Plant template deals with all sort of living matter that is not a creature. This includes, but is not limited to, flowers, fungi, moss, reeds, trees etc. It also includes herbal and nutritional uses and parts of a plant such as berries, use of berries for brewing, healing properties of a tree bark and the like. The plant template also deals with carnivorous plants, but not with plant monsters, such as living trees. It is easy to draw a line between a plant and a creature as eveything that has intelligence and daily activity cycle is a creature and the rest are plants. When creating a plant, remember that it is indeed a plant that you are creating, not some part of it. So for example when creating a blueberry plant, you are actually creating the blueberry plant, not the blueberry, which is a berry. With most plants this is not a problem but for example fungi and certain root crops may cause problems. You should be creative while designing a plant, but remember that not all plants have specific uses and that not all plants need to be unique. It is completelly acceptable to descripe plants from the real world. Though plant template includes material uses of a plant (ie oak is a good material for building), it does not include the material information (ie volume, material properties and such) which belong to the material template. If the plant has some specific (magical or metamagical) property, try to give a reason for the property and add it into origins part, an example might be a tree that was blessed by darshan and protects dreams of those who sleep next to it. Finally you should also add all static information required by the coders. So far these include at least Altitude, Latitude and Rainfall as Hook's animal and plant distribution formulas require them. Example plant: ((Narbeleth)) '''PLANT NAME:''' '''OVERVIEW:''' *Generic info/desc *Accurate description for modelling (size, colors) *Climate/Terrain where found (temperature, terrain) *Feeds/Fed by (animals that use as a food source or that uses as a food source) *Life cycle & Season info (reprod, lifespan) *Visual aids '''ORIGINS:''' *If something notable '''PROPERTIES:''' *Alchemical uses (ie crushed leaves for glowpowder, repels vermin) *Material uses (ie stalk for paper) *Medical uses (cures flu) *Nutritional uses (ie berries edible) *Other uses (ie poisonous, blessed by a god, repels undead) ---- '''STATISTIC BLOCK''' || '''Growth period:''' || Annual / Perennial / Bi-annual || || '''Reproduction age (Perennial only):''' || Second year of growth || || '''Pollination method:''' || Self || || '''Flowering season:''' || Fall || || '''Seed dispersal method:''' || Wind || || '''Rate of growth:''' || plant mass doubles in ideal conditions every year. || || '''Maximum size:''' || 5cm blades flower spike of 12cm || || '''Eaten by:''' || All plant eaters || || '''Eats:''' || N/A || || '''Properties:''' || None. || || '''Frequency:''' || Very common || || '''Climate/Terrain:''' || dry to damp soil, damp soil grows better, bright sun to shady. || || '''Altitude range:''' || Limits currently unknown || || '''Latitude range:''' || Limits currently unknown || || '''Rainfall range:''' || Limits currently unknown ||