= General information about creature designing: = When you are designing a new creature, try to think its general purpose and position in the world: Is your creature going to be an animal or a mythical beast? Will the creature be intelligent or possess only animal intelligence? Remember that even if the creature is only animal, it still has some sort of organization. Even an animal that lives alone still prefers certain habitats, procreates and likes or dislikes certain other creatures; all this belongs to Organization section. It is completelly acceptable to descripe animals from real life. It is also acceptable to design creatures from legends and fantasy as the ae are already dragons, unicorns, undead and the like. Remember, when you create an existing fantasy or mythical race or a creature, let your imagination soar. You don't need to follow any specific legend or anything, but neither should you make stupid alterations simply because you feel you have to make the race or the creature somehow "unique": no stupid additions like a medusa with three hands but otherwise identical to the myth. Designing a unique creature instead of a creature race (specie) is entirely different, obviously such creature does not have any organization and you probably shouldn't use this template for such purpose. If there is even one creature more of the type, however, the template becomes valid. = About intelligence race creation: = This template is NOT suitable for creating pre-cataclysm (intelligent) races as they need a lot details and history. Most post cataclysm races are in a barbaric state and don't know a thing about their ancestry. Even if they have towns, those towns are without any history unless it is somehow tied to their past. There are a few pre-cataclysmic races that survived and still remember something from their past but even their cities are usually in ruins. For example the ((Felmur)) are an intelligent race, but being a young race their pre-cataclysm background is so short defining them as a post-cataclysm race, and thus suitable for the template. It is actually quite easy to make a difference between a pre- and post-cataclysm race: If the race had before cataclysm cities and/or large regions under its influence, it is a pre-cataclysm race. If the race has no significant history and only a few (or no) cities before cataclysm, it is a post cataclysm race. Even a post cataclysm race can have towns as they are added gradually in the game. One important thing: instead of adding the region and town information to this template, you should choose some region, descripe it, add a few cities in there and then mention in the REGION description that creatures like this live in there. Why? Because post-cataclysm races shouldn't have any pre-cataclysmic cultural identity. For example Brahjians do not know that they are Brahjians, until they find some references from history or some sage tells them so. There can be some olive skinned people with Brahjian hereditary in the starting location but they certainly wouldn't possess any skills or knowledge that a pre-cataclysmic Brahjian had. There might be exceptions though. Since there will be only one race in the beginning of the game, remember to plan your race a bit in advantage: for example the ((Felmur)) are currently NPC race but will later be a PC race. Though they suffered in cataclysm too and lost a lot knowledge, they can still use primal magic though not as well as before. No player will be able to play the race, however, until someone has finished the "Felmur quest". Remember that this template is not a material (or natural resource) template and as such, you shouldn't be too detailed with material uses of the animal's skin for example. I encourage people mentioning the material use (if any) and adding a link to it. Finally, you should include all statistic information required by the coders so they get things working. For example Hook's animal and plant distribution model requires Altitude, Latitude and Rainfall ranges. = CREATURE NAME = (see ((Felmur)) example) = OVERVIEW = *Description *Abilities *Appetite *Habits *Uses to others (mention PRE-cataclysmic uses or just generic use: animal was hunted by blaablaa for fur/animal's fur is thick and can be easily fashioned to clothes) = ORIGINS = *When and where first appearance *Who or what created and why = ORGANIZATION = *Generic information *Habitat *Likes/dislikes/needs *Organization form *Mating, reproduction, and offspring rearing patterns *Religion, etc ---- '''STATISTIC BLOCK''' ||'''Organization:'''||Communal/Flock/Herd/Tribal etc|| ||'''Activity cycle:'''||Day/Night (also seasonal)|| ||'''Diet:'''||Carnivore/Herbivore/Omnivore|| ||'''World View:'''||Aggressive predator/Pacifistic opportunist etc|| ||'''Avg. Lifespan:'''||Self explanatory|| ||'''Frequency:'''||Common/Semi-Common/Rare/Very Rare/Unique (Will be later replaced with numerical value)|| ||'''Climate/Terrain:'''||Self explanatory|| ||'''Altitude range:'''||Limits currently unknown|| ||'''Latitude range:'''||Limits currently unknown|| ||'''Rainfall range:'''||Limits currently unknown|| ||'''Stats (Species value (comparison value)):'''||Str: (), Con: (), Agi: (), Dex: (), Qck: (), Int: (), Per: (), Mem: (), Wil: (), Emp: ()||