'''by Joshua Corning hook@majik3d.org''' = Hilosyph - Human Desc = 1. '''Introduction''' :The Hilosyph are the unquestionable rulers of Nalor Thaan which they control with an iron fist. They have only one punishment for those who defy them: death. They are the surviving descendants of the once rulers Of the Hilosyph empire that in its peak controlled all of Voran, Djasim, and most of western Eldiron. One thousand years ago though that Empire was shattered by a fire storm brought down in the heart of the empire in Tulmarun by the god Harum. The land was burnt to ash the ground melted to black glass. The destruction of their precious capital spelt the end of the Hilosyph empire with only Nalor Thaan remaining. :In size the Hilosyph are giants among other peoples and males commonly mature to the height of 6'4. Their skin is very pale and they shave their body hair and leave but a braided tail of red hair atop their heads if at all. :The Hilosyph have been slave masters for more then two Millennia. Their miniacal precise breeding and tactics of control over their Bronn slaves has twisted them more from humanity then it has their slaves. Like all humans they see them selves as above other human races but take this perception to extremes. In the Hilosyph's hive mind mentality all other races are obstacles or servants to their needs and desires. They lack any empathy towards non-Hilosyph human or otherwise. Equally matched with their apathy of other humans, is their solidarity to one another. Among fellow Hilosyph they are very kind empathetic and charitable. As a whole Hilosyph society functions with little internal problems. Quarrels among individuals are dealt with through words and an occasional fist fight sword play with the intent to kill a fellow Hilosyph being nonexistent. Hilosyph cooperate in an almost ant like fashion and second only to the Gwalmur dwarves in unity. :Government among the Hilosyph is representative in nature. A congress of thirteen individual are elected every 21 years but officials often serve more then one term. From the congress a leader called the Ijlav is selected by general election who serves for seven year terms and again can serve for more then one term. Both men and women can vote so long as they are Hilosyph but women cannot hold office in the congress or as Ijlav. :A few Hilosyph are born immortal. The origins be it magical or biological of this oddity is unknown but began about 3000 years ago and their god Matorajidon is suspected of bestowing this gift upon them. At age 30 it is usually determined if an individual is immortal because the signs of age usually are apparent at this age. The occurrence of immortality among the population approximates one in ten. Many of the hilosyph are well over 100 years old. Immortal Hilosyph can die by any normal physical means they just do not age and have a strong immunity to disease. 2. '''Appearance''' :Hilosyph are very pale, almost translucent, in complexion. They have blue to green eyes and what little hair they do not shave is red. Physical builds among the Hilosyph is generally very tall and with limbs and torso thick with muscle. Average height among them is 6 foot 4 for males and 6 foot for females. They are well fed and have unnaturally straight teeth and skin without blemishes or scars using magic to perfect their looks. Both Male and female Hilosyphs shave off all their body and facial hair sometimes even their eyebrows. Many do have hair on their heads though but only on the top back portion which they grow long and braid into tails. 3. '''History''' :5000 years ago the Hilosyph were nomad hunter gatherers wandering Tulmarun in search of food and shelter from the unforgiving wilderness. A small tribe of them settled down around the flood plains of lake Tuljik located in the center of Tulmarun. The land was furtile and the predators few. :Over the next thousand years a peaceful civilization emerged. Other Hilosyph tribes joined their brethren and cities began to grow around the banks of the lake and along the great Maslaj river which flowed south east and emptied into the Pyrsmute Gulf. Other nearby races and cultures began to emerge as civilizations. Mountain people in the south called the Bronite mined the Paraj mountains, when that range connected with the Mantle mountains, traded metals and gems for food cloths and pottery with the Hilosyph. Late in this period The dark skinned people of Djasim began to trade as well and brought mathematics and the alphabet to the Hilosyph. Northern more primitive tribes brought exotic goods from Zumal and the jungles of Marmundi. :At this time the Hilosyph had little resemblance to modern Hilosyph both in culture and appearance. They worshiped many gods some imported from the surrounding cultures with Matorajidon their present day god being absent from their Polytheism. They also were an open culture with unwalled cities (cities is a loose term most of the Hilosyph and neihboring settlements rarely broke a population of five hundred.) and open trade policies. Slavery although practiced in some city states was for the use in paying back debts and not considered a life time or generational institution which it is today in Nalor Thaan. In looks the Hilosyph of yesterday were caucasian in complexion but not in the extreme white of now. Intermingling with the other races was uncommon but accepted, sexual preference at the time being the only border between the races having no custom or law preventing its practice. :After the end of this period roughly 4000 years ago began a thousand year golden age of enlightenment. Iron was soon discovered and surpassed bronze in its use to construct tools and weapons. Concrete first developed by the Djasimite civilization was improved by the Hilosyph who incorporated volcanic rock into its mix so that it would set quicker and underwater. The use of magic beyond that bestowed as gifts from gods became more pronounced. Mathematics philosophy and the use of paper for scribing where further developed. Two highly developed civilizations emerged from this time; the Djasimites located on the Djasim island and on the eastern coast of Tulmarun and the Hilosyph that centered along the shores of the Maslaj river and lake Tuljik in central Tulmarun. The later part of this time was marked with war. Several of the northern more primitive tribes located in Zumal and Marmundi began to raid some of the smaller cities of the Hilosyph and Djasim civilizations. The Hilosyph began to start settlement on the other side of the Paraj mountains into the goblin lands of Nalor Thaan which caused friction with the Bronite tribes that lived along the slopes and foothills of the Paraj mountains. Cities became walled and the different cultures began to collide in minor conflicts. 4. '''Culture''' :4.1 '''Law & order''' :4.2 '''Food, Trade, and Mining''' :4.3 '''Slavery & The Plantations''' :4.4 '''Immortality''' :4.5 '''Knowledge''' :4.6 '''Sentinel Knights''' :4.7 '''City Life''' :4.8 '''Orc relations''' :4.9 '''Goblin relations''' :4.10 '''Magic''' 5. '''Religion''' :Matorajidon 6. '''Language''' 7. '''Nalor Thaan''' :Nalor Thaan is a kingdom located on the southern end of the continent Voran. To the north of it are the black wastes of Tulmarun and to the south are the badlands of Thjarr. The western coast is lapped by the waves of the Ominous ocean. In these waters, just off the coast, are several islands that are considered by the inhabitence property of Nalor Thaan. To the east and south east are the waters of the Pyrsmute gulf and the sea of tailwind respectively. In the waters just south east of Nalor Thaan in the sea of the tailwind are four islands also considered part of Nalor Thaan. The Main land is divided by the high range of the Paraj Mountains which at their highest altitudes stay snow covered year round. In the center of Nalor Thaan just on the western side of the paraj mountains is Lake Khalildan which feeds the great Manicore river and the Anorj river flow to the Ominous ocean. :Most of the kingdom is covered in subtropical forests. The forest trees are old growth deciduous, are generally undisturbed by the human inhabitence and support a large array of wildlife. To the north and south along the Tulmarun and Thjarr borders are grassy plains. There are two seasons in Nalor Thaan wet and dry which are called the Tanadak (wet) and Amukta (dry) seasons. Late in the Amukta (dry) season many of the tree's leaves turn colors and are shed but in early Tanadak (wet season) they quickly flower, bud and regrow leaves. :Nalor Thaan was once a province of the great Hilosyph empire centered in Tulmarun before it was decimated by Harum one thousand years ago. The empire encompassed all of Voran and most of western Eldiron. Nalor Thaan is all that remains of that empire and is ruled by its surviving descendants the Hilosyph. The Hilosyph are humans some of whom do not age and they control all of Nalor Thaan through slavery and force. They however are not the only inhabitince of Nalor Thaan; The Bronn, who are slaves of the Hilosyph, make up the bulk of the population and the Fik'bronn who are allowed their freedom and live in the cities as traders and craftsmen. Thome the largest city and capital of Nalor Thaan is a sprawling metropolis and is one of the most populous cities in all of Majik. It is a treacherous city plagued with thieves and assassins where the Hilosyph let anarchy reign while they rule protected in their walled towers. It is located on the western shores of The Pyrsmute gulf. Traveling for foreigners on the roads and trails of Nalor Thaan is illegal and dangerous for they are patrolled by the Hilosyph Sentinel Knights and plagued with marauding Ugat goblins. 8. '''Role-Playing''' 9. '''Glossery''' '''Bronite''' - Mountain Race and civilization once centered in the central Paraj mountains severel centreries before these mountains were leveled by Harum. The race was conqured by the Hilosyph and enslaved. Most of the Bronn geneology originates from Bronite ancestory. '''Bronn''' - Race of human slaves contolled by Hilosyph and reside in Nalor Thaan '''Fik'bronn''' - Specificaly they are the free human race who live in and around the cities of Nalor Thaan and are not of Hilosyph ansestory. Fik'bronn is also a general term used by the Hilosyph to describe all humans and demi-humans not of Bronn or Hilosyph decent. '''Harum''' - God of war, son of Sinister and one of the 7 Greater gods. He destroyed Tulmarun most of Djasim, and half of Estrean with a storm of fire when the Hilosyph empire came close to wiping out the Orcs of Tragothar. '''Ijlav''' - Elected ruler of Nalor Thaan and the Hilosyph. Term lasts 7 years. '''Lake Tuljik''' - Lake once located in central Tulmarun before Harum destroyed it with a fire storm. Its shores were the heart lands of Hilosyph civilization. '''Maslaj river''' - River once located in Tulmarun that flowed from lake Tuljik into the northern part of the Pyrsmute Gulf. Was destroyed by Harum when he domolished Tulmarun with a fire storm. '''Thome''' - Huge city located in eatern Nalor Thaan that serves as the capital. -- [mailto:hook@majik3d.org hook]