A very common clear crystal, that emits a faint glowing blue light at night. Hardly enough to see your way arround in the dark, but intresting none the less. The light is emited because of the unique chemical property of the crystal, it is able to store the energy of the sun and release it slowy in the form of the blue light. They are fairly common arround the peak of mt. durmien and are most easyly found at night when they glow a faint blue. They are usualy sold as a gem stone for jewelry. It has been rumored that these stones could be magically enchanted to enhance the amount of light they produce, thus providing a magical light for night travelers. One would have to do some research to find the spell necessary to do this. Physical Properties *A clear white crystal of usual lengths of 3-4 cm. The largest ever being found was 6 cm. *there density is 4.58 g/mL makeing them fairly light for a crystal. *the crystaline structure is like this: http://www.majik3d.org/~raeky/crystals/hollionite-crystal.html