insert world's name here
- Arctic
- Western Mals
- Zimr
- Mal Tikh
- Barren Isles and Northern Minartan
- Mal Yirith
- Myrrgor, Skalvind and Erythia
- Mountains of the Malediction
- Minartan
- Sol'daran
- Western Isles
- Terrenir
- Meral and Gwaelmar
- Chain of the Sledgehammer
- Puce Mountains
- Chain of Eldhelomin
- Thalamon
- Tacit Forest
- Prairie of Dhyrin
- Lake Lokhmar
- Groaning Forest
- Dethzael
- Skyghaim
- Mountains of Eclipse
- Swamp of Enmity
- Dardalon
- Swamp of Pelnor
- Covewood Mountains
- Eastern Minartan Isles
- Lanuin
- Torell
- The Reef Isles
- Beheran, Filas and Hamil
- Central Waters
- Sea of Tears
- Quiet Sea
- Isles of Vram
- Estrean
- Nemen
- Sea of Niral
- Vestian
- Voran
- Black Waste
- Tulmarun
- Ur Alif
- Mantle Mountains
- Nalor Thaan
- Marmundi
- Ominous Ocean and Sea of Tailwind
- Eldiron
- Ghalimcar
- Desert of Brahjian
- Chain of Bared
- Chain of Harand
- Zamurdi
- Thasia and Lamarhen
- Priestine Forest
- Mountains of Umalin
- Lamarhen Lakes
- Azure Lakes
- Lake of Memories
- Gwelthor
- Valiar
- Areon
- Nin'calaris and Danheir
- Tragothar
- Waste of Burning Ash
- Gorr
- Cawing Mountains
- Pumice Mountains
- Althainon
- Sea of Flames
- Sea of Tranis
- Grey Ocean
- Outer Sea
Tommi Leino
Last modified: Tue Oct 5 14:42:07 EEST 1999