=== FELMUR === === Overview === :The Felmur are a race of tiny, winged humanoids and a source of a many fairy tale. These tiny creatures are closely related to Tilan race and this shows in their appearance: A Felmur has body like that of a tiny human with broad shoulders (for their size) and slim waists. The wings are relatively short and feathery. Wing feathers attach directly to arms and shoulder blade, folding and opening as the Felmur moves his or her hands. An average Felmur is about 30-40 cm tall and weighs only 8-12 kg with no significant differences in height and weight between sexes. :Many stories descripe Felmur elf-like with hairless bodies and narrow faces, even Felmur men, but in reality most Felmur remind more humans with strong angular faces and sharp, defined features. It is not rare for a Felmur man to have a beard or body hair, but it generally comes in shades of gold and rust-red as does hair of both sexes. Darker colors are rare. :When a Felmur sets on air, his or her body and wings generate an soft aura of multi-hued light that flows over his or her body and wings in multi-colored patterns. When moving on the ground, however, the Felmur's skin and wings adapt to surrounding colors and shapes in a few minutes allowing the Felmur to turn virtually invisible while he or she remains still. Felmur's glow especially bright in areas filled with magical energy. They can also sense strong magical sources within one mile and even determine if an item is enchanted by merely touching it. :Felmur's are omnivorous though most of their food concists of berries, herbs and baked food such as bread made of various wild growing grains, they do not cultivate land themselves, neither do they herd animals. They occassionally get meat by hunting dangerous predators which threaten their existence and are especially fond of fish which they catch with nets. Their favorite drink is sweet and strong Melmur which is brewed from various fruits and fungi. When consumed in small amounts and mixed with water or juice, it gives endurance and lightens moods, but when consumed in large amounts and undiluted it is highly intoxciating giving a feeling of pleasant feeling of numbness, and if too much is consumed, it may destroy mind completelly sending it into a beautiful, yet imaginary, dream world - The trick is to know how much to drink. The Felmur have preserved the art of Melmur brewing even through the cataclysm and jealously guard this secret. :The Felmur are not very aggressive or war-like people but defend themselves and their friends if need for such behavior arises. They have no interest in conquering others, neither do they respect any claims for borders and ownerships, unless the location is inhabitated by some other creature. Because of their rather unusual life style and seemingly carefree attitude, they seem quite harmless. The Carefree attitude often hides great interest to surrounding world, often sated through use of primal magic and divinations. The Felmur are opportunists, gathering information and offering it to others, for a price. The price is often in pretty objects, gems or in from of some service: they don't have much use for money. === Origins === :The Felmur first appeared only a few hundred years before cataclysm, making them one of the youngest races in the world. They were quickly, and falsely, connected to imaginary, small creatures of fairy-tales; while such creatures had undoubtly existed before and spun the stories, the Felmur obviously were not source of them. :Their creation leads back to the Tilan, the Ancient Maelvor and signs of approaching unrest which would cause the cataclysm. Though powerful in terms of magic, Maelvor is only one creature and could do ever so much to gather information. Approaching signs of cataclysm started to unnerve him and he needed scouts and information gatherers. As alteration and changing of shape was were his major skills, he secrectly affected to a few members of Tilan race, transforming their offspring to creature's he would call the Felmur. That these small creature's could give birth to an offspring, was only a bonus. :The Tilan understandably didn't like his work much at all and were horrified as they thought some demonic power had affected their children. They didn't cast the Felmur away, however, and soon Maelvor himself appeared in a form of Tilan skylord - a form that he had used before among the Tilan, and gave a hasty explanation how some god had interfered with their children, and that the children would have great future. He never told truth to Tilan, but closely oversaw growth of the new Felmur shaping their minds after his own purposes. :Later Maelvor brought these small creatures to live on the ground instead of cloud castles of Tilan, where they were drawn into areas of magical energy. He also taught primal magic and art of divination to these creature's so they could share information with each other and, more importantly, with him. Thus the Felmur helped Maelvor in two ways: They found places of power previously unknown to him and also gathered information about upcoming events that lead to the cataclysm. The Felmur were one of the few creature's that Maelvor really cared and it, along their great survival skills, saved them from total destruction in cataclysm. === Organization === :Mostly because of their ancestry and partially because Maelvor's influence, the Felmur are a race with close bonds to each other and their friends. They do not have direct hierarchy as all Felmur's are considered equal but they respect those with more demanding positions. The Felmur, however, believe in exchange: There is a price for everything though the price is not measured in gold or any arbitary value given to some object. :To understand Felmur requires one to understand their society. Felmur's are always individuals, there are no families. Felmur's living in a same group work need by basis: If the group lacks a hunter, one of them becomes hunter until new Felmur is born and taught the job. The Felmur are very versatile and each of them are taught multiple tasks from birth. The trading between individuals applies to their common life too though the price to be paid for goods and services is often marginal: A Felmur may share his or her food with other Felmur in exchange for gossib or some pretty stone. They are especially fond of pretty items, gems and information. :Professions in Felmur society are rarely stable as they can be as easily exchanged as any other property. Many Felmur's are part time hunters, part time fishers and part time information gatherers. This allows those with spare time and will, to help others. It also allows those with spare food or items to exchange them with others. Refusing to exchange something is not considered unpolite unless it is obvious that the other is in great need of some everyday commodition. As Felmur consume food very little, they have a lot spare time for other tasks and hobbies - the favorites being infromation exchange and exploration. :Felmur's hold no special grudge against any other race. They are as likely to offer their help for humans as they are to orcs. They are cautious creature's however and can hold long grudges against those who have treated them badly. This usually doesn't lead to any direct revenge but the Felmur may choose to aid enemies of those who have mistreated them. They are ready to sell their information with anyone thus they may help both sides of the conflict unless the other side is clever enough to negotiate for secrecy. :Felmur's know that gods exist but for them, they are like any other beings, just more powerful and thus contracts with them must be dealt with a greater caution. Every Felmur is taught a bit primal magic, it comes almost naturally to them though their knowledge in it has decreased since the cataclysm. A single Felmur, or even two or three Felmur's together can do very little with this knowledge but as a group they can use it for great effects. :They are especially fond of dancing and singing which is one reason why they use primal magic so keenly. They have often great feasts where they dance and chant protective wards, divinations and contact other Felmur. They also show their respect to their creator through these rituals as well as those forces who watch protectively over their race. :The Felmur usually grow attached to some place which they are likely to defend against harm. These places usually appeals to their sense of beauty, the area may have a beautiful forest glade, a pond with crystal clear watter or a enigmatic rock formations. Many of these areas also possess sources of magical energy, they are nodes. Felmur do not construct houses, they weave them through use of primal magic. A secret for this is only known to Felmur and creation of a house requires combined effort of at least dozen Felmur. :Felmur's get most materials from natural sources such as trees, plants and animals. They often have skilled bone smiths and wood crafters that create beautiful and durable goods. They are rather fond of bright colors and some wear loose, light clothing made of dyed silk. Many don't wear any clothing because it intereferes with their skin's chameleon ability, and sometimes with flying ability. Their primal weave is especially good for enhancing growth of plants, strength of natural structures and such. ---- === SUMMARY === '''Climate/Terrain:''' Any '''Frequency:''' Rare '''Organization:''' Communal '''Activity cycle:''' Any '''Diet:''' Omnivore '''Iintelligence:''' High '''World view:''' Peaceful opportunists ----