Orc's make use of several materials for containers, traditionally they used stone (including crystals), clay and wood to create there equipment. With the modern advent of glass making technologies some Orc’s possibly might adapt to use it. The physical shape of Orcish containers is from a practical standpoint. They do not spend much time with any single object, and finish it only to the point that it is useable. Some of the more intellectually advanced Orc’s might ordain there work with calligraphic writings and runes according to there house’s tradition. Crystals are often used for long term storage of chemicals that are reactive enough to react with other bottle materials. But because crystals are very rare and expensive, they do not use many of them and only for the most expensive hard to make compounds. Crystals are also very strong so are not ideally suited for throwing at objects to release a compound when the bottle breaks on it, throwing potions. Crystal vials are made by hollowing out the center of a crystal and then fashioning a crystal stopper to insert into the hole. The method for hollowing the center of a crystal is using strong metal tools to drill a hole down the center then continue to scrape the insides to widen them. It is a long process and larger vials can take weeks to months to complete. This makes the prices of these vials fairly expensive in the orc culture and if any orcish container gets decorative marks it would be these. To combat that orc’s developed a very complex, for there culture, method of glazing clay bottles. The glazing technique is only known by a handful of very skilled alchemists and closely guarded. The glazed clay containers are able to store the most volatile of substances for up to a couple months before the substance can breach the vessel. Because of this they are ideally suited for throwing potions since they break on contact and release there contents. Containers are developed for every possible purpose, from big wooden jars to hold dry materials to large glazed clay pots to hold wet materials. Small crystal viles for holding extracted compounds, to fist size glazed jars for throwing potions. The alchemical practices of Orcs almost solely revolved around war applications, since the Orcish race is a warring brutal race. They deal with a lot of volatile compounds and have created some very interesting equipment to handle these compounds.