=== Introduction === The Felion evolved in an extremely isolated area and they were not aware that there were other races on the planet. So they have lived in isolation till fairly recently when they were discovered. This has led to a number of things including having no name for their race using only us when referring to themselves. They were named Felion because the captain of the vessel noted they were very feline but sadly he was a notoriously bad speller writing down Felion instead of Feline. So the name stuck. The Felion are very tall and limber ranging from 2 meters to 3.5 meters. They are very catlike in face and body fur but they walk upright and they have more control over their tails than the normal domestic cat being able to attach a type of blade to the end and use it as a weapon. Their bodies are limber like a swimmer s. With a good running and climbing ability. The major characteristic that set them apart from other races are their 15 centimeter exceedingly sharp retractable claws that come out of their knuckles. In addition they have unretractable claws on their hands and feet. The leader of the Felion is decided every 6 years in contests. They must be fast runners, strong fighters, good hunters, with a large amount of willpower, smart and good at tactics. Good looks are another important attribute to be a leader. All these things are determined in the contests. The leader lives in a large mansion on the only natural grassland on the island. === Felure === The land of Felure is the homeland of the Felion. This name is also the outsiders name because the Felion called it the world. So the explorers conned the name from the Felion language. Fe meaning cat and lure meaning land. So you ended up with Catland or Land of Cats. The Felion were not discovered until recently because they lived on a very large island surrounded by a string of mountains so they went around the island in a ring. Most of the people assumed that it was an extremely large ancient volcano with many small volcanoes in it. The fact that the smoke that the Felion made when cooking and heating helped to strengthen this theory. Even most of the Felion did not go outside this ring of mountains until they were discovered. All though some Felion did find a few hidden passes to get out relative few even wanted too because there was enough adventure and excitement to satisfy most. Nearly the exact center of the Island is a large grassland. This is the largest and only natural grassland on the island. At the very center of this grassland are The Purrsent s (Leader s) Mansion and the governmental building. Those are nearly the only buildings on it the only others are the wealthy Felion s houses on the very edges. Most of the time the grassland is used like a public park where people wanting to get out of the forest come to play and picnic. The other time it is used as the grounds for a carnival/fair type of thing 5 times a year. And every six years it is used for the contests for the new leader. Outside the grassland is a very large dense forest that makes up most of the island. The forest is cedar and redwood trees mostly bunched very close to each other. Most of the Felion live in the forest where they have cleared the trees. So there are many patches of grass where the Felion live. Some Felion live up in the trees and all Felion are excellent climbers being able to leap from tree to tree. There is also one Felion village inside a mountain. The staple diet of the Felion is largely torg and deer. The torg and deer are very plentiful primarily because the torg and deer have a secret breeding place that they think that there are only one or two Felion that know where it is. This breeding spot is supposed to be a large lush grassland where the deer and torg go to mate and raise their young. Also torg breed whenever they please so the spot is nearly always filled with torg mothers raising their children. The younger torg and deer almost never leave the area so catching or killing one is relatively rare. Torg are large and very similar to deer. They are just as tall but with a wider bulk than deer also torg do not have horns they have sharp curving outward tusks that the Felion used to make into weapons and tools. === History === The history of the Felion is largely unknown all though we do know that they are not in anyway related to the other cat race. The most accepted theory of how the island was formed is that it was a humongous underwater volcano. after erupting constantly it forced it s why up from the ocean. It continued to grow for millions of years. Some people believe that the Felion are not evolved from cat but from monkeys due to their excellent ability to climbing and their ability to use their tails. Others disagree saying they have to many characteristics of cats not to have evolved from them. All of the people agree that Felions most likely lived in trees when they first started settling down. The ancient Felion were hunter-gatherers that were not nomadic. The reason they didn t have to be nomadic is because their primary diet was deer and torg. These animals were all over the forest. Nearly never was there a problem of catching one. The primitive Felions began farming more as a change of diet then necessity growing more fruit trees then grain. They also grew a fruit tree that s fruits they made into bread. The primitive Felions left the natural large grassland alone and did not settle there because torg rarely went there. After more Felion began to grow their food rather than catch it more wars started between the tribes. There was relatively few wars before because it did not matter where you and your tribe stayed because the torg were equally plentiful everywhere, but when they started planting trees it became obvious that the places you planted mattered very much. So they began to fight over who got to live where. Fighting became very important to the Felion with their value still held in high regard. This is when most of the Felion s weapons developed. The weapon of choice was the bow. The Felion became very adept with the bow(Give Felion bonus for use of bow). The bow was good for their terrain because the Felion would climb trees and ambush their enemies. === Casts, Armor and Weaponry === The Felion divide themselves into casts, the mining cast, the governmental cast, the farming cast, and the warrior cast. All the casts have a large building that they use as a type of guild hall. When a Felion reaches puberty he is given a choice to what cast he wants to enter. Once he enters a cast a contract is written and this contract is binding. If he wants to change what cast he is in, he can only transfer to the governmental cast or be cast out of all casts, as a rogue, a Jilihiss. Although that is not as damning as it sounds he is only not allowed to be part of the casts. The Jilihiss have their own group and building. It is not a disgrace to become Jilihiss because Jilihiss only mean they are not satisfied with what is available. Jilihiss are usually the only people who leave the island besides the warrior cast and sometime the governmental cast. The mining cast concerns itself with the creation of weapons and tools. They also control the economy of the island and they will mint more currency when given the order to by the governmental cast. The mining cast members strive to become a master at a particular task. Some try and become master smelters and refiners, some with prospecting, other with shaping, some with mining the ore, and even other who try and discover new and better methods for prospecting, mining, and smelting. The governmental cast is a unique cast because you can join it if you want to leave your cast. The governmental cast concerns itself with politics, the high council, and the general well being of the island. Every House (Basically the Felions equivalent of extended family) has a patriarch who is always of the governmental cast. The governmental cast train and send tax collectors to the Felion villages and settlements. They all strive to join the high council or become the Purrsent of the island. They also concern themselves with settling disputes and punishing criminals. Also as ambassadors to other lands. The farming cast does not only farm, they are in charge of the well being of every Felion individual. The cast grows food, hunts torg and deer, trains their members to become doctors, and takes care of the old, the homeless, and orphans. The warrior cast is the most physically challenging cast of them all. This cast does not only contain warriors but also is the cast that trains and utilizes spies. All Felion are trained as warriors with them all taking turns to serve as reserves in case of military conflict. Three months of the year, every able Felion past puberty must train. So approximately a quarter of the population is always being trained in warfare every 3 months. So all Felion are kept in a state of physical well-being and they will be able to serve in the military if the time comes for war. At the very time of the warrior cast is the supreme warlord, if the council deems fit, they will declare him supreme leader in times of crisis. Underneath the supreme warlord are the 12 lesser warlords, these Felion concern themselves with foreign military affairs and training Generals in tactical matters. Under these lesser warlords are the generals, there are five different ranks of generals with the First Claw General being first and the Second Claw General, the Third Claw general, then Fourth Claw General, and last of all being the field general. Underneath the generals are their aids. Field Generals usually lead the attacks during battle while the other generals make tactical decisions. Pack Leaders are one of the most important part of the troops; every Pack Leader leads a squad of 20 Warriors. These pack leaders are usually the best fighters and they are given tactical training as well. The grunts of the Felion military structure are the warriors, the warriors separate themselves into three groups, the archers,(These Warriors specialize in the bow) The swordsmen,(These warriors use all manners of hand weapons, from axes to daggers) and the elite of the troops are the horsemen, horses are exceedingly valuable to the Felion because it was not until recently were horses brought to the island, so horsemen are trained extremely well and a good horsemen will give his life to save his horse The Felion never developed a use for the crossbow, even after they were discovered because they could get the same amount of power from firing one of their longbows; also the bows had a much higher rate of fire than crossbows. During the conflicts the Felion designed a blade called a sker g that attached to their tails. This blade is 15 to 35 centimeters long. And these days pictures are carved into the blade on one side and on the other they carve the symbol of their house. (Their extended family) The Felion use many metals to make their armor and weapons, because the mountains surrounding their island is full of common metals and precious metals just waiting to be mined, but miners other than Felion are not allowed to mine and are firmly refused from even entering the mountains. The Purrsent, Supreme Warlord, Council Members, and Lesser Warlords are given a special suit of armor made of a metal found only on Felure called puratinium. Puratinium is a metal that when it is mined is the color of a dull gray rock; it takes a skilled miner to identify it even when it is only found in one mine and no other. Before smelting it is amazingly pliable, it can almost be shaped with hands, but after it is smelted a secrete way and polished, it becomes amazingly strong and shines with what seems to be a purple light. Even the ore itself is highly prized because we do not know where else it is found besides Felure. The mine that it comes from is kept under constant guard and only the most skilled miners are allowed in. Puratinium is so rare that it takes years to collect enough ore to make a full suit of armor. === Government === The Purrsent is elected every six years in contests. After the Purrsent is elected he is almost a dictator, any proclamations he makes can only overruled by the Council. That is why Purrsents must have the good of the Felion before their own personnel gain. (This has led to some corrupt Purrsents but a lot less than you would believe) The Purrsent can be kicked out of control if the 7 out of 12 members of the Council desire it; also proclamations can be overruled if more than four Council members do not want it in place. Council members are elected for life and can only be removed if eleven of them wish it. The Council members are the voice of the people, when people choose their cast they choose which of the twelve council members they want to represent them. So if they want policy changes they ask their Council member to change it. === Felion === Felion are similar to cats in many ways. Their behavior and the fact that they are bipedal are one of the few things different. They are tall creatures with heights from 2 to 3.5 meters tall. They have very good agility and grace. They have fur colors ranging from white and orange, to black and brown. Some are spotted, some are stripped, some are solid color, some are not, some have long fur, some have short. Felion range from many colors and textures. The eyes of Felion are very catlike but with colors such as purple, black, green, blue, and red. Their muscles are more that of a swimmer than body builder. Their keen eyesight and ability to see in near extreme dark make them formidable opponents. The tails of Felion are not the same either; some are short and some long. They have claws on their fingers and toes, also claws that come out of their knuckles. The names that Felion use rely heavily on rolled RRRs? and the letters pur, Torfang, Rowerrster, Arropurn, Purrash === Houses === All Felion are born into houses. The houses are basically your extended family, there are twenty-five major ones but the top four are, Roaran Death Roar This house is largest one on the island and almost everyone is related to a Roaran. Stereotypically Roaran are considered entirely average. As numerous as there are Roaran is a saying of the Felion to mean absolutely average, or an uncountable number. But in reality Roaran are the predominate house in military, the Supreme Warlord, and all but two of the Lesser Warlords are Roaran. Roaran tend to concentrate on the military and have a well-deserved reputation of being too curious. Tepuring Slash Tongue Tepuring are the diplomats of the island, most Tepuring enter the Governmental Cast and rarely do they enter the Military Cast. Tepurings are known for being an aloof and proud house. More than half the Purrsents on the island have been Tepuring. A Felion saying, you are no Tepuring, is a saying meaning you are a bad liar. The Tepuring will kiss the feet of the Roaran first, it is like saying that it is impossible, because Tepuring are always competing with Roaran for power, and that the Tepuring are one of the most arrogant of the houses it is like saying, in a pigs eye. The Tepuring that enter the military usually become spies, and even the Roaran agree that Tepuring are the best spies, one of the Lesser Warlords is a Tepuring. Rireye Night Eye (Night vision) The Rireye are a relatively small house compared to the others, but they are one of the most important. The Rireye are known for being very fair, yet shrewd traders. The Rireye were the only Felion ever to live inside the mountains. (This village still exists today) There habitat gave them keener eyesight then other Felion because of living in the near darkness. They also became excellent traders because they could not grow much food in the caves they would have to trade for it, with their awesome metal works. They supplied most of the weapons during the conflicts. Nowadays Rireye concern themselves with economy of the island and mining and refining of metals. They seem to have an instinctive ability to be able to make a bargain and they are excellent miners and metalworkers. Curpuringa Majestic Lion The first Felion to unite the island was a Curpuringa named Curpuringa House of Curpuringa; he created his own house prior to taking over the island, naming his house after himself. He ruled the island with an iron fist and succeeded in unifying most of the houses with him. He was brilliant military leader and always made sure that not all the houses joined him because he knew that Felion like nothing better than to have a common enemy they can unify against. So Curpuringa chose a few large houses to be his enemies the heads of the unlucky houses thought they would be rewarded for serving him by allowing their houses to be scapegoats. The houses were slaughtered and the Heads of the houses found themselves fighting for their life, in the end those house were destroyed and Curpuringa had succeed in causing all the houses to work together, never again would they think about fighting between themselves. As Curpuringa was nearing his death, he knew of his ambitious son s dreams to become supreme ruler of the island. So he created the Purrsent and governmental system, after he died. The son was elected Purrsent even though the whole reason the system was created was to stop the son from gaining power. The son began to rule as his father did, with fear and tyranny. The council forced him out of his position and another Purrsent was elected. Most Curpuringa are majestic, longhaired Felion. Surprisingly most Curpuringa are Jilihiss, because they frequently aren t happy about how thing are run. They are the liberals of the island, always pushing for reforms, and new systems. Curpuringa are known for being very beautiful in the eyes of other Felion and they are the most sought after mates. You are born into your house, and the only way to leave it are, if you are female you may marry a male from another house, or if you are a Felion under puberty and an orphan you could be adopted into another house, also you could start your own house but for it to become official you must have ten other Felion willing to give up their house and join yours, also one of them must be of the governmental cast. I will allow players to come up with the twenty-five other major houses, if they are willing to give me some type of background information and a suitable name. After I have the twenty five, maybe there will be some way to allow them to selects their house during the character creation part. Another thing is that there are more than twenty-five houses, there are a bunch of smaller ones, and I am willing to let players make their own houses as long as the names are suitable.