The wangnau, or ghost mole, is a large burrowing carnivorous lizard of the flatlands and moors of Nin-Calaris and Althainon. Pale bone white with reddish-black eyes, these creatures measuring up to ten feet long can be a very startling sight in the black of night. They live in communities of ten to twenty-five (or possibly more) in burrowed underground tunnels, which they only leave in search of food. It is believed that their preference for underground life stems from a highly temperature-sensitive metabolism (earth, being a good insulator, tones down seasonal temperature changes); but nothing positive is known about their day-to-day life, for they protect their tunnels with extreme ferocity. Nobody quite knows how extensive these tunnels are or how deep they go. Wangnaus hunt in packs of five to ten individuals. This makes them dangerous even for humans (/elves/brahjians/whatevers), even though solitary wangnaus, being relatively unaggressive, seldom pose a threat. || Environment || Temperate to hot open plains || || Commonness || Relatively uncommo || || Social habits || Communal tunneler || || Activity cycle || Exclusively nocturnal || || Diet || Omophage|| || Intelligence || Relatively good for a reptile || Author: Darshan