Pegasai ''Appearance'' Pegasai are a legendary specie of winged-horses. They resembles otherwise a slender horse but they have two long feathered wings. Pegasai are about same size as normal (täysiveriset) horses. Color of the hide is always whi te or little bluish. (Sakakorkeus) is about 160cm and weight 95kg. This is because Body of Pegasai is magically enchanted so that it weights much mo re less than it should. Pegasai have long slender neck which ends in a nob le head. Chest is deep and wide and (harja) and tail are long. Pegasai are not only strong and durable fliers but they are also good runners. Wing is usually about 170 cm long and structure is quite same as in a bird wing: Wings are attached to wingbones which resemble human hand. Flyinacre age consist of numerous (limittaiset) arm- and forearm feathers, which are connected to wingbones, and of shoulderfeathers which are attached to hume rus. Wing is more convex above which allows forthcoming air stream raise flyer upwards and makes gliding easier. In actual fly it is important that when wing strikes downwards feathers bend to dense surface but when wing strikes up they turn so that air flows interlocked through them. Eventhough their wings may seem to be large enough, they are actually too small to carry their weight. However, it is said that flying ability of pe gasai is not solely based on wings but magic. Some mountain races use pega sai as a mount but this is rare because they do not tame easily and they tend to escape when they got a chance, besides they can't carry much weight while flying - only 70kg or so. ''History'' Pegasai are ancient creatures whose origins lie in the time of the first races. They are somewhat magical creatures and old writings claim that pe gasai were orginally born when the divine magic of air was mixed with the spells of an ancient race and their pet mounts. ''Philosophies'' Pegasai are very freedom loving creatures and they do not tame easily. Pe gasai usually try to avoid all other races except rare mountain races and elven races which may, in rare occassions, use them as a mounts. Pegasai tend to shun other creatures and usually they can't be seen. They don't go to narrow or otherwise closed places where they can't move freely or escape. If a pegasai (ahdistettu) in a such place it will try to break out through obstacles and even fight but when it gets change to escape, it will do so. Because they are creation of an ancient race and were also their pets, the re are some ancient spells and items which posses power to call a pegasai. If one posseses these spells pegasai might serve him/her as a mount. (Note Sages might have these spells since it is suggested that they are remnants of ancient races, however, not all of them should have these spells) ''Society'' Pegasai live in a mountain areas and other high places where they use moun tain plants as their foodsource. Pegasai are rare creatures but they usual ly live in a small packs of 5 to 10, searching safety and power from the group. Pegasai can mate with eachother when offspring will be pegasai. They can also mate with normal horse animals but offsprings will be normal animals though those offsprins tend to be (valioyksiloita). Even if pegasai mate with eachother there is only small chance that offspring will born and chance is even lower if they mate with other horse animals. Pegasai are not immortal but they have very long live span: from about 300 to 400 hundred years. Their immunitu to diseases and poisons and their ex ceptional regeneration ability usually grants them a long healthy life. ''Quick role-playing tips'' Pegasai are extremely difficult to find and even if found they usually es cape. They do not go to narrow or tigth places but if cornered they will fight but only as long as neccesary. Pegasai will respond to some ancient calling spells which sages and mortals may posses but they can't be usual ly tamed. Exceptions are few mountain races who live near pegasai and el ves. They can carry only 70kg extra weight. ''Game statistics''