Majik races. Ver 0.03 - Ondoval 1. The mortal men. Ayura. The Ayuran people live in the chilly and cold northen lands. They are bit smallish people, and hardened greatly by the unfriendly nature of the climate they inhabit. They live in quite isolated state from other races of the world. They usually have dark hair, green or grey eyes and red-brown skin colour. Ayuras are a bit sky, quiet but generous and warm people. Most of the Ayurans make their living by hunting. They are formiable warriors and the Ayuran tribe shamans are well known for their magical power Average Ayuran man is around 160 cm tall and weights around 80 kgs. They are known to have an average lifespan around 100 years. Strenght - fair Size - smallish Dexterity - poor Intelligence - below average Agility - above average Power - fair Constitution - good Wisdom - excellent Sturdiness - good Charisma - below average They learn mechanical and social skills a bit slower. They regenerate hit points a bit faster. They regenerate spell poitns a bit faster. They are resistant to cold They know the skills : attack, fishing, endurance, spear, knife, swimming, hunting, survival artic, fire making. They know the spells : Freeze water, leaping flame, frost isolation, walk on waters. Innohu. These people are one of the most feared human races in the world. They are strong powerful men living in the wildlands. Innohu are powerful warriors and mighty shamans, they are wild barbarians with their own beliefs and ways of living. They hunt alot and form large powerful tribes that protect their own territory. Most of the Innohu believe to the great spirit that unites them with the wild nature. They also worship animal gods or animal spirits. They are well known for their incredible stamina and strenght. They have dark hair and red-brown skin. Innohu men are big sized about 190 cm tall and weight as much as 110 kgs. They have a lifespan of around 120 years. Strenght - good Size - large Dexterity - fair Intelligence - average Agility - fair Power - good Constitution - superb Wisdom - good Sturdiness - excellent Charisma - poor They learn spells and general skills a bit slower. They learn social and educational skills at slow rate. They learn mechanical skills at very slow rate. They regenerate hit points a bit faster. They regenerate spell points a bit faster. They regenerate endurance points a bit faster. They have good natural weapons. They are resistant to diseases They know the skills : attack, axe, knife, tracking, hunting, survial plains fire making, swimming, fishing, bow, fast draw arrow, endurance, running. They know the spells : hunters eye, spirit link, hunters call, war cry. Moraki. The Moraki are large powerful humans. They are powerfully build and big boned, famous of their strenght and sturdiness. Moraki tend to be people of simple means, living in small villages tending their sheep and corps. They are often ruled and used as slaves by other races. Most of the moraki have blond hair and blue eyes. They are very much of an anti-magical people and most of them never get a change to learn the art of spell casting. They tend to shun magic users and somehow strangely they even resist magic itself. The Moraki are often satified with their simple and quiet life with occasinal fist fights in the evening. They work hard with a pure spirit Average Moraki man is large sized around 210 cm tall and he weights around 130 kgs. They have a lifespan of around 60 years. Strenght - superb Size - large Dexterity - fair Intelligence - very poor Agility - good Power - average Constitution - excellent Wisdom - below average Sturdiness - superb Charisma - below average They learn combat and general skills fast. They learn mechanical, social and educational skills a bit slower. They learn Spells and arcane skills at terribly slow rate. They regenerate hit points very fast. They regenerate spell points a bit slower. They regenerate endurance points fast. They have excelent natural weapons. They are resistant to offensive spells. They resist magical type damage. They know the skills : attack, bludgeons, longswords, brawling, animal handling, alcohol tolerance, shortswords, endurance, camping, running, throwing, dodge. Shaolu. They are the dominant race in the rain forests and in the south region of the world. Their skin is chocolate brown, and their eyes emerald green. Their hair is straight and blue-black. Shwaolu also have full lips and flattened noses. They spread in different tribes and villages all over the forests and southern great plains. Their culture is slightly different from one tribe to another, but they all hold certain belief in spirits and strange animal-gods. Shwaolu are well-formed in both the magical arts and in the wrath of war. They are have slightly bad reputation in cities, being thieves and rogues. Average height of a Shwaolu male is around 175 cm. And weight around 80 kgs. Lifespan goes around 80 years. Strenght - fair Size - average Dexterity - very good Intelligence - average Agility - excellent Power - above average Constitution - above average Wisdom - fair Sturdiness - above average Charisma - below average They learn spells and mechanical skills a bit slower. They regenerate hit points a bit faster. They regenerate spell points a bit faster. They regenerate endurance points a bit faster. They have fair nautral weapons. They can see in the dark. They are able to hide better in the dark. They know the skills : survival plains, survival forests, survival deserts, sneaking, hiding, shadowing, attack, spear, knife, bow, hunting, tracking, swimming. They know the spells : invisible item, hunters eye, hunters call, darkness of the night, natures illusion, venom stinger. Thari. The most common of all mennish races, the Thari are everywhere. Often called 'the common men'. They are a mixture of several racial subgroups. The appeance and measurements of the Thari people wary greatly. Most of them have brown hair and fair skin, with eyes of any color. The Thari are not considering their selves as a group, since there exists such a variety among them. And they live all over the world. They tend to be adaptable, suited for every profession, being the most generic race. Thari people live an average of 70 years, but the Thari in certain regions with some weird racial mixture are known to live over 150 years. So the average age really is around 100 years. And the average height of a male being a bit less than 170 cm. Weight going around 65 kgs. Strenght - average Size - average Dexterity - average Intelligence - average Agility - average Power - average Constitution - average Wisdom - average Sturdiness - average Charisma - average They learn ALL skills and spells a bit faster. They know the skills : attack, shortswrods, knife, longswrods, bargain, appraise, streetwise, fishing, fire making, brawling, alcohol tolerance, riding, consider, sneaking, hiding, tracking, plant lore. They know the spells : fertile crop, blessed food, indetify, magic missile, purify air, predict weather, ignite fire, seek water, purify water, detect magic, light. Yangir. Known as "the eastern people" Yangir are an ancient people living in the 'land of the rising sun' They have long and complex traditions and unique philosophy and way of living. Yangir have an ancient society that is based on tradion, honour and differend ranks of honour. Most of the yangir adventurers tend to lean towards the matrial arts, since their eastern land is the place where first of the martial arts were born and trained. Many yangir are monks practising their own religion of self-examination and meditation, they belive in endless cycle of rebirth. Yangir are rather small people, average male is around 155 cm in height and about 68 kgs in weight. They have an average lifespan of 105 years. Strenght - average Size - smallish Dexterity - above average Intelligence - above average Agility - good Power - very good Constitution - above average Wisdom - fair Sturdiness - above average Charisma - average They lear ALL skills and spells at quite average rate. They regenerate spell points a bit faster. They know the skills : attack, longswords, martial arts, fishing, holy ceremony, ki-focus, sneaking, hiding, survival mountains, bow, fast draw arrow. They know the spells : infravision, see invisible, frost bite, silence, water sight. 1.1 half-elven races. These races have their origins in mannish races and in elves. They are a mixture between 2 different species and share some of the abilities of both. They are usually considered as humans how ever. Yamar. They are a mystery to most of the other mannish races. Some claim that all of the Yamar race are half-elves or even elves. They are however very small and lithe. All Yamar have pointed ears, much like the elven ears, but a bit less pointed. They appear to be small, slender humans. There is very little Yamars in the world, and they live in rather small isolated groups, prefering islands and near-water places. Much of their culture is unknown to others, but they thend to drift towards the magical arts. They have blond or light brown hair, Green, blue or even purple eyes, and fair beautiful skin. A typical Yamar is around 155 cm tall, and is weaker in physical strength than most other human races. They don't weight much either only around 35 kgs in average. Yamar are however very intelligent and wise people, most of them tend to be sages and mystics. Yamar are known to live an average of 200 years. Strenght - bad Size - small Dexterity - fair Intelligence - awesome Agility - above average Power - great Constitution - very poor Wisdom - very good Sturdiness - bad Charisma - very good They learn spells and arcane skills fast. They learn educational skills a bit faster. They learn mechanical skills a bit slower. They learn combat skills at terribly slow rate. They regenerate hit points slower. They regenerate spell points at superb rate. They have fair natural weapons. They can see in the dark. They are resistant to poisons. They are resistant to diseases. They know the skills : attack, cast generic, cast magical, holy ceremony, swimming, fishing. They know the spells : detect magic, see magic, indentify, magic missile, magic wave, wanter lungs, water sight, blurred image, captivate magic, light, healing hand. Tilan. This group has sometimes been referred as 'high men'. They are usually somewhat taller and heavily boned than Elves, but otherwise carry a measure of that immortal grace. They have dark hair and grey or blue eyes. The Tilans make exelent warriors and powerful spellcasters. They tend to be highly resistant to diseases and live a long and healthy life. The number of Tilans in the world is quite small, they have fallen far from their glory in the ancient times. But they are still a powerful race feared and adored by other mortal men. An average Tilan male is around 190 cm tall with athletic built and weight of 90 kg in average. They are known to live an average of 150 years. Tilans have spread among other lesser races and hold only few bigger areas under their control, they are a what is left of the great Tilan empire in ancient times long ago. Strenght - fair Size - large Dexterity - fair Intelligence - fair Agility - fair Power - fair Constitution - fair Wisdom - fair Sturdiness - fair Charisma - fair They learn ALL skills and spells at quite average rate. They regenerate hit points a bit faster. They regenerate spell points a bit faster. They regenerate endurance points a bit faster. They have good natural weapons. They are resistant to poisons. They are resistant to diseases. They know the skills : attack, longswords, dodge, parry, shield, leadership, riding, brawling, shadowing, bow, fast draw arrow. They know the spells : Aura of rightful authority, speed, haste, infravision, recover. 2. Elven races The mortal men consider elves as immortals, how ever they do die, but only after hundreds of years. They never seem to age at all. Immortal races have a strict order of importance, some elven races are considered more noble than others, and often the age of an individual elf creates his status. Ancient elves earn great respect. Here are the immortal races from the least to the most noble race. Tanir. They are known to other widely as the 'wood elves' They are a bit shorter than other elven races. They are a bit more human-like in appearance when compared to their cousins of greater blood, but only a bit. They still look very elven with their pointed ears and delicate features. The Tanir prefer to live close to the nature in her unaltered state. They build beautiful cities in the wast forests of the world. Their respect for nature and animal kind is great, they allmost never kill animals if not needed for food and they never destroy the plants or trees of the forests. They make for exelent druids or rangers, many of the Tanir are skilled with bows and long swords. And they as like all the other elven races tend to be good spell casters. Tanir are by far the most common tribe of elven people. They ressemble the image that most other races have about the elven folk. An average Tanir is around 190 cm tall, females are generally 10 cm shorter than males. Average weight goes around 65 kgs, the elves don't weight much. Tanir generally have brown hair and green or blue eyes. The Tanir have an average lifespan of about 300 years. Strenght - average Size - average Dexterity - good Intelligence - good Agility - very good Power - good Constitution - average Wisdom - good Sturdiness - below average Charisma - good They learn educational skills a bit slower. They learn mechanical skills at slow rate. They regenerate spell points fast. They can see in the dark. They are resistant to cold. They are resistant to heat. They cannot have scars. They need less sleep. They are resistant to poisons. They are resistant to diseases. They know the skills : attack, spear, longswords, bow, fast draw arrow, track, sneak, hide, survival forests, plant lore. They know the spells : natures illusion, predict weather, berry of vitae, purify water, create water. Dyanir. This group of elves are known as the 'dark elves'. Many years ago they were exiled into the Underdark after a long and hateful war with the other elven sub-races. In the millennia beneath the earth, they were corrupted by the dark secrets they managed to unearth. Their skin is almost white but their souls dark as the night. In contrast their hair is of coal black color. Dyanir are of slender frame than their surface-dwelling cousins. The Dyanir are hated and feared by almost everyone. They possess great magical talents, are very nimble and have an excellent perception in the underground. Because of their long absence from sunlight normal dyanir are a bit blind when adventuring in the daylight. Their greatest enemies are their surface cousins. Despite the general evil disposition of this race over the centuries, they have spawned some very rare individuals, who have left their homelands and are eternally remembered in legends and songs because of their valor, goodwill and courage. They are cunning and cruel, ambitious to the bitter end. Many of the Dyanir have no morale and they worship the dark and chaotic gods. Average Dyanir male is around 195 cm tall and weight goes around 65 kgs. The Dyanir live an average of 350 long years. Strenght - average Size - average Dexterity - above average Intelligence - very good Agility - good Power - superb Constitution - below average Wisdom - superb Sturdiness - below average Charisma - very good They learn combat, mechanical, social, educational and general skills a bit slower. They regenerate spell points at superb rate. They can see in the dark. They can see magical auras. They are resistant to cold. They are resistant to heat. They cannot have scars. They need less sleep. They are resistant to poisons. They are resistant to diseases. They know the skills : attack, sneak, hide, shadowing, knife, brawling, survival mountains, cast generic, tracking, shortswords, holy ceremony. They know the spells : darkness of the night, see invisible, indentify, analyze magic, fear, haunted grounds, word of fear, shroud of the night, darkness bolt. Aindar. The Aindar are sometimes refferd to as the 'high elves'. They have raven-black hair, brown, black or hazel eyes, and often pale fair skin. They tend to have more heavy bone and muscle structure than other elven races. An Aindar warrior is without match among other elven sub-races. They are the artisans, creators and master workers of the elven race. Many of the Aindar are skilled gem cutters, smiths, architechs or other highly prized professionals. They tend to be allmost as good as the dwarves in the making and working of alloys. Their egos are also unsurpassed among elves and mortal men. As a result the Aindar elves are often considered arrogant and condescending by other peoples. The Aindar show little desire to conquer other races, insted they seem content to flaunt their superiority. Aindar are the best elven fighters and formiable spell casters. Average Aindar male is around 205 cm tall and weights around 85 kg. Aindar live an average of 400 years. Strenght - good Size - average Dexterity - great Intelligence - good Agility - great Power - average Constitution - good Wisdom - below average Sturdiness - fair Charisma - very good They learn mechanical skills a bit faster. They learn spells, arcane, social and general skills a bit slower. They have fair natural weapons. They can see in the dark. They are resistant to cold. They are resistant to heat. They cannot have scars. They need less sleep. They are resistant to poisons. They are resistant to diseases. They know the skills : attack, longswords, brawling, blacksmithing, mastery of alchemy, mathematics, architechture, woodcraft, metalcraft, appraise, bargain. They know the spells : indentify, analyze magic, delvin true, work metal, aura of rightful auhtority, imbedding, magic sight, see invisible. Lindor. The Lindor are few, but that makes them even more noteworthly. They are called as the 'fair elves' the most noble of all elven races. They are more philosophical and magical in their nature than the aindar. They posses golden-blond hair, blue or green eyes and fair beautiful skin. Tending to be lean and fair yet strong, the lindor have an understated power. Lindor are perhaps the most powerful spell casters of all the elven races. They are very musical and tend to create beautiful things (and tend to be very beautiful things) Their beauty is that of legend, they are often adored by the lesser races. They build their homes to be very airy designs filled with light and warmth. They enjoy good wine, food, music, romance and the good time. In most areas what the lessers elves hold as their own the lindor are the ruling upper-class of aristocrats. The Lindor are tall, around 195 cm, females are not much shorter than males, making the Lindor women look majestic. Weight is around 55 kgs. The Lindor live an average of 450 years. Strenght - poor Size - average Dexterity - fair Intelligence - awesome Agility - average Power - amazing Constitution - below average Wisdom - excellent Sturdiness - poor Charisma - excellent They learn spells, arcane and social skills a bit faster. They learn mechanical, educational and general skills a bit slower. They learn combat skills at terribly slow rate. They regenerate hit point slower. They regenerate spell points at amazing rate. They regenerate endurance points slower. They have poor natural weapons. They can see in the dark. They are resistant to cold. They are resistant to heat. They cannot have scars. They need less sleep. They are resistant to poisons. They are resistant to diseases. They know the skills : attack, mathematics, architechture, leadership, adminstration, psychology, meditation, appraise, bargain, fast-talk, diplomacy, storytelling, puglic speaking, cast generic, holy ceremony. They know the spells : Aura of rightful authority, calm emotions, sense life, sense foes, empatic touch, light, purify water, create water, healers gentle touch, elemental breeze, leaving, long door, captivate magic. 3. Magical races. These races are of magical or unknown origin, maybe they are spirits, or banished spirits. Creatures from other planes of existence. How ever these beings seem to be someone not of natural or mortal origin. Faun. They faun are very few. A legendary race often loved by women and feared and hated by men. All fauns are male, it's simple seems impossible for a faun to be female. Fauns are man-sized humanoids with the legs of a goat. Some have all their lower body formed as goats by some only have hooves of a goat in the place of their feet. Some fauns even have normal mannish feet and legs. But all fauns have small goat horns in their heads. The horns wary from 2-3 cms to as logn as 40-50 cms. Fauns live in the warm fields and forests, they wear little or no clothing. They can run almost twice as fast a men. Since fauns are all male they mate with the females of other races, humans of elves. And if the child is a boy there is a small change of him being a faun. Fauns are very handsome in a boyish way (no beard or facial hair) They have the upper body of a perfect adonis, very notorious among human men. Fauns spend alot of time in their hunt of women and they seem to love that 'hobby' above all else. An average faun is 185 cm tall and weights around 100 kgs. Faund live a long time, and average of 210 years. They appear young and handome all their lives and die looking young. Strenght - very good Size - average Dexterity - fair Intelligence - fair Agility - excellent Power - good Constitution - very good Wisdom - fair Sturdiness - excellent Charisma - excellent They learn spells, arcane, social and general skills a bit slower. They learn mechanical and educational skills at slow rate. They regenerate hit points a bit faster. They regenerate spell points a bit faster. They have good natural weapons. They are resistant to heat. They are resistant to cold. They cannot have scars. They can see in the dark. They are resistant to diseases. They know the skills : attack, endurance, running, sex appeal, leadership, hide, sneak, brawling, bow. They know the splles : Aura of charm, hallucination, sense life, sound distortion, natures illusion, speed, haste. 4. dark races. Dark and often very evil races. The monstrous races who look terrible and often are the enemies of other major races. These monster-like beasts where ceated in ancient times in some dark pit by the evil gods. Since then they have plaqued the world with their existence. Adventurers of these races how ever tend to be acepted, exspecially trolls since their superior combat abilities and incredible rage they can push them selfs into. Troll. Trolls are huge and extremely strong creatures with large muscles, pointy teeth, big horns and lots of hair all over their body. They are nearly always in a bad mood. Most races shun them because of this. They are by far the strongest and maybe dumbest race in the whole world. They make for excellent fighters and lousy magicians. Trolls are somewhat disadvantaged by their great size (good targets) and the great amounts of food they need to sustain their bulk. They also learn quite slowly. On the positive side, they are very tough and strong and heal real fast. And they are very ugly too. Average Troll is around 260 cm tall and weights around 210 kgs. They are known to have a lifespan averaging around 55 years. Strenght - legendary Size - huge Dexterity - poor Intelligence - poor Agility - poor Power - average Constitution - great Wisdom - poor Sturdiness - amazing Charisma - non-existent They learn combat and general skills at very fast rate. They learn educational skills a bit slower. They learn mechanical skills at slow rate. They learn social skills at very slow rate. They learn spells and arcane skills at terribly slow rate. They regenerate hit points at ultimate rate. They regenerate spells points slower. They regenerate endurance points at excellent rate. They have superb natural weapons. They can see in the dark. They can sometimes escape death. They know the skills : attack, bludgeons, throwing, hunting, camping, dodge, brawling, fire making, survival hills. They know the spells : paingiver. Orc. Orcs belong to the dark races, created in the same dark pits as trolls. They mostly are the arch enemies of many of the intelligent races, as they reproduce quickly and enjoy plundering, killing and spreading havoc in general. The average orc is 190 cm tall and weights around 105 kgs and has from gray to black skin. Their eyes glow red in the dark. Orcs shun sunlight, as it tends to hurt their eyes greatly. Because orcs mostly live in the underground they are very good at detecting secret doors. Orcs make for good fighters and are also known to spawn mighty priests serving their cruel war deity. The orcs have and average lifespan around of 100 years, unfortunately it's very rare to live over 40 years as an orc. Strenght - excellent Size - average Dexterity - fair Intelligence - poor Agility - good Power - aboce average Constitution - excellent Wisdom - fair Sturdiness - excellent Charisma - terrible They learn spells, arcane, mechanical, social and educational skills a bit slower. They regenerate hit points a bit faster. They regenerate spells points a bit faster. They have fair natural weapons. They can see in the dark. They know the skills : alertness, attack, bludgeons, shortwords, brawling, throwing, hunting, survival mountains, fire making, dodge, parry, sneak, track, endurance, running, holy ceremony. They know the spells : darkness of the night, haunted grounds, recover, darkness bolt. 5. Dwarwen races. These races are small dwarf-like races. Generally they are few in number and live far and away from other races. Some hate them or fear them but they are really no threath to anyone. Known for their hard work and great craft skills and well as advanced but a bit weird technology. Dwarf. Dwarves are a small, hardy, taciturn race. They barely grow to be 140 cm. They weight more than it would appear, around 70kgs in average. Their body is stocky and their endurance is legendary. Dwarves are especially proud of their long beards and their great craftsmanship with metals. The dwarven race has spawned the greatest of all smiths. Their skill in forging weapons and armor is unsurpassed, as is their greed for gold. They are able warriors, brave to the fault, have an excellent sight in the underground and are experts at detecting secret doors and traps. The ledend says that Dwarves have been born of stone, naming them as Sons and Daughters of the Earth. Dwarves tend to have black or brown hair. Dwarves usually live for years more than the humans, their average lifespan is around 200 years. Strenght - good Size - very small Dexterity - good Intelligence - below average Agility - very good Power - fair Constitution - awesome Wisdom - above average Sturdiness - legendary Charisma - below average They learn combat, mechanical and general skills a bit slower. They learn spells, arcane, social and educational skills at slow rate. They regenerate hit points at very fast. They regenerate spell points a bit slower. They regenerate endurance points a bit faster. They can see in the dark. They know the skills : alertness, attack, mining, axes, bludgeons, brawling, survival mountains, dodge, parry, endurance, running, blacksmithing. They know the spells : recover. Gnome. Gnomes are te smaller counsins of dwarves. They live in rolling hills and wooded valleys. They are great connoisseurs of gems and the best gem carvers known in the whole world. Gnomes are famous for their very black humor and their great magical skills. They are about 115 cm, 40kg and not so stocky like dwarves. They groom their beards very well, although they generally favor shorts cropped beards. Gnomes are great leather workers and gnomish boots are a quality product every race greatly enjoys (except trolls). Their greatest enemies are the kobolds. They normally attack each other on sight. Gnomes favor colorful clothing and strange looking hats. The Gnomes are famous for their long lasting lives, they live an average of 400 years. But the most famous product of the whole gnome race is their technology and bizarre machines. Gnomes are simple geniuses when it comes to mechanical skills and engineering machines of differend purpose. Strenght - below average Size - very small Dexterity - excellent Intelligence - great Agility - above average Power - good Constitution - above average Wisdom - good Sturdiness - below average Charisma - fair They learn mechanical skills at very fast rate. They learn combat skills at slow rate. They regenerate hit points a bit slower. They regenerate spell points fast. They have poor natural weapons. They can see in the dark. They can see magical auras. They can see invisible. They know the skills : attack, knife, woodcraft, metalcraft, leatherworking, brawling, mining, blacksmithing, mathematics, gem cutting, fast-talk, hiding, sneak, appraise, bargain. They know the spells : identify, analyze magic, delvin true, gift of reason, work metal, work mystic, work gem, inspiration. Halfling. Halflings are happy little people, almost like human childs. They are very dextrous and able to produce fine objects of skill and art. They live in their own villages living rather simple lives. Some of the halfling also live in larger citiest making their living as carpenters or other masters of fine and accurate craftmanship. Some say the halflings are very skilled thiefs and are responsible of many thefts of valueble items. Average halfling is 115 cm tall and weights around 60kgs appearing maybe a little overweight. Halfling live an average of 100 years. Strenght - below average Size - very small Dexterity - awesome Intelligence - below average Agility - great Power - poor Constitution - fair Wisdom - good Sturdiness - above average Charisma - above average They learn social and general skills a bit faster. They learn spells and arcane skills at slow rate. They have very poor natural weapons. They know the skills : alertnetss, attack, knife, brawling, fast-talk, diplomacy, sneak, hide, dodge, swimming, fishing, appraise, cooking. They know the spells : purify water, create water, purify food, create food, weather prediction, false sounds. K'ta'virii. (The lords of essaence) The K'ta'virii are not elves. But they are generally mistaken so. Little is known for certain about there powerful beings execpt that they commanded great energies with an ease unheard-of in current times. In some tales they are referred to as the "K'ta'virii" - which means literally 'lords of essaence' in the iruaric tongue. These beings were of the original race of the world, but whether they were actually native to this world is a question yet unanswered. The whole of this race was known as the "Altha", a curious word which has no meaning in iruaric or any other known language. It is rumored that many of the other races living in the world today are actually the result of direct manipulation through K'ta'virii expirimentation. They formed the 'raw material' if you will for the myriad races to follow, and they evolved naturally through the course of time. No one knows what happened in the ancient times today, but few of the K'ta'virii are known to exist even today. Their world and their empire has been destroyed ages ago, but few of them are still active among the more lesser races. K'ta'viir possesses brown skin (similar to tanned human) and straight coal-black hair which grows very thickly on the scalp. Neither sex has any other body or facial hair whatsoever. Eyes are slit-pupilled (like eyes of a cat, or a snake) and deep violet - the violet coloring is quite vibrant and cannot be missed. K'ta'viir eyes also posses a thin, transparent inner lid which screens certain ultraviolet radiation as well as dust and impurities. It is noticeable when closed. Men are average 185 - 210 cm and appear slender, though dense bone and muscule structure cause them to mass more than would be expected. Women are slightly smaller. Hands and feet are six-digited, with fingers and toes slighly longed and more slender than humanoid average. Ears are small and more rounded. In general the K'ta'viir are very attactive humanoid specimens, all having soft, youthful features and graceful bodies. Their six fingers and their unique violet eyes often confuse poeple who mistake them most commonly as Loari elves. Their race is however much more ancient than even the elves and their abilities mostly unknown. The K'ta'viiri live forever. They do not age or die. They are the only true immortals, and they have been alive for many millena. 3. Other races Trolls. Trolls are extremely huge and strong creatures with large muscles, pointy teeth, big horns and lots of hair all over their body. They are nearly always in a bad mood. Most races shun them because of this. They are by far the strongest and the dumbest race available in this game. They make for excellent fighters and lousy magicians. Trolls are somewhat disadvantaged by their great size (good targets!) and the great amounts of food they need to sustain their bulk. They also learn very slowly. On the positive side, they are very tough and strong and heal real fast. And they are ugly too. Average Troll is around 280 - 380 cm tall. They are known to have a lifespan averaging around 50 years. But Trolls rarely die the natural death.. Dwarves. Dwarves are a small, hardy and taciturn race. They barely grow to be 135 cm. Their body is stocky and their endurance is legendary. Dwarves are especially proud of their long beards and their great craftsmanship with metals. The dwarven race has spawned the greatest of all smiths. Their skill in forging weapons and armor is unsurpassed, as is their greed for gold. They are able warriors, brave to the fault, have an excellent sight in the underground and are experts at detecting secret doors and traps. The ledend says that Dwarves have been born of stone, naming them as Sons and Daughters of the Earth. Dwarves tend to have black or brown hair. Dwarves usually live for years more than the humans, their average lifespan is around 200 years. Gnome. Gnomes are te smaller counsins of dwarves. They live in rolling hills and wooded valleys. They are great connoisseurs of gems and the best gem carvers known in the whole world. Gnomes are famous for their very black humor and their great magical skills. They are about 120 cm high and not so stocky like dwarves. They groom their beards very well, although they generally favor shorts cropped beards. Gnomes are great leather workers and gnomish boots are a quality product every race greatly enjoys (except trolls). Their greatest enemies are the kobolds. They normally attack each other on sight. Gnomes favor colorful clothing and strange looking hats. The Gnomes are famous for their long lasting lives, they live an average of 400 years. Orcs. Orcs belong to the dark races, created in the same dark pits as trolls. They mostly are the arch enemies of many of the intelligent races, as they reproduce quickly and enjoy plundering, killing and spreading havoc in general. The average orc is 165 - 190 cm tall and weights from 65 to 110 kg and has a gray to black skin. Their eyes glow red in the dark. Orcs shun sunlight, as it tends to hurt their eyes greatly. Because orcs mostly live in the underground they are very good at detecting secret doors. Orcs make for good fighters and are also known to spawn mighty priests serving their cruel war deity. The orcs have and average lifespan around of 100 years, unfortunately it's very rare to live over 40 years as an orc.