
1. Description

Althainon is a region located on the southern portion of Majik's second largest continent Eldiron. Life in Althainon is dictated by the extreme seasonal changes brought on by its vicinity to the volcanos of Tragothar. In the summer and spring months (The Sedise season) it is a lush green paradise with grassy plains flower covered hills and lush forests. In the winter and fall (the Antrok season.) all vegetation dies, or becomes dormant and the land turns into a desolate waste of ash ruled by marauding orcs. Western Althainon borders the smoldering wastes of Tragothar. To the north it borders Areon and the Lamarhen lakes. Several islands in the lakes are considered part of Althainon. To the west is the region of Nin'calaris. The south is bordered by the Sea of flames. In the south of Althainon is forest land with a small group of short mountains, the east is mostly ash year around. The central area are plains rolling hills and a nicely sized river that dumps into the azure lakes. Also in the central plain are the Floating Islands, 30 or so large gravity defying land masses that levitate 200 meters from the ground, circling the central plains region of Althainon in a clock like yearly migration. In the north near the coast are forests and marsh lowlands. The primary inhabitants of Althainon are the Althainion people who toil in the plains during the pleasant Sedise season (spring and summer) then flee east during the ash driven storms of Antrok (winter and fall).

2. Climate

Althainon's climate is controlled by the volcanic activity of Tragothar. Luckily for the inhabitants it is somewhat predictable (This can be be done in two ways. Either the winds blow west taking the ash away during the summer and spring or the eruptions of the volcanoes only occur during certain months.). The cycle is as follows during Antrok (Winter and Fall) the land is dead and the sky dark with ash from Tragothar with rare cloud breaks. Surprisingly the temperature is actually hotter during these months by about 5 degrees caused by the hot, ash heavy, air coming from Tragothar. Drastic differences in temperature between Tragothar and the Lamarhen lakes create massive storms during these months. Tornados, torrential black rain and hurricane strength winds are common.

Because of a shift in the winds that blow away the ash storms the summer and spring months are mild and sunny. During these months the average temperature stays at a pleasant 72 degrees Fahrenheit (yeah, i know this needs to be converted to Celsius) and a cool sweet smelling breeze comes from The Lamarhen lakes and blows west towards the hellscape of Tragothar. These conditions are by no means completely constant the lengths of the two seasons are variable some years the black clouds come late or not at all and in still others the westerly winds do not blow and take the black storms away keeping Althainon black all year long. in approximately One in 6 seasons the climate seems to do one of the above.

3. Flora

Athainon's plant life is constricted by a six month growth period. What it lacks in time it makes up for in quantity. The soil of Athainon is rich with volcanic ash and a high water table. Whole fruit barring Pipple trees grow 4 meters tall in these short months. In fact the local inhabitants have forged a agricultural wonder out of this abundance. It is said that enough food is grown in Athainon to feed all of Eldiron. Every year hundreds of ships sail down the Black Tear River laden with pipple fruit vegetables and grain sailing to all the ports connected to the Lamarhen lakes some even sail as far as the southern shores of the continent Minartan. Caravans bring the sweet Pipple fruit to the winter trade center at the western edge of the Desert of Ghalimcar to trade with the Brahjians.

Generally during the Antrok (winter and fall) months almost all plant life decays and dies. Trees making up the Forest of Abhorrence shed there leaves and become dormant.

Pipples are a fruit similar to oranges and other citrus fruit except they are red and oblong. Their peel is a little tougher as well. The plant itself is a fast growing tree that gets about 4 meters tall bears fruit then dies but its roots do survive and will grow again the following year. The Althainion people have domesticated this plant and cultivate orchards that grow and disappear each year.

4. Fauna

Generally speaking large animal life in Althainon is rare. There is of course the normal array of bugs, snakes, small rodents, lizards and birds, none being supernatural or exceptionally poisonous. Although mosquitos and gnats can be annoying along the River of Black Tears and in the northern lowlands by Adremas. In the Forest of Abhorrence Larger animals do exist such as monkeys larger weasels and predatory birds like owls and eagles, but during the ashen black season all these creatures either hibernate or migrate (birds). The only creatures that wander the wastes at this time are rats, lizards, cockroaches and orcs.

5. History

Althainon first became inhabited by humans some four hundred years ago as groups of Areons slowly began to adapt to its lands. Before that it was completely wild with no permanent settlement where only orcs traveled through in their raids to Nin'calaris and Areon. It is unknown as to who or what created the Floating Islands or Castle Theamar or even if it was the same entity. Their origins lost in the sands of time.

6. Geography

6.1 River of Black Tears

Also called Harum's' Tears. Local folklore has it that when the god Harum first saw Tragothar he stood on the plains of Althainon and wept black tears of joy at the sight of it. Those tears became the waters of the River of Black Tears. Whether this is true or not is unknown. The river does run black however stained by the black ashen soil that is deposited in huge amount from the volcanos of Tragothar. The head waters actually begin at the small mountain range in the south of Althainon and travel through the Forest of Abhorrence but mostly in small streams or under ground. It does not become a full navigable river until about the center of the Althainon plain. It moves in a generally northern direction to the Lamarhen Lakes passing by the city of Sadok. Fish and freshwater crustaceans do live in river dissipate the heavy black ash sediment. Aquatic life is not abundant though and little fishing is done along its banks. The Althainions leave that to fisherman along the coast and concentrate on farming.

6.2 Forest of Abhorrence

So named because of a great battle that waged here over a century ago. It was a year in which the black ash storms did not break and the westerly winds did not blow. Orc attacks were heavy and the city of Sadok had fallen. An army of Althainions and Nin'calaris converged here and met the Orc hoards. The battle lasted for six full months and casualties where very high on both sides but the Althainions gained victory. After the orcs had been pushed back to Tragothar and the black storms had recided The forest was renamed The Forest of Abhorrence to signify the Althainions hatred of Orcs. The Forest itself is quite thick and only penetrable within four kilometer of its edge. During the Antrok season most of its plant life become dorment and loose their leaves. Those that do not live along the coast of the Sea of Flames and are sheltered by the mountains their from the black storms of Antrok. A few Althainions live in the Forest mostly on the outer edges. They are Woodsmen who prefere to live in isolation and genneraly shun civilization. They do consider themselves Althainions though and share their characturistics. A group of druids also live the forests they too are Athainion and are very genorus with their healing magics which the Althainions take full advantage of often travilling here to mend broken bones cure illnesses and heal battle wounds inflicted by orc raids. The druids live deeper into the forest then the woodsmen and are belived to be based near the mountains. Their exact location is unknown but individual druids or small travaling groups are easily found with the help of a local woodsmen.

6.3 Floating Islands

If there is a set of world wonders on Eldiron these are high on the list. Floating above the plains of Althainon are exactly 31 chunks of rock that migrate along a precise counterclockwise elliptical path. In early spring they reach castle Theamar and in early fall fly over the city of Sadok. Most of the islands are small only a dozen meters across, but four of them are exeptionaly large being between a hundred to five hundred meters in diameter. They all float roughly 200 meters in the air in a random formation covering roughly 10 square kilometers of air space. They are solely possessed and inhabited by the Althainions who use them for food storage to weather in during Antrok, to escape orc raids and to retake Castle Theamar in the early spring when needed. The four larger ones have citadels built atop of them giving protection for archers, the smaller ones used as scouting positions to spot orc bands off on the horizon. It is common knowledge among the Althainions to know where each of 31 islands are at all times all being taught as children with mathematical presition. Large stone slabs set by the Althainions pock the plains marking the Islands path. Their migration used by the people to set crop calendar. The origin of the islands is unknown. Attempts have been made to change their path but all have failed often in the destruction of the mucked island. Animal life in the forest is abundent but consiting mostly of smaller animals. There are several types of monkies a mutitude of birds and rodents, bugs, snakes and lizards. Along the coast of the Sea of Flames sheltered by the mountains there are some larger mamals. A few troops of apes, some forest deer and large cats live here.

7. Cities/Landmarks

7.1. Adremas

Adremas is on the northern most border of Althainon. It is located in the center of a marsh and most of the buildings are constructed upon stilts. Because it is in a marsh many iron smiths reside here collecting the ore deposits that accumulate in the lowlands. They make weapons plows nails horse shoes axes etc. Many build up large supplies of iron work during the winter to sell in Baor during Sedise (Spring and Summer). The city also supports a small fishing community and merchants come to buy agricultural goods produced in Althainon. Most of the residance do not consider themselves Althainion though but are Areons. It is mentioned here because about five hundred Althainions spend Antrok (fall and Winter) here. The population is rughly two thousand not including the seasonal Althainions.

7.2. Brearon

Brearon is also not an Althainion town but is property of Nin'calaris. About three hundred Althainions winter here mostly in tent towns across the river from Brearon. Also nearby a hundred Althainion Woodsman hold permanent residence in the Abhorrence Forest and often come here to trade goods. About seven hundred people live in Brearon not including the Althainions.

7.3. Baor

Baor is not a permanent city it is a seasonal one. During the Antrok season (winter and fall) it is completely abandoned. The inhabitants either migrate north up the River of Black Tears to Sadok and other small villages along the coasts of the Lamarhen lakes or seek refuge, in The Floating Islands. During the Sedise season Baor becomes a bustling trade center. Farmers from all around the Althainon plains region come to sell their produce. Traders from Nin'calaris come to sell farming goods and weapons. Smiths who weather in Adremas set up shop here bringing iron goods and repair horse shoes, swords, and plows. Woodsmen from the Forest of Abhorrence sell bows, fire wood, and other crafts. Some even try their hand at farming. The city is in essence a seasonal tent market. When the last leaves have begun to fall it is empty of all human life. During the fall and winter months it is picked through by Orcs who camp there and destroy any human remnants. The peak population of Baor reaches about 10,000 humans during mid summer although well over a third of which are not native Althainions, and consist of traders merchants and suicidal adventurers traveling to their graves in Tragothar.

7.4. Jarpin

The city of Jarpin is wedged between the Lamarhen Lakes coast and just on the Althainion side of the Nin'calaris border. It sits upon a high cliff that overlooks the lakes with the only small path for a half a mile in each direction that leads down to the water. At the waters level the city has built several docks for merchant and fishing ships as well as a few tunnels into the cliff walls in which some people live and do business. Although most residents here do not share the Althainion migrant farmer, bow slinging, life style of their plains brethren they consider themselves to be Althainions. This arises partly because of the some two hundred farmers who spend Antrok here but mostly from their shared hatred of orcs who have been know to siege Jarpin on their winter raids. There live approximately 6000 humans here including the 200 who spend Antrok here.

7.5. Sadok

Sadok is located at a bend along the River of Black Tears roughly midway between Baor, where the river begins, and the Lamarhen lakes where it ends. It is a well fortified city having two thick ten meter tall walls encircling it and strong concrete towers that ring the city about a kilometer out from it . The towers are used as outposts to spot orc bands. If orcs are spotted large bonfires are lit atop the towers to alarm the city. The area of the city is small for its population. Private estates are none existent, housing consisting of multilevel apartments with shops at street level. Building materials for the dwellings consists of stone, concrete bricks and some wood but the later is rarely used to protect against orc fire storm attacks. Every year just before the beginning of Sedise a huge festival is held within the city called Enantrokfest. The festival lasts for two days during which all non-Althainions are closed from the city and a new mayor is elected. All able bodied residents participate in the election by gathering in the center of the city and stand next to the the candidate they choose, a simple head count is conducted and whom ever has the most supporters wins the mayor ship for a year. The population of Sadok fluctuates through the year. During Antrok mostly only Anthainons reside here keeping the population at roughly 7500. During Sedise it virtually empties of Althainions dropping the population of Althainons to 2000 but a large influx of traders merchants, and ship crews raises the population to 5000. Althainion property is often rented out to the visitors at this time. Outside the city about 3 kilometers to the west Althainions have placed dozens of severed orc heads impailed open 4 meter tall poles as a warning to any orc bands who travel nearby.

7.6. Castle Theamar

"Abandon all hope ye who pass this point." Castle Theamar is the last human settlement before entering Tragothar. When adventures go to meet their doom in the western lands of Eldiron they will stop here for provisions and information. It's construction is ancient and has existed before any elf or dragon alive can remember. It is also indestructible. It is said that the Gods themselves could not tear down it's black smooth walls. This is however probably not true. They either don't care or its existence purely amuses them. Though the gods have never tried to harm the castle mortals have and none have ever left a scratch. The structure itself is 100 meters tall and 18 meters wide at its base. It is divided into eight 10 meter high tiers each one becomes smaller as it gets higher. Each tier is self contained and defensible.

During the Antrok season (winter and fall) between 100 to 200 brave warriors (i.e. lunatics) stay in the castle and defend it against orcs. Most years they survive the onslaught giving up maybe half of the tiers and a quarter of the men before Sedise (spring and summer) and the return of the Floating Islands at which point the orcs retreat from the arrows that fall on them from above. This is not always the case though, every ten years or so the orcs do take the castle but usually give it up in the Sadise season.

Joshua Corning
Last modified: Fri Oct 15 04:14:10 PDT 1999