=== Adraen === When the god Yorkaturr arose from his sleep, awakened by his father Sinister, he created servants for himself, leaders to what was to become his Unholy Church. A high council of beings to lead his countless minions. One of these beings was Adraen. From the very beginning, as Adraen saw the members of the Unholy Council rivaling for power amongst themselves and pathetically toadying to their master, he saw himself to be more dignified than that, and simply observed the situation silently and took advantage in the quarrels of the others. Because of his elegance in taking advantage of his associates, Yorkaturr was pleased with him and made him a type of a leader to his church, unofficially though, but the others were very much aware of this. Years passed, aeons passed as the church of Yorkaturr provided its servants pleasures twisted by pain, cruelty and sadism. Races were created, races were destroyed, humans and elves and other races were created. At some point during these times Adraen became burdened by his responsibilities, he grew tired of being the constant target of the whispered conspiracies of the other Council members, and being a hound of his master, running his errands. He felt it was time for something different, and he renounced any affiliation with Yorkaturr, abandoned the Council and withdrawed to a lone tower in a deep forest. If only it had been so easy... He knew he could never renounce his creator, an elder god whom he had served for longer than he could remember. But nevertheless Yorkaturr let him go. Perhaps he saw it fitting to his plans. Yes he let Adraen leave, but he certainly didn't set him free. The time he spent in the church of Yorkaturr, he had existed in various physical forms, mostly disfigured beasts of some kind. Now that he had left that time behind him, he felt he needed a new form. These were the times of the creation of the race of humans, so in a lack of a better choise, he chose the physical appearance of a human, an esthetically pleasing dark haired human male. This is the form which he became fond of, and has kept it ever since, though it has over time had slight alterations, to a more mature look, finally evolving to a confusing mixture of young and old. Adraen's hunger for independency and becoming a master himself, made him take apprentices for himself, mainly from the ranks of humans. He did not actively seek apprentices, and he only kept one of them at any time, he took those seeking wisdom of magic and the dark powers as his servants, and educated them in dark wisdoms of life as well as magic. The product of this was usually a wise and cunning sorcerer, seeking pleasure in defiling and controlling others. The art of magic that Adraen masters, is that of Sorcery. At the time of his service to Yorkaturr, he used Religious magic channeled from the powers of this ominous god to drive his causes, but now wanting nothing affiliated with Yorkaturr, he practises and teaches Sorcery. He does not distribute his knowledge of magic carelessly, far from it: his students have to pay a dear price for the wisdoms they gain, often by cruel means of satisfying their master. Once again, time passed, years went by as Adraen lived in solitude, having single apprentices after another, observing the human nature and gathering knowledge. Over the years most of his apprentices had been men, but there had been some women too. Adraen, even though an immortal being, was still created as a male, a fact, which he had almost forgotten during his countless years. A fact that became so wonderfully obvious on one fateful moonlit night, as She walked by his tower. Celeniel was her name, a slender pale skinned human girl, with raven black hair flowing gently on her back. So graceful was this young woman, that indeed Adraen fell in deep love with her, as unlikely as it was. Time with his apprentices had usually flown by like the wind, as the human life is so short, but this time it seemed like every day was a sweet eternity with her. He taught her everything she wanted to know, and it seemed like everything was perfect. But nothing ever is. These were the times of the coming destruction, a cataclysm. Celeniel and Adraen sensed it, but they couldn't foresee what was to happen next. Rumours had been circulating in the city where Celeniel lived, that she was a witch, and as the times were as they were, common people didn't take lightly to these accusations in this city. Human nature acted as it has always done, a lynch mob was formed and they sought to kill this witch. Celeniel ran as he could to seek refuge in Adraen's tower and his powers, but it just so happened that at this time Adraen was travelling around the world, trying to prevent the coming cataclysm, and Celeniel found an empty tower when she arrived there. The lynch mob followed her there, and tired of running, Celeniel decided to use her powers of sorcery to fight them. A bloody fight it was, some half of the mob were slain by her, but fate took it's course and she was impaled by the stakes of common farmers. Adraen, when he arrived back to his tower to fetch Celeniel to join him in a safe place for the cataclysm, found her stripped body staked in front of his tower. Adraen shouted, he screamed out at pain with a voice of a wraith. Coincidently, this was the exact moment the tragical events of the cataclysm started. Flame was poured from the skies, races were wiped out, the destruction was enormous. Adraen wielded his powers and with a single gesture, he wiped out the entire city which had been responsible for Celeniels brutal death. He did not take comfort in his revenge, because he knew that ultimately, the fate of Celeniel was the doings of Yorkaturr, demonstrating to him that he had not let him free, that Adraen was still his servant. As the destruction passed, Adraen got a grip on his emotions once more.He rebuilt the tower he had torn down in anger, and settled there in solitude. He mourned for her, but he was not going to let this tragedy affect him like Yorkaturr wanted it to. He continued his works, now bitter to the race of men, but still willing to continue taking apprentices, as he had formed a habit of it. Now frightful of what claims fate is yet to have on him, he lives in his tower, and attends the meetings of the other sages. In these meetings he merely observes, rather than actually joins in on the conversation, waiting for opportunities in the quarrels of the others, as he has done since the very beginning. --Gxest