= The Ancients and the sages: History = The basic idea after ancients and sages is as follows: Ancients were created by the greater gods, some for fun, some for servants and some because they helped gods to oversee things in the world while it was developing. Then there became a time when the gods no longer had need for ancients so ancients pretty much continued doing what they were doing, overseeing the world in spirit form, eventually gathering enough influence to become a lesser god. Some ancients, now that they were free, decided to become "flesh". They assumed a form made of normal matter of the world while still remaining partly spiritual entities. Aeons passed and new gods, former ancients, started to grow hungry for power. They started to fight with each other, devouring essence of those they conquered and thus gained more influence over elder god's creation, the world. These became God level gods, such as Shinael. So now there were ancients (those in flesh), lesser gods (former ancients), gods (former lesser gods) and greater gods, who had always been above others. Fights between gods and lesser gods flared into full-scale war knon as the god wars. This was the time when many god level gods were blinded by their own power and thought they could topple the elder gods. The god wars lasted quite long, mostly because the elder gods really didn't have any interest in something that they saw as a petty squabble of their former servants. The God wars certainly wasn't a threat to them as no lesser level god could ever topple one who was not part of the creation itself, as was the case with these lesser beings who were former ancients. While god wars continued, the remaining ancients (those in flesh) remained in physical form protecting the world from madness of the gods. It was in the end of the god wars when mortal beings were created and god wars pretty much ended then, partially because some of the elder gods took pretty harsh actions against lesser level gods but mostly because new gods had managed to destroy and consume essence of all but the most powerful (or secretive) of their brethren. When mortals arrived to world (they were created by the new gods and some by the elder gods), the ancients took great interest in them educating and protecting these lesser beings. They appeared as members of the races, becoming their elders and sages of the race. This was before the cataclysm which was brought by the mortals who misused the knowledge and power taught them by the sages. Cataclysm was possible only because most lesser gods and gods became too dependant on mortal worshippers. They were greatly weakened when heresy spread like a wildfire and mortals opened gateways summoning elder creature's created by the elder gods and new gods alike. These beings brought death and destruction, fire and brimstone to the world, and new gods, weakened by lack of faith either hid or were destroyed by mortals and their servants. Ancients, those who lived among the mortals and brought the knowledge to them, were first to predict upcoming cataclysm. Some were destroyed by the mortals and their conjurations, some by gods and rest wisely hid in deep and hidden places, plotting revenge over those who had betrayed them, or perhaps hoping for a new beginning and new opportunity to teach mortals, this time for their own benefit. = The Ancients and the sages: Lore = Somewhere in the area and power class of demigods stand the Ancients. The Ancients are spirits, not necessarily members of any sentient race created (mostly) by the elder gods, who took a fleshly form before the war of the gods, which means they are very, very old as their name implies; some of them even older than some new gods and every one of them certainly older than any demigod or lesser god. In the course of the world history, the Ancients have seen as others have waged war, they have lived during the creation and later interacted with the sentient races. Their powers, however, don't match that of the gods but their knowledge is vast, and their mastery over the art of magic near perfect. In their fleshly forms, the Ancients can be ancient beasts like dragons, great eagles, celestial spirits, moon elves, or some other unique, obscure and long lost creatures. They might even be the last surviving members of their own species. They are in no way limited by their mortal bodies, and they can have multiple forms. The most powerful and the oldest of all Ancients are referred to as the Sages. Sages often serve greater powers. They might follow some god's agenda by leading mortals to goals set by the god, or they may serve no-one and seek to take over the world. They may even serve more than one god at same time, even if these gods have different philosophies and are rivals of each other, without the gods knowing of it. While the Sages often serve the gods they do not necessarily follow all the whims of the gods, other than namely, they do this fully knowing their value for the gods. = The Ancients and the sages: Role = In out-of-character terms, the Sages will be role-played by the designers and other people who would be out of tune should they be regular players. To understand the role of the Sages, it is first necessary to recognize the predominant situation of Majik's world. In short, it is very much unfinished. There is no great magic yet, there are only rumors and campfire tales. The Sages are the only group of people who possess any significant knowledge of magical lore. Whether they themselves want it or not, it is their responsibility to pass on their magical, and other, skills and knowledge to mortals. It is for them to choose how they will do it, but discreet ways of doing it are preferable. It has been conceived that the Sages will be specialized in certain magical styles and knowledge of their liking, otherwise there wouldn't be any point in having several sages, would there? It is important that we have capable people role-playing the Sages as their role will be extremely influental in the development of Majik's world. Because of this same reason, the Sages must establish a council to supervise each other and to agree with their styles of teaching, as it is important that the Sages are not out of tune with each other. Also, the gods must supervise their actions constantly. In practice this means in-game communication as well as logging all actions of sages and their possible alternative characters. Generally speaking, Sages must act solemnly and rationally in order to function as behavioral models for mortals and to ensure they enjoy the respect they deserve. For this, two immortal rules have been constructed: *Thou shalt not carelessly give thy knowledge away. *Thou shalt not speak lest thou art sure of thy words. ((Sages Book of Rules and Regulations)) Current List of Sages: *((Maelvor)) *((eleril)) *((Gxest)) *((Yendor)) *((Phunky)) *((Archantes)) *((Lariano)) (sweatshop's sage) *((NahlShadore)) *((raeky)) *((Sirdar)) Write a history for your sage character!