These are a rough outline of the processes (skills) one needs to know to do nearly all achemical reactions. Some of these are more complex then others and need more practice to master, click on each one to find more detailed info and how one learns it, how much is required to master it, what uses it has, and what results can happen if you don't learn it very well. #((Circulation)) – Closed system distillation, The liquid or substance is heated to the specified temperature at which point the desired chemical evaporates and is then condensed into a liquid in a separate flask. #((Combustion)) – The burning of a substance in open air. #((Crystallization)) – The formation of crystals out of a solution of the substance usually in water, either by their gradual formation from the liquid, or by evaporation of the liquid. #((Digestion)) – The slow modification of a substance by means of a gentle heat. This is different from #((Cineration in that it doesn’t apply great amounts of heat and the substance isn’t necessarily turned into ashes. Digestion takes usually a long time, upwards of a whole day in some cases, maybe longer. #((Fermentation)) – The rotting of a substance, usually of an organic nature, often accompanied by the release of gas bubbles. #((Filtration)) – The process or removing the grosser parts of a substance by passing through a strainer, filter or cloth. #((Grinding)) – The reduction of substances to a powder, usually through the use of a mortar and pestle. #((Sublimation)) – This occurs when a solid is heated and gives off a vapor which condenses on the cool upper parts of the vessel as a solid, not going through a liquid phase.