Beecog The Beecog are mammoth sized basking fish found in the waters of the Quite Sea and the Sea of Tears. They grow to adulthood between the length of 20 to 50 meters long and have a mass between 100 and 300 tons. They are solitary in nature but once a year, during the winter months, migrate in large schools to the warm waters of The Sea of the Tailwind to breed. Their appearance resembles that of monstrous elongated rays but have oil filled, massive, bone encased, humps on their backs near the lower portion of their heads. They lack any eyes nostrils or other obvious sensing organs having only two sets of gills along their undersides and imence siphoning mouths to collect small shrimp and plankton. Beecog are prized by fishermen because of the unique qualities their bones, which can be "forged" into weapons and tools of rare strength and flexibility, and the large amount of oil contained in their brain-less skulls. -- hook