Decided to go public with my ideas about psi guild.. here goes : NOTE! i don't have the time nor the intrest =) to make this document perfectly readable and flawless in linquistics.. this is written at the same time as i watch "jyrki" on finnish TV3.. the purpose of this doc is to show you something i'v had on my mind about majik psionicist.. enjoy or what ever it is you do .) Each and every psionicist is going to be differend from each other.. psionic abilities are not something you can learn, you are either born with them or without them. This means that every time a new character is created or and old character reinced, there is going to be a random code that creates unique psionic patterns for each character. This psionic essence is often called "avatar" or sometimes "wathan" it's the soul or the 'soul of the mind' of each being.. and if an avatar is born without psionic abilities, that's it then.. that character can never be a psi. Very powerful magic, divine intervention =) and powerful psionics are able to analyze, affect or even change the essence of the avatar... Currently i'm thinking that maybe 50% of all characters can never be psionicist.. their avatar is born without the ability to use psionic energy to affect the laws of physics and beyond. The other half is born with some random psionic abilities.. telepathy and extra sensory perception (ESP) are by far the most common form of psionic abilities. other abilities are elektrokinesis, psychokinesis, teleportation, anti-psionics (using negative psionic energy).. other possible abilities (note: these are going to be very rare) are : healing, psychic vampirism and snatcher.. (possibly some others) NOTE! these powers do come with flaws. A character might be a powerful ESP psionic but he a nasty flaws in his power. flaws include something like: uncontrolled usage of the power, fickle power (sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't) and some other nasty things.. once the character avatar has one or more than one of these abilities he is then able to gain some understanding over his powers. how ever the character or the player is completely unaware of what powers he might have.. he has to determine this somehow, the NPC dudes at izharic brotherhood (one of the psi guildhouses) are most likely able to help him. telepaths often have the ability sometims called 'sniffing' to sense psionic power use, and psionically capable creatures. once the player knows what his avatar is capable of doing, he can start training on those powers under the instruction of a master. Psionics are not magic.. they are entirely differend thing. Psionics used normally doesn't require anykindof spell points or somekinda power draining. When a telekinic grabs a mug from the table and throws it against the wall it's as easy to him as it would be to pick the mug via hand and throw it against the wall. And for a telepath it is as easy to talk normally as it is telepathically. BUT extra effort on power uses, and repeated attemps (after failing) do drain energy.. so does contesting, if a telekinetic has to contest against telekinetic spells for example that might drain psis energy. Psionics usage drains endurance points.. they get more and more tired and after some point power use starts to drain hit points.. causing actual damage on the power user. these powers are used by 'invoke' command.. like : "invoke telekinesis kill at dazzt".. =) that would cause a telekinetic psi to try to kill dazzt by twisting his internal organs into slush and strangling him. then again : "invoke telekinesis move at dazzt [dir] east".. that would cause the same telekinetic psi to throw dazzt with all his power towards east, bye-bye =) and then again : "invoke telekinesis shoot at dazzt".. that would cause the psi to pick up small rocks, crap, whatever from the ground and throw them towards dazzt.. very powerful telekinetics can 'fire' rocks faster than bullets, causing very nice damage. But telekinesis is only one of the many powers the psis are able to learn and use. Some stuff about the powers : Telepathy power of mental communication and control. telepathy is the exchange of information by mental channels. a telepath can sense emotions, read the subjects memories, send and recieve thoughts, re-write or DELETE subjects memory, even kill by telepathic damage to the brain and to the mind, force other minds into coma or into sleep, and telecontrol other beings. Psychokinesis power of moving things and affecting an items place at time/space a perfect psychokinetic can use telekinesis to move things and even throw persons around etc.. then he is able to fly by moving his own body with his power. And able to accerlate the movement of atoms and molecyles in any matter, causing them to gain more heat-energy and thus becoming hotter. So a psychokinetic can burn things and set people on fire. This works the otherway around also.. he can also slower the movement of submolecylar parts and cause things to freeze and get colder. If a psychokinetic is also an ESPer (ESP power user) he can sense the air around him and tap into air molecules and hold them in place, this creates an effective shield against solid objects. ESP Extra Sensory Perception.. this is the "sixth sense" of a being.. includes hearing/seeing trough walls, learning information from objects, like user's personality, general impressions etc.. something about it's history and so oon.. ESP also covers precognition, a 'precog' can receive visions or something similar from the future.. knowing things before they happen.. his senses go beyond the current space/time. Electrokinesis this is the ability affect elektromagnetic energy.. like gravity forces electricity, lightning =).. magnetism and the alike.. in where psychokinesis covers kinetic energy, this covers an area of equal importance. An electrokinetic can blast people with lightning =), affect gravity forces and magnetism on things. he can manipulate para/ferro magnetic molecyles. (no diamagnetic molecyles since they are non-magnetic, or require HUGE magnetic forces to rearrange their own internal magnetic fields as the outer field would suggest) Teleportation this covers psionic teleportation.. NOTE! spells like heavy weight or something like "a hw-ring" has nothing to do with this power, psionic teleportation completely ignore every magical spell caster upon a person to prevent his teleportation. Magic and psionics DO NOT mix with each other. Psionic teleportation can be either the teleportation of you and things with you.. or just simply teleporting items that you can see.. a psionic teleporter can 'snap' equipment from all around him to another locations.. this also includes teleporting stuff that are WORN BY OTHERS =).. so a teleporter psi thief would be the perfect one.. he could teleport the entire equipment set of his target to his own castle room in a blink of an eye.. this however requires considerable power-level and great skill, but it's not impossible. These guys can be dangerous. Anti-psionics the power of killing out other psionics.. this the same as anti-magic is to regular magic. Anti-psionics is almost THE ONLY way to stop other psis from using their powers. Only way to prevent psionic teleportation etc.. Anti-psis are often called 'screamers' since they are able to scream mentally and kill every single psionic power in a huge area.. the more powerful the screamer the more huge their range is. A wastly powerful screamer could scream so loud that the entire world is being prevented from using psionic powers =) this however requires nearly unearthly abilities and powerlevels. Anti-psis can never be psis themself.. they are very very very VERY resistant to psionic powers .. virtually immune to them. Anti-psionicis are hated and feared by "real psionicist".. partly because most of the screamers are totally unaware of their powers and they have no control over them.. they can accidentally scream all the time =) and prevent psiusage inside their range. Healing ability to heal trough the use of mental power.. this is only the healing of wounds etc.. psionic healers are byfar more sucking than magical healers =) since they don't know nothing of healing diseases etc.... only thig they can do is heal real-bloody-damage and alike. Psychic vampirism Psychic vampires drain emotions and thoughts of others.. they steal the joy or the hate from a person, leaving an empty mind with no emotions.. psychic vampires live from the emotions and thoughts of others. They can steal dreams and dampen feelings etc.. Snatcher This is a RARE ability.. a snatcher can drift object trough space and time.. he can get his hands on anything that ever was or is going to be, anywhere.. a hugely powerful ability but very very very hard to control and to actually get what you want =). a snatcher could have "an eq party" all alone in hist castle =) just snatching things from beyond time and space all the day... NOTE! i'm not sure about any of these powers yet.. since they have to be tuned right and fair... but random is fair ? =) right.. everyone has the equal change of having a psionic avatar. GROAAArr.. then i need some feedback on this, what do you think? - Ondoval.