= Creating items = All stuff is divided into three gategories: RawMaterials, ((supplies)) and ((items)). Here is some examples of production [http://koti.mbnet.fi/archan/Routes.txt routes] of supplies: Every blueprint is a mental instruction map that shows what you have to do while building an item. Instructions are in operations that need to be performed while making the item. Items are blocks. Also all smaller parts for item are blocks, and by making these blocks, by shaping them and by joining them together you build the item. Operations: *Add materials to Project(tm) (Bring supplies to construction scene) *Handle block (forge axeblade, sew a sail, build door) *Attach two blocks together (create one new block ie. attach axeblade to axehaft) *Decorate block (add decorative materials like diamonds or silver) The attach operation includes several sub operations depending on the materials. If attaching two differen materials, use the average value of both skills. || Material || Skill || Tool(s) || || || || Metal || Metalwork || Hammer, rivets || || Wood || Carpentry || Hammer, nails || || Stone || Masonry || ??? || || Jewel || * || * || || Glass || * || * || || Leather || Leatherwork || ??? || || Cloth || Sewing || Needle, sewing cotton || *) DEPENDS ONLY ON THE OTHER MATERIAL The handle operation includes several sub operations || Operation || Skill || Tool(s) || || || || Forge metal || Smithing || Hammer, anvil, forge || || Shape metal || Metalwork || Tongs, hammer || || Carve wood || Carpentry || Knife || || Cut wood || Carpentry || Saw || || Sharpen metal || Metalwork || Grindstone || || Sew || Sewing || Needle|| || Grind gemstones || Grinding || Grindstone || An example of item creation Example blueprint below: First you carry 50 units of wood. They can be removed from construction area without limits. However after the next operation, HANDLE, supplies are made to fit to project and therefore removing them will cause a loss of 30% if used into something else. First you cut and surface the wood to form the ships frame, then the mast. After this some metal parts for the mast (don't ask), shape them, add to mast and finally create sails and put whole thing together. When you add supplies or items to construction project and it is processed it is anchored to project to be a packet. After attach operation two packets become one. For example: add sail to mast and you have a mast with sail. (but not a sail with a mast) Blueprint: Sailboat Quality: (0-1000) 600 ADD(plank,50) ....................... // Material for ship frame HANDLE(plank,50,cut) ......... // Cut the plank to right lenght HANDLE(plank,50,carv) ....... // Wood to right form ATTACH(plank,50) ............... // Attach to themselves (form the ship) ADD(plank,10) ...................... // material for mast HANDLE(plank,10,cut) ........ // cut the wood for mast HANDLE(plank,10,carv) ....... // Wood to right form ATTACH(plank,10) .............. // Attach to themselves (form the mast) ADD(iron,5) .......................... // metal for mast HANDLE(iron,5,forge) ......... // make metal to be suitable parts ATTACH(iron,5,plank,10) ... // Attach metal parts to mast ADD(cloth,40) ....................... // material for sail HANDLE(cloth,40,sew) ....... // sew sails ADD(rope,8) ......................... // ropes ATTACH(rope,8,cloth,40) ...... // attach ropes to sail ATTACH(cloth,40,plank,10) .. // attach sail to mast ATTACH(plank,10,plank,50) . // attach mast to frame Assume that the worker here has a carpenting skill of 40 and a smithing skill of 50 and a sewing skill of 20. When HANDLING, the operation can be repeated SKILL/10 times. The quality of operation (QOO) depends on the amount of repeats. When exceeding the SKILL/10, the builders skill gives no significant improve to QOO (and therefore to item's quality). In OTHER OPERATIONS, the QOO depends only on the quality of the BP. (600 in this example, making QOO 60) SKILL here means the carpenting, stonecutting, sewing, smithing etc The final quality of item depends on average value of all QOOs. In the example above there was 6 HANDLE operations, 6 ATTACH operations. 4 out of 6 HANDLE operations was for plank and therefore 4 for carpenting skill, one for sewing skill and one for smithing skill. 6 ATTACH goes for BP value. (4*40 + 1*20 + 1*50 + 6*600/10) / 12 = 49,16 => making the final quality 49. So an item requiring more processing (HANDLE) instead of just ATTACH, needs more skill to make it to be good quality than item with few processing operations. So if there is only a few processing parts in construction you are able to do items of good quality without actual skill, all you need is good instructions. But most items have at least some processing operations. QUALITY OF TOOLS (QOT) and QUALITY OF MATERIALS (QOM) The above quality is not enough for making items. There's other factors than the skill. QOT and QOM vary between 0 and 100. (Actually depending of the maker of those) Tools and material affect the quality. In one operation only the average QOT affects the QOO! So if one has a poor hammer and poor anvil, it makes the quality drop to (40+50)/100 (=0,9) not (40+50)/100 * (40+50)/100 (=0,81). But reversed: You don't gain (50+90)/100 * (50+90)/100 (=1,96) when using two tools of excellent quality. Indicating the average value here with AQOT Performing operation that gives a bonus, so that tool quality 50 does not halve the quality. AQOT = (AQOT+((100-AQOT)*(AQOT)/100))/100 And same with materials. QOM = (QOM+((100-QOM)*(QOM)/100))/100 Expanding the formula with materials, tools and amount of supplies used: NOP = Number of operations S = Skill AOS = Amount of supplies (NOP* S* AQOT * QOM * AOS) + (NOP * S * AQOT * QOM * AOS) + ... (NOP(attach) * S * AQOT * AOS) One thing to remember: The ATTACH operations need no QOM and ATTACH operatio's AOS is equal to other operations summed, so BP affects the quality with 50% Final quality is calculated with weighed average. [Formula isn't here because of my laziness] But you can test the formula [http://koti.mbnet.fi/archan/ICC.htm here]. The program has been written to the blueprint shown above. I'll write an universal BP tester later. And as you can see, excellent wood provides ships of good quality, despite of poor other materials, if the builder knows what he is doing.