Wight Even when compared to ((Orcs)), wights are the greatest threat to civilization's precarious hold on the world. A wight is a person that has succumbed to yorkyght infection. The initial infection usually occurs when the victim is near death either from sickness, severe wounds or even if the victim has just died. The ((Yorkyght Fungi)) infects someone via spores produced by its mushrooms or by the wights themselves. The spores must enter the body for infection to occur, eating the mushroom, inhaling spores, spores that land on open wounds and wounds caused by wight's claws and teeth are the main paths to infection. After initial infection the person or corpse quickly "recovers" from their afflictions and in all ways appears and acts the way they did before the infection.The victim then slowly decends into the control of the fungis as it spreads throughout the body. On average the process takes a month. Durring this time the victim's complection will turn a ghastly bone white with vains becoming clearly visable beneath the skin, appearing as a deep purple. The behavior of the infected will also begin to change. If the victim diurnal, such as humans and elves, they will begin to change their sleeping cycle to a nocturnal one; feeling more and more tiered durring the day. Also victims will crave rotting meat or vegitation over other foods. Towards the end they will become violent. Often killing those close to them such as family, and neibors. Who in turn become wights themselves. After the month, and the victim has completely surcomed to the fungus and become a wight they will flee to the edges of civilizaion somtimes along roads or under the city in basements, sewers, and catacombs often bringing there newly infected or dead family and friends with them if they will follow. --hook