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Creating items

Message 1094

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-03-13 22:53:16

I took the task for item creation, and made a rough suggestion that has partly been accepted. Read and complain.

Message 1126

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-03-14 14:50:33
In-Reply-To: 1094

How about moving the skill discussion here?

Now there has been talk that creating food will be identical to creating items. So we have no cooking skill, because cooking needs no process operations, and the result depends only on receipt (BP).

And houses can be included to this create items system too. Houses are formed from blocks. There will be different BPs for different blocks, like hilosyph wall, or moon elven windows and then each block has its own quality, depending on the builders skill and knowledge. And therefore the style (elven-moonelven or human-hilosyph) can be boolean too. So it is possible to build a house of mix of architectures, but it can be hard, because you learn rarely other architerctural styles than your own people's.

The quality of certain house block (door, wall, roof) indicates the durability and strength of the block. Better door needs more to be broken. And it can affect the looks of the block somehow. (Say, having 3 different quality textures)

Message 1331

From: Archantes
Date: 2002-03-24 01:54:27
In-Reply-To: 1126

I have listed some items ;)

The item list is quite rapid made and muddled but maybe it gives the picture. Picture about the skale of this task.. :P

AS you can see there is two different kind of item BPs. SBP and MBP. Simple Bps are for the item itself, for example BP of a short dagger blade has no other information, but MBPs like short dagger include BPs for both short dagger blade and dagger handle.

Building blocks need expanding.. I know. (If we going to have them)

And don't worry if there is something that does not belong there.. I put there everything I could think of, although I'm not sure are they needed.

And if there is not something there should be, just post.

And another,

I listed some raw materials and some examples one can do from them.

The next stage is, how to organize all the 200+ items into an item tree. I already have some thoughts about it.