Cement Golem Appearance Cement Golems are immense humanoid juggernauts that stand 10 to 12 feet tall. They are bulky in build with thick arms and legs and stubby four fingered hands. Their heads are large and plain having no nose, a thin mouth slit, inlaid white glowing eyes with no brows or lashes and only holes for ears. Their necks are short and thick. Their bodies are made of concrete and as such have rough rock like surfaces for skin. History Golems were first constructed by the ((Hilosyph)) about three thousand years ago. At first they were made as guardians by Hilosyph wizards to protect their towers from trespassers, but as the methods for constructing them became perfected the golems were also employed in city defenses against northern invaders raiding Hilosyph lands. For a short time they were employed as siege troops against the cities of the Djasimites. This tactic worked well against the Djasimites illusionary magic which had no effect on the golems. Normally golems are unsuited for offensive warfare because they constantly need instructions for an ever-changing battle situation. The most visible use the golems are employed at now is as general guardians placed within inhabited areas of Nalor Thane as well as in the sewers of ((Thome)) where they maintain the sewers, cleaning the water ways of rubbish and rogues. Philosophies Cement golems are magically constructed automatons and lack any place within the natural world. They have no conscience or intelligence of any kind and as such lack internal motivations. Actions and responses are all predetermined by instructions given to it by its controller. Cement golems can be instructed to do simple to complex tasks depending upon the power of the command structure employed by its controller. Control of a golem is done verbally with such commands as "Kill anyone who tries to enter the door to the room you are now in". Control of a golem is gained by a speaking a word or phrase specific to the golem. After control is gained the controller can change the word or phrase as he desires as well as give it immediate instructions or event driven instructions to be carried out later under certain conditions. Society/Ecology Cement golems have no social interactions to speak of. They just do what they are instructed to do. They are however magically made and powered because of this it is possible for a golem to act seemingly independently when a controller gives it non-specific or contradictory instructions. The most common responses to faulty instructions is to attack its controller. Other less common responses is for the golem to stomp off in a random direction destroying and killing anything in its path, or to sit down and remove parts of its own body until it destroys itself. In any case responses to faulty instructions are always immediate. There is a special group of cement golems that do display a type of independent motivation and these are the golems of Bajan Urt. They inhabit the ruins of Bajan Urt, on the northern boundary of Nalor Thaan, and roam the deserted streets like mad hulks extinguishing all life they come across in their random wandering. These golems were once the protectors and maintenance workers of the city, much like the golems of Thome that upkeep its sewers and wells. It is said that the souls of those who died in Bajan Urt were blocked from their eternal rest by ((Harum)). These lost souls sought refuge within the golems only to become trapped and go mad with torment inside the golems' unchanging concrete shells. -- hook