= DACHOI - humans =
	 1. Introduction
	 2. Appearance
	 3. History
	 4. Culture
	    4.1 Villages
	    4.2 The Waj-cloth
	    4.3 Poisons
	    4.4 Magic
	    4.5 Parties
	    4.6 Outsiders
	    4.7 Family
	    4.8 Tattoos
	    4.9 The Traveling
	 5. Religion
	 6. Language
	 7. Vram Archopelago and Estrean Jungle
	 8. Role-playing
1. '''Introduction''' The Dachoi are humans who have adapted to life in the jungle. They are considered to be savages by most civilized people, but they think themselves as the children of the Mother Earth. They are recognized among the civilized people as the source of waj-cloth, a very soft, thin material which is resistant to tears and comes in many colour variaties. They are also known for their ability to use poisons for defense. 2. '''Appearance''' First imagine Tarzan, now imagine an amazon beside him, colour them green, add some tattoos, wear them scantily in colourful silk-like clothes, add a blow pipe and one or two large machete like knives and voila, you see typical members of the Dachoi. Their hair is generally of darker green shade than their skin, and their eyes vary from light green to deep green in colour, but occasionally you see blondes, red heads, blue eyes, brown eyes, hell, any colour is possible, because they do get children from their parties with the outsiders as well. 3. '''History''' The Dachoi have lived in the Jungle as long as they can remember. They have lived in harmony with the jungle for ages. They grow their food up in the trees and generally try to avoid harming all living things. If someone threatens them, they do defend themselves. Their most well known defense is poison. Their usual method to deliver the poison into their enemies by use of blowpipes, but they also use poisoned bladed weapons. A few centuries ago, the Dachoi invented their most valued invention to date: the waj-cloth. The production method is secret known only to the waj-masters, whose houses are protected by hordes of spiders which are kept as pets. Coincidentally the spiders also provide the most deadly poison of the Dachoi. 4. '''Culture''' 4.1. '''Villages''' Dachoi villages are built high up in the trees. Their buildings do not harm the tree any more than necessary. The Dachoi also use magic to protect the trees and shape them into more suitable forms. The villages are built high to provide protection from the many fierce animals of the Jungle. The other reason is, that they want to have their homes close to their crops, which they grow at all levels of the jungle. Dachoi villages are usually surrounded by several kinds of thorn bushes in a protective barricade. The barricade is usually closed, but it can be quickly closed with plant magics. Some of the bushes have poisonous effects. 4.2. '''The Waj-cloth''' Waj-cloth is what makes the Dachoi known among outsiders. It is a cloth fabric which is very soft to touch, light weight and thin and very resistant to damage. It can even be used as an armour against slash and stab weapons, but does not protect at all against crushing attacks. This is the main reason why warriors don't rely waj-cloth as an armour. Also, the fabric is very expensive. It is manufactured in secret ways and only the waj-masters know how to make it. Waj-masters live in pairs of one woman and one man. When they take apprentices, they take one boy and one girl at the same time. Waj-masters are the strongest practitioners of Dachoi magic. Their homes are protected by hordes of spiders. 4.3. '''Poisons''' The Dachoi know and use several poisons. Their primary poison is product of waj-spiders, but they also know several plant poisons and few snake poisons as well. They only allow use of poisons against enemies of the Jungle and the Dachoi. Not all the poisons are deadly, but they also have paralyzing poisons, sleep poisons and hallusinogenic poisons. The last variety is sometimes used in the Parties of the Dachoi. (See below) 4.4. '''Magic''' The Dachoi are strong in two forms of magic. Men are traditionally learned in Plant magics and women are learned in Animal magics. Plant magics allow them to build their homes and communicate with the Jungle, the Mother of Dachoi. Animal magics allow them to communicate with the inhabitants of the Jungle and protect the Dachoi from more savage children of the Jungle. Neither magic is considered better or stronger among the Dachoi. Both are needed for survival in the wild Jungle. 4.5. '''Parties''' The Dachoi love to party. For even a smallest of reasons, they throw a party. These parties are lots of fun and include many kinds of fun things. Most include dancing, singing and playing music. Drinking herbal drinks (of which some have intoxicating or even hallusinogenic effects) is also considered good things to have in a party. Drunken stupor however is not consider a good thing and is done only in controlled situations. One must be alert in the Jungle to stay alive. 4.6. '''Outsiders''' Outsiders are not generally allowed into Dachoi villages, but the Dachoi do trade with them on selected locations at the rim of the Jungle. Sometimes they let the selected few into their villages, but they must have shown their trustworthiness somehow. Those who arrive without the consent of the Dachoi, die after a big party to please their souls. Those outsiders who are allowed into Dachoi villages are adopted to the village and are given a tattoo of their own. The tattoo usually has got only the X-part of the tattoo (see below, Family). These outsiders are from that day on considered true Dachoi. 4.7. '''Family''' The Dachoi have loose family structure. When a child reaches adulthood, he is given his first tattoo. The tattoo is in four parts. One part describes the mother's bloodline and the other describes the father's bloodline. Both bloodlines are described to the third generation. To mate with someone with even single part of the 14 part tattoo same as yours is considered a taboo. The tattoo is quite large and it is generally made to the person's belly.
	        Family tattoo:                  Family Tattoo Structure
	         X: Own ID
	         1: Mother
	         2: Father
	         3: Mother's mother                 7-3   4-9
	         4: Mother's father                  / \\ / \\
	         5: Father's mother                 8   1   10
	         6: Father's father                     |
	         7: 3's mother                       15-X-16
	         8: 3's father                          |
	         9: 4's mother                     14   2   12
	        10: 4's father                       \\ / \\ /
	        11: 5's mother                     13-6   5-11
	        12: 5's father
	        13: 6's mother
	        14: 6's father
	        15: Father's original home village
	        16: Mother's original home village              
4.8. '''Tattoos''' The Dachoi who perform respected deeds are often tattooed to honor their deed. They do not tattoo themselves for fun. One other kind of tattoos are Travel tattoos (see below) 4.9. '''The Traveling''' New adults have a quest called Travel before them. The new adult must take a journey within three months of acceptance as adults. He must visit at least three other villages before he is allowed to return home - some never do. Instead they stay to live in some other village. They cannot remain in any of the villages for longer period than three months before they have the tattoos of three or more villages in their skin. Travel tattoos are marked to the left arm. 4.10. '''Goblins''' Vram islands have one other intelligent species: the goblins. The Dachoi and the goblins have one big thing in common and that may have been a big help in establishing friendly relationship with each other. This factor is their skin colour: green. Goblins and the Dachoi do not actually live side by side day to day, but when they meet in the jungle, the meeting usually does not end in viole nce. Instead they trade gifts. In terms of money, the Dachoi usually loses in the gift exchange, but in general the Dachoi don't care. They don't have much need for material things and peace with the Goblins is good. There is enough food for both species. Sometimes the smarter Goblins are even invited to Dachoi parties. 5. '''Religion''' The Dachoi primarily worship two deities. The god of nature and the god of joy and parties. They throw a lot of parties in their honor. (Names of those? Shinarael is one?) 6. '''Language''' The Dachoi speak. Their language sounds melodic and uses a lot of vowels. 7. '''Vram Archopelago and Estrean Jungle''' Describe? 8. '''Role-playing''' Best opportunity to play a Dachoi is to play a young adult who is Traveling. Of course, some Dachoi may like Traveling so much, that they never end it. Dachois are generally peace and fun loving people and only the rare few ever venture outside the Vram archipelago and Estreem island. Those who do still try to enjoy their lives to the fullest but rarely find the peace which is found from Home. When Dachoi is forced into battle, he usually fights from far away. He sneaks in the jungle and uses his blow pipe to send poisoned arrows into the enemy. First arrows are usually sleep arrows. If the Dachoi manage to put all the attackers into sleep, they carry them to the rim of the jungle and leave them there. If it fails or the enemy comes again, the Dachoi use deadly poisons. If Dachoi is forced into melee combat, they attack quickly with their machete like knives, hit into unarmored parts and disappear into jungle and leave the poison to do it's work. Their melee combat skills are very martial arts like (Weapon kata)