Alchemy is the study and practical use of bound energy within the earth and its inhabitants. When the Gods long ago created the earth, they accidentally (or purposefully?) tied great energy into the elements of the earth, that with proper training and methods one can harness and concentrate it. This energy is the soul basis for alchemy. Alchemy is classified as a pseudo-science and not a form of magic. There goals are similar but an alchemist doesn’t cast spells or create objects that can cast a spell. They create objects that have physical effects on whatever they are used, example: potions, explosives, everlasting fire (more specifically everlasting fuel for the fire), etc. Alchemy wasn't developed in one location or by one group/sect of people. Almost all intellectually advanced races developed some form of alchemy. Because of this there is no one set rules or formulas or even equipment one uses to do alchemy. If one is an Orc and lives in the Orc controlled regions, they likely would of learned Orc alchemy first, and then maybe as they grew older and traveled the world they would train under other alchemists and learn there techniques as well. A war race like Orcs alchemy would likely focus on formulas that cause harm, example explosives, poisons, etc. But a peaceful race would likely focus on healing, extending life, etc. An alchemist in theory could learn all the alchemist knowledge of all the world, But my intent is to make the alchemy system very in-depth and complex, and have a very wide array of formulas, ingredients, and equipment, that a player will be forced to specialize in one area of alchemy, example war applications, or healing applications. Lists: *AlchemicalWritings - storys and other writings to be found by players. *AlchemicalHistory - history of alchemy and its early founders, used for writings. *AlchemicalReagents - lists of reagents and there source raw materials *AlchemicalProcesses - the skills/proccesses one needs to know to do alchemy *AlchemicalApparati - the equipment one needs to make/buy/aquire to do alchemy *AlchemicalFormulae - the formulas *AlchemicalGameMechanics - mathamatical formulas, gui, everything programing related goes here.