''From now on, this document describes only the things that are of key importance at the moment. ++Yorkaturr'' ---- = Area design - Nemen = *A sketch of the fauna system, who eats what and why, and comprehensive fauna descriptions *Flora, like above *Descriptions, maps and the whole enchelada of ruins intended for player inhabitation *Special places: places to find resources *Special places: possible settings of fantasy quest ---- = Technical design - Cities = *Determining the area of a city's influence: algorithm *What resources cities need to function properly *What type of work cities can provide, apart from collecting resources, and what this means in practice ---- = Technical design - Organized religion = *Listing the places of worship for each god *Listing the possible, initial positions of power for each god. Sages and the gods themselves can play priests for a while *Listing the Gods, and describing them in detail. This includes: **The actions that give each god Divine Points **What the gods are able to do with their divine points **The symbolism for each God **The relations between gods