Blueseal is an extract from the bark of the young ((Ewlpo Tree)) that grows on the fields of ((Althainon)). The extract can be ingested by drinking it, often added to hot water or Ewlpo fruit juice, which bestows the drinker with invigorating energy allowing longer hours of labor, travel or forgoing sleep. It is a favorite among the ((Althainions)) who use the extract during the growing season for putting in long hours of labor and holding night watch against orc attacks. The extract is prepared by scraping off the bark of young ewlpo saplings. It is important to get the bark at a certain age when the bark of the sapling is its brightest blue before it matures and turns a dark black. The bark is then added to one part water and one part olive oil (although animal lard or any other fatty substances works) then slowly cook the mixture over a days period stirring it often. After cooking its is left to cool for another day until it fully separates. This is often done in large sealed vases that are kept submerged in the waters of a cool river or lake. After the cooling the mixture will separate into three layers water on the bottom oil on top and a thin blue film in the middle. the blue layer is separated. Sometimes being re-cooked cooled and seperated if large quantities are combined in order to make a more consecrated extract. The extract is then let out to dry over a weeks period until it turns into a powder which is the final product. The substance once prepared can be stored for extended periods of time so long as it is kept dry. --hook