'''OVERVIEW''': A herbal plant that grows in grassy meadow lands usually near water. It's a twining annual vine that can grow upwards of 30m in a single season. It has many magical and medical uses, and is usually cultivated by sages and magicians and can be bought at about any shop. Its wide spread and found in most of the majik world. This vine grows a thick tuberous root that has deep red inner flesh. These tubers are dried and then ground into a a fine red powder which is used for magical potions and other uses. '''SUMMARY''': ---- || '''Annual / Perennial / Bi-annual''': || Annual || || '''Reproduction age (Perennial only)''': || N/A || || '''Pollination method''': || Insect || || '''Flowering season''': || Mid-summer || || '''Seed dispersal method''': || Forcefull ejection from dried seed pods || || '''Rate of growth''': || 30m in a single growing season, before mid-summer. || || '''Maximum size''': || 50m or more in ideal conditions. || || '''Eaten by''': || Nothing is known that eats it. || || '''Eats?''': || N/A || || '''Medical/Magical uses''': || Many, all undescribed. || || '''Unique Properties''': || None. || || '''Climate/Terrain''': || Shady plant grows in forests where it twines up trees and shrubs. || || '''Frequency''': || Common || ---- http://www.majik3d.org/~raeky/images/bloodroot-leaf.jpg sketch of leaf http://www.majik3d.org/~raeky/images/bloodroot-seed-pod.jpg sketch of a bloodroot sead pod. http://www.majik3d.org/~raeky/images/bloodroot-vine.jpg sketch of part of the vine.