
Music: Mortiis, Sigur Ros, Orbital, Plaid, Radiohead, Leonard Cohen, Crystal Method, TKK
Books: Lord of the rings, fear of fifty,
Food: mushed potatoes with lingonberries, mushed potatoes with mustard (strange, I know)
Chains: Starbucks, Yoshinoya
Movies: Bladerunner, The passion of a darkly noon, Memento, Trainspotting, Requiem of a Dream, Deadman, Fear and loathing in las vegas, fight club
Series: Babylon 5, Star Trek TNG, X-files, Profit, Wall Street, Prisoner, Monthy Python.

end of classifying introduction.

Hello, dear Reader,

So, my name is Jarkko Johannes Aho - Aho being surname and Jarkko forename. Johannes comes from the bible (John the Baptist), my parents probably thought it would have a favorable effect on my life. So did it work? I don't know, but I walked the path of a normal RPG-player... (I guess this is the norm, oh my, maybe not)

I was born 7th of June 1975, this fact made me 12 years of age as I noticed an D&D-ad in a Spiderman magazine (do I have to mention that I collected marvel comics?) After quick but fierce battle with my mom, she agreed to order the game for me. Oh, how sorry I felt for my magazine as I cut off the coupon.

Well some other games started to appear to the shelves after successfully learning to play D&D, this was also time for Amiga and boy did I have fun (Although, I had an Atari:). Those were the days of hack and slash gaming (Dungeon Master, Oids, RISK, Balance of Power).

In junior high I met some cool people who also played RPG. They had player friends who already studied in high school. It was really nice to meet all these "old" persons and have them as friends. My perseption towards the life in general changed rapidly, some Finnish readers probably understand what I mean, if I tell that I was born in Lapua (small town in Western Finland), I felt very much NOT fitting into my surroundings (guess this is rather familiar feeling among youngsters) full of football (I don't really understand, why they call american football - football - heh) players and wrestlers etc. This, I believe, enforced my enthusiasm to withdraw myself to fantasy and gameworlds.

The bad behaviour of my new, older friends never affected me, I left the drinking and partying for the others and concentrated to the games. Too bad that school often interrupted my hobbies. I also tried to make my own games, but too soon ready products from established companies managed to lure me away from the work. Well, anyhow, I managed to be rather good student and never had any problems... atleast not with my studies.

My first girlfriend changed all that, I started to go out and noticed the finer things in life... Life turned out to be bit more difficult to understand etc. I noticed that I need to pay more attention to the outside world.

After the army and some hazzles in trade institute (huh, did I waste my time there) I entered University of Vaasa, known for its superb accounting faculty (I bet you didn't know this... :) I chose economics and regional studies - as I wanted to understand the world. This was not the first or the last in my long chain of not so wise choices.

Free life was very tempting and I drank a lot and made dubious friends. I got to know what different substances will do to my mind and enjoyed my life on a high cushion. Well, then my life was pretty much living it easy. Slight changes started to take place, when I met interesting Chinese woman. Got interested of something else outside clubbing and eating vitamins A and E under a cozy haze of herbal products. Hmmm, these were times when I got interested in yoga, bonsai, astrology, cooking. Life quality rose, but bad habits were hard to shake off.

Moving to Sweden and Denmark helped to get away from bad habits and tune in to different channels of entertainment. Things got better and better. I was once again very nice and kind after wasting so much time, I noticed that I need to do so much in order to grow up huh, what a task. This Chinese woman, I mentioned, moved to Taiwan, so I went along, dealing with alien affairs officers was tedious job, so we got married to ease our lifes... well, there was other reasons too, like love etc. :) Ok, nowadays still working with my thesis, learning Chinese (oh, man, it IS hard language to write) and occasionally teaching english. Thats my life, well, some of it.

Message 1151

From: raeky
Date: 2002-03-16 14:28:23
In-Reply-To: 1132

mushed potatoes with mustard

my god. ick. :P

Message 1162

From: Takomtor
Date: 2002-03-16 17:11:40
In-Reply-To: 1151

Try it, you'll like it. Better yet if mustard is used with fried, left-over, mushed potatoes.

I also like sushi with banana yogourt (damn, just cant remember the spelling)

Hmm, what else? They have some sort of iodined chicken eggs here is Asia, I like to eat them with pineapple.

So, next time when we'll meet, I can bring/make the food. You can count on me :)

Message 1179

From: raeky
Date: 2002-03-16 21:42:01
In-Reply-To: 1162

umm... mashed potatoes w/ mustard isn't nearly as bad as sushi with yogourt! uh... ok... I'll stick to american food :)