= Regions of Majik = The world map can be found here (((WorldMap))) == Arctic == * IslesOfMalYei * MalYargoth ** MalAidel ** MalIshua * MalGatayi * MalTikh * MalYirith (((Necrolytes))) * ((Myrrgor)) ** MountainsOfTheMalediction (((Trolls))) * ((Skalvind)) ** BarrenIsles ** ((Odemynn)) * ((Erythia)) == ((Minartan)) == * ((Sol'daran)) ** WesternIsles (((Vorack))) ** ThalAdim ** ThalEmen ** ((Zimr)) ** ValeOfSadness ** ThalDiran * ((Terennir)) * ((Meral)) ** TheCraterLake (((Glarroks))) * ((Gwaelmar)) (((Dwarves))) * ((Thalamon)) ** ((Delgrain)) *** GrayMoors ** ((Talaas)) *** TacitForest ** ((Parcithia)) ** ((Tarac)) ***WoodsOfTheTemptingLustre ** PrairieOfDhyrin ** GroaningForest * ((Dethzael)) ** ((Skyghaim)) ** SwampOfEnmity * ((Dardalon)) ** SwampOfPelnor ** TouchwoodMountains == Eastern Isles == *((Lanuin)) (DarkElves) *((Torell)) (((Tore'e))) *TheReefIsles *((Beheran)) *((Filas)) *((Hamil)) == Voran == *((Marmundi)) **((Zumal)) *((Tulmarun)) **BlackWaste **((Eldacait)) * ((Djasim)) (((Djasimites))) * NalorThaan (((Hilosyph)), ((Bronn)), ((FikBronn))) **((Thjarr)) (((Goblins))) *((Gean)) (((Dragons))) == Eldiron == * ((Ghalimcar)) ** DesertOfBrahjian (((Brahjians))) ** ((Zamurdi)) *((Thasia)) **PristineForest *((Lamarhen)) **LakeOfMemories (MoonElves) *((Gwelthor)) (((Gwelthorians))) *((Valiar)) **WoodsOfRepentance *((Areon)) (((Areons))) **FieldsOfTheDeceased *NinCalaris (((Chreith))) *((Tragothar)) **WasteOfBurningAsh **((Gorr)) **GrowlingMaw **((Cesspitdale)) *((Althainon)) (((Althainions))) **ForestOfAbborrence == Hidden Isles == * CrescentIsles * ((Osthel)) (OsthelianPixies) * ((Borak)) == Central Waters == * QuietSea * IslesOfVram (((Dachoi))) * ((Estrean)) (((Dachoi))) * ((Nemen)) **((Loribak)) **((Gugon)) * ((Vestian)) * ((Uzadri)) == Regions not listed in Beregar's region list == * BloodCoast *((Thome)) *((UnderMajik)) If you want to do one of these regions, click on the question mark after the name. If there is no question mark after the name, then there should be some text about the region. It doesn't mean that it is reserved and you can continue adding text there or just simply format it better or whatever you wish. After some of the regions there is a name of an race enclosed inside parenthesis, that only means that the region should be inhabited by the race specified, ie. a majority of people living in that region is of the race and in most cases it means that the region is also the homeland and starting location for the race.