= Zhiat = = OVERVIEW = Zhiats are small omnivores which dig large tunnel networks underground. They live in packs and are common almost everywhere if something edible can be found. Zhiats can easily adapt to different environments and large variety of subspiecies can be found. Basically zhiats are c. 10 cm long (20 cm if tail is included) and dark brown. Face, paws and tail are black. Fur is usually quite short but zhiats living in low temperatures can have fleecelike fur. Diet includes plants, seeds, roots insects and dead animals. Front teeth are sharp and back teeth can be used even in grounding small bones. Most common subspecie is found from environments that get snowcover during winter. This subspecie is slighty smaller than zhiats usually (15 cm tail included) and its fur changes colour from usual dark browm (summer) to white (winter). Packs are also smaller because of scarcity of food during winter. = ORIGINS = Made by Rakel 2002 (edited last time 26.2.2002) = ORGANIZATION = ---- '''STATISTIC BLOCK''' || '''Organization:''' || Packs of 4-30 animals || || '''Activity cycle:''' || Night || || '''Diet:''' || Omnivore || || '''World View:''' || Pascifistic opportunist || || '''Avg. Lifespan:''' || Lifespan ~3 years, can give birth to 4-6 youngs and breeds first time at the age of 6 months. Can give birth to another brood in every 5 months. || || '''Frequency:''' || Common to very common || || '''Climate/Terrain:''' || All || || '''Altitude range:''' || All || || '''Latitude range:''' || All || || '''Rainfall range:''' || All || || '''Stats (Species value (comparison value)):''' || Str: (), Con: (), Agi: (), Dex: (), Qck: (), Int: (), Per: (), Mem: (), Wil: (), Emp: () ||