=== 1. Appearance === The Sulkarii are thin tall humanoids of symmetrical almost perfect proportions. They have tan skin with brown randomly placed odd shaped spots. They are mostly hairless having only the amount found on humans minus that on top of the head. Their head case and face are unlike any other humanoid mortal. The most stiking feature is their single large grey eye. Their noses are more of a hump with gill like slits and they have lipless slits for mouths. The shape of their heads are more elongaded then other mortals and are destingt with a large uper skull that peaks at the crown. Their eyes are pure grey having no tint of color to them. The sulkarii wear few cloths consisting mostly of loin cloths that cover only their groin and wrapped legging that they bind around their upper legs and is made from black silklike material === 1. History === Demons of the goddess Dalia Forgotten long ago and developed into their own culture. === 1. Philosophies === === 2. Society === -only males have been observed -use sword like weapon called a Hedifla -Speach is a series of clicks and humming -Exibit odd on again off again agresive behavior. Small groups have been known to attack large groups of well armed humans in suicide attacks. While huge groups of Sulkarii, over 30 or more, have left lone travalers and small groups of humans alone. === 3. Region/enviornment === -live within the Dravus Crags along the Ghalimcar desert. Smoke can be seen coming from these rugid mountains. Anyone who ventures up into the crags has never returned. They are also prevelent in the vast network beneath the world called Undermajik. === Quick role playing tips === === Game Statistics === --hook