A green rock that grows in a hexagonal cylinder shape, it is commonly found in quartz beds of the Beheran Mountains. It is very rare and thus highly prized, the Berheran people consider it a royal gemstone and cover there tribal leaders with them. They have been known to reach great sizes, but smaller ones 3-4cm long and 1cm wide are most common. Stories have been told of a fabled giant emerald sphere that was magically enchanted long ago by dark sorcerers aligned with the God ______. This orb is known as the Seer Orb, and it is said that it can show the user visions of the past of any subject they choose. This of course is just a legend and the existence of such an emerald isn't likely, possibly some book could be found in the Beheran region that would give more of this story. == USES == *gemstones can be cut and inserted into jewerly or decerations to armor/weapons. *Sold or used to trade. || WEIGHT: || D = 4.02 g/mL || || QUALITY: || Usualy only gemstone quality is of value. || || AVAILABILITY: || Slightly rare. || || PROPERTIES: || clear green crystal. ||