by Kaid edited by Hook === General === "...Umulin is a mysterious humanoid beast that lives within the northern mountains that bare its name. Few accounts of this monster exist for, it is belived, most who witness this monstrosity first hand rarely survive the encounter. It is unknown if the Umulin of Lamarhen is a unique creature, born of twisted experiments of dark Gods, or if it is an entire species..." --from "Guide To Lamarhen" by Ardal Jossaryan of Amarul === Appearance === Umulins are from 3 metres to 4.5 meters tall. Dense black and gray fur cover its body. The Umulins are exeptionaly strong, eye witness acounts describe Umulins as pulling up trees from their roots and using them as weapons. Umulins are semi bi-peddel; they can operate by standing on their hint legs, but use their bulky hands when walking and running (cf gorillas). Large cords of muscle around the arms and shoulders give the Umulins an appearance of being larger than they actually are. Claws and eerie blue eyes. === Society === Umulins live in solitary and each umulin controls its own territory of approximately (xxx) square kilometres. An Umulin protects it's territory ferociously and will attack anything that wander into it. Umulins seek social contact with other umulins only during mating season. At mating season umulins gather to the head waters of the Rith river which is the most western of the two rivers that run from the Umulin Mountains to the Lake of Memories. Mating season takes place once in approximately a hundred years. === Behaviour === Umulins are omnivorous, though their diet consists mostly of meat. Umulins hunt in the mountains, but during poor seasons umulins will descend from the mountains to feed on cattle and wild game in the valleys and plains. Though it is not unheard of for a desperate umulin to attack humanoids for food. The dense fur of the umulins force these creatures to stay in their caves sleeping during the hot day time and have their waking time at night when it is cooler. === History === Umulins have inhabited the Umulin mountains since the dawn of time, or at least as long as there has been humanoid inhabitants in the area. Ancient texts that describe the Umulin hint of a supernatural being named simply Kaid who's spirit protects these creatures from harm and speculate that perhaps he is their creator. '''FALSE''' myths conserning Umulins -Fire is the only thing Umulins fear. -Umulins have weak spot in their chest, this spot is diamond shape and has purple fur instead of gray. -An old man named Harald living deep down in the Umulin mines has fought an umulin. He knows how to kill one. (i suppose there aren't acctually any mines in Umulin mountains -kaid) -Umulins are actully very small rotent like creatures with special appetite for flowers and nuts.