Racial stats REMADE, ver 3.00 - ondoval. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ New in this race file : .new race : innohu, yangir, faun .changed elven tribe names, and the most generic human tribe name. .new special task-quest races : werewolf, vampire and lich. .removed lord of essaence from races. .added attributes of agility and wisdom. .made the sp_max, hp_max and ep_max system. .Added size and sturdiness attributes, siz & stu. Height. Characters height is determined by siz, stu and str. by : (((siz * 7) + (str * 3))/3) [+ racial modifier] Max hp. Maxium hits that the character can have are determined by his strenght, sturdiness, constitution, willpower, height and weight. Rnd((con x 2.75) + (stu x 5) + (str x 2) + (pow x 2) + ((height/15) x (weight/30))) Rnd = a random number from 0.95 to 1.05, each individual has slightly differend hps, even they are of the same race. This random variable is defined then first creating the character. So there can be as much as 10% difference between individuals. Max sp. Maxium spell points (mana) the character can have are determined by his constitution, intelligence, wisdom and willpower. Rnd((pow * 4) + (int * 3) + (wis * 3) + con) Rnd = a random number from 0.95 to 1.05. Again some difference appears in each individual mana points. NOTE : this is differend random variable NOT the same one used in maxhp. Max ep. Max endurance points the character can have are determined by his strenght, dexterity, constitution and willpower. Rnd((con * 3) + (str * 2) + (pow * 2) + agi + stu) Rnd = a random number from 0.95 to 1.05. And this is again a differend number from the 2 previous random variables. Weight. Weight is affected by size, sturdiness and strenght. (((stu + str) * siz ) / 70 ) [+ racial modifier] Races are still tuned with the same tuning system. maxhp, maxsp and maxep are calculated from the stats with 1.05 modiffier and the Rnd number. so it's really the absolute MAX the race can have in the beginning, later of course equipment or guild/other bonuses can change hp, sp or ep. But this the max number with totally new character. and minhp, minsp, minep are the lowest possible value a race can have, in the beginning of the game, later the stats can be even lower. Race str dex agi con stu size int pow wis cha height weight avghght avgwght --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ayura 60 40 55 65 65 40-50 45 60 75 45 153-176 71-89 164 80 Innohu 65 60 60 85 75 50-60 50 65 65 40 181-205 100-120 193 110 Moraki 85 60 65 75 85 50-60 35 50 45 45 201-225 121-145 213 133 Shaolu 60 70 75 55 55 45-55 50 55 60 45 165-188 73-90 176 81 Thari 50 50 50 50 50 45-55 50 50 50 50 155-178 57-71 166 64 Yangir 50 55 65 55 55 40-50 55 70 60 50 143-166 60-75 154 67 Yamar 30 60 55 35 30 35-45 95 80 70 70 111-135 30-38 123 34 Tilan 60 60 60 60 60 50-60 60 60 60 60 176-200 85-102 188 93 Tanir 50 65 70 50 45 45-50 65 65 65 65 185-196 61-67 190 64 Dyanir 50 55 65 45 45 45-55 70 85 85 70 185-208 61-74 196 67 Aindar 65 80 80 65 60 45-55 65 50 45 70 185-208 80-98 196 89 Lindor 40 60 50 45 40 45-55 95 90 75 75 185-208 51-62 196 56 Faun 70 60 75 70 75 45-55 60 65 60 75 175-198 93-113 186 103 Troll 100 40 40 80 90 60-80 40 50 40 10 240-287 183-237 264 210 Orc 75 60 65 75 75 45-55 40 55 60 20 180-203 96-117 191 106 Dwarf 65 65 70 95 100 25-35 45 60 55 45 123-146 58-82 134 70 Gnome 45 75 55 55 45 25-35 80 65 65 60 103-126 32-45 115 39 Halfling 45 95 80 60 55 25-35 45 40 65 55 103-126 55-70 114 62 Racial modifiers : Halflings = +20 weight, trolls = +20 weight, tanir = +30 height, dyanir = +30 height, lindor = +40 height. Race minhp maxhp avghp minsp maxsp avgsp minep maxep avgep tune ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ayura 726 804 765 632 698 665 527 583 555 65 Innohu 860 967 914 656 724 690 618 682 650 125 Moraki 906 1009 958 489 541 515 613 677 645 100 Shaolu 644 727 686 575 635 605 499 551 525 80 Thari 577 640 609 523 578 551 428 472 450 0 Yangir 650 723 687 646 714 680 499 551 525 65 Yamar 450 499 475 808 892 850 390 430 410 55 Tilan 691 781 736 627 693 660 513 567 540 80 Tanir 584 647 616 665 735 700 470 520 495 75 Dyanir 609 677 643 808 892 850 489 541 515 100 Aindar 696 788 742 565 625 595 537 593 565 110 Lindor 565 638 602 869 961 915 461 509 485 95 Faun 827 920 874 656 724 690 599 662 631 135 Troll 1013 1158 1086 494 546 520 637 703 670 80 Orc 833 924 879 565 625 595 594 656 625 105 Dwarf 968 1081 1025 603 667 635 670 740 705 155 Gnome 572 634 603 713 787 750 461 509 485 85 Halfling 528 594 561 409 451 430 404 446 425 85 Race spel arca comb mech sosi educ gene hpre spre epre weap ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ayura 95 95 95 80 80 90 90 35 35 25 0 Innohu 85 90 90 60 75 70 80 35 35 30 +2 Moraki 55 55 105 80 80 80 105 45 25 35 +4 Shaolu 80 90 90 80 85 85 90 35 35 30 +1 Thari 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 30 30 25 0 Yangir 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 30 35 25 0 Yamar 105 105 50 80 95 100 85 20 60 25 +1 Tilan 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 35 35 30 +2 Tanir 95 95 90 70 90 80 95 30 40 25 0 Dyanir 85 85 80 80 80 80 80 30 60 25 0 Aindar 80 80 90 100 80 85 80 30 30 25 +1 Lindor 100 100 55 80 100 80 80 20 65 15 -1 Faun 80 80 85 70 80 70 80 35 35 25 +2 Troll 50 50 110 70 60 80 110 80 20 50 +5 Orc 80 80 90 80 80 80 90 35 35 25 +1 Dwarf 70 70 80 80 75 75 80 45 25 30 0 Gnome 85 85 70 110 85 90 90 25 40 25 -1 Halfling 75 75 85 95 100 90 100 35 30 25 -2 Racial abilities. There are certain abilities and skills each race gets in the begenning of the game. Characters age is a random from 17 to 22 years. When he "starts adventuring" In that age he/she already knows some skills and has some abilities that his born with. And these are described here. Maxium age for a race is also given, this is and individual variable counted as a random when creating the character. Ayura. - Age : lives to be 90-110 years old - Abilities : +10% cold resistance - Skills : attack 10%, fishing 10%, endurance 5%, spear 10%, knife 5%, swimming 20%, hunting 10%, survival artic 20%, fire making 10% - Spells : Freeze water 20%, leaping flame 20%, frost isolation 30%, walk on waters 20%. Innohu. - Age : they live from 90 to 140 years - Abilities : +10% disease resistance. - Skills : attack 15%, axe 15%, knife 10%, tracking 10%, hunting 10%, survival plains 10%, fire making 5%, swimming 10%, fishing 5%, bow 10%, fast draw arrow 5%, endurance 5%, running 5% - Spells : hunters eye 25%, spirit link 10%, hunters call 30%, war cry 20% Moraki. - Age : from 50 to 70 years - Abilities : +20 resist offensive spells / magical damage. - Skills : attack 20%, bludgeons 20%, longswords 10%, brawling 20%, animal handling 15%, alcohol tolerance 10%, shortswords 10%, endurance 15%, camping 10%, running 5%, throwing 10%, dodge 5% - Spells : none Shaolu. - Age : from 70 to 90 years - Abilities : infravision, natural extra bonus +5% to hiding (if dark/dim) - Skills : survival plains 10%, surival forests 10%, survival desert 5%, sneaking 10%, hiding 10%, shadowing 5%, attack 10%, spear 10%, knife 10%, bow 5%, hunting 10%, tracking 10%, swimming 5% - Spells : invisible item 10%, hunters eye 15%, hunters call 15%, darkness of the night 10%, natures illusion 20%, venom stinger 10%, Thari. - Age : from 60 to 140 years - Abilities : none - Skills : attack 15%, shortswords 10%, knife 10%, longswords 10%, bargain 10%, appraise 10%, streetwise 10%, fishing 10%, fire making 10%, brawling 10%, alcohol tolerance 10%, riding 5%, consider 10%, sneaking 5%, hiding 5%, tracking 5%, plant lore 5% - Spells : fertile crop 15%, blessed food 5%, indentify 10%, magic missile 15%, purify air 10%, predict weather 5%, ignite fire 5%, seek water 10%, purify water 5%, detect magic 15%, light 10%. Yangir. - Age : from 80 to 130 years - Abilities : none - Skills : attack 10%, longswords 10%, martial arts 5%, fishing 10%, holy ceremony 15%, ki-focus 5%, sneaking 5%, hiding 5%, surival mountains 5%, bow 10%, fast draw arrow 5% - Spells : infravision 15%, see invisible 10%, frost bite 10%, silence 10%, water sight 10% Yamar. - Age from 180 to 210 years - Abilities : Infravision, +5% poison and disease resistance - Skills : attack 5%, cast generic 15%, cast magical 10%, holy ceremony 10%, swimming 20%, fishing 10% - Spells : detect magic 15%, see magic 10%, indetify 10%, magic missile 40%, magic wave 20%, water lungs 20%, water sight 20%, blurred image 10%, captivate magic 5%, light 10%, healing hand 5% Tilan. - Age from 140 to 160 years - Abilities : +5% poison / disease resistance - Skills : attack 20%, longswrods 20%, dodge 5%, parry 5%, shield 10%, leadership 10%, riding 10%, brawling 10%, shadowing 5%, bow 15%, fast draw arrow 10% - Spells : Aura of rightful authrority 10%, speed 15%, haste 10%, infravision 10%, recover 5% Tanir. - Age from 280 to 320 years - Abilities : infravision, +20% heat/cold resistance, cannot have scars, reduced sleep, +10% poison and +15% diesease resistance. - Skills : attack 15%, spear 10%, shortswrods 10%, bow 15%, fast draw arrow 10%, track 10%, sneak 10%, hide 5%, survival forests 20%, plant lore 15% - Spells : natures illusion 20%, predict weather 10%, berry of vitae 10%, purify water 15%, create water 10% Dyanir. - Age from 330 to 370 years - Abilities : infravision, see magic, +20% heat/cold resistance, cannot have scars, reduced sleep, +10% poison and 15% desease resist. - Skills : attack 15%, sneak 10%, hide 10%, shadowing 10%, knife 10%, brawling 5%, survival mountains 10%, cast generic 10%, tracking 5%, shortswords 5%, holy ceremony 15% - Spells : darkness of the night 20%, see invisible 15%, indetify 10%, analyze magic 5%, fear 10%, haunted grounds 5%, word of fear 5%, shroud of the night 10%, darkness bolt 10% Aindar. - Age from 380 to 420 years - Abilities : infravision, +20 heat/cold resistance, cannot have scars, reduced sleep, +10 poison and +15% disease resistance. - Skills : attack 15%, longswrods 10%, brawling 10%, blacksmithing 10%, mastery of alchemy 5%, mathematics 10%, architechture 5%, woodcraft 10%, metalcraft 10%, appraise 10%, bargain 5% - Spells : Indetify 15%, analyze magic 10%, delvin true 5%, work metal 10%, aura of rightful authority 20%, imbedding 10%, magic sight 10%, see invisible 10% Lindor. - Age from 430 to 470 years - Abilities : infravision, +20 heat/cold resistance, cannot have scars, reduced sleep, +10 poison and +15% disease resistance. - Skills : attack 5%, mathematics 10%, architechture 10%, leadership 10%, administration 5%, psychology 10%, meditation 15%, aprraise 10%, bargain 10%, fast-talk 5%, diplomacy 10%, storytelling 10%, public speaking 5%, cast generic 20%, holy ceremony 5% - Spells : Aura of rightful authority 20%, calm emotions 10%, sense life 15% sense foes 10%, empatic touch 5%, light 10%, purify water 10%, create water 10%, healers gentle touch 10%, elemental breeze 15%, leaving 10%, long door 5%, captivate magic 5% Faun. - Age from 100 to 130 years - Abilities : males only, +10% heat/cold resistance, cannot hace scars infravision, +10% disease resistance. - Skills : attack 15%, endurance 10%, running 10%, sex appeal 20%, leadership 10%, hide 5%, sneak 5%, brawling 10%, bow 10% - Spells : Aura of charm 20%, hallucination 10%, sense life 15%, sound distortion 15%, natures illusion 10%, speed 20%, haste 15% Troll. - Age from 50 to 60 years - Abilities : infravision, 5% change to avoid death by massive regeneration - Skills : attack 30%, bludgeons 25%, throwing 15%, hunting 15%, camping 5%, dodge 5%, brawling 15%, fire making 10%, survival hills 10% - Spells : paingiver 20% Orc. - Age from 90 to 110 years - Abilities : infravision - Skills : alertness 15%, attack 20%, bludgeons 20%, shortswords 15%, brawling 15%, throwing 10%, hunting 10%, survival mountains 15%, fire making 10%, dodge 5%, parry 5%, sneak 5%, track 5%, endurance 10%, running 10%, holy ceremony 10% - Spells : darkness of the night 15%, haunted grounds 5%, recover 10%, darkness bolt 5% Dwarf. - Age from 180 to 220 years - Abilities : infravision - Skills : alertness 10%, attack 25%, mining 10%, axes 15%, bludgeons 15%, brawling 10%, survival mountains 15%, dodge 5%, parry 5%, endurance 15%, running 10%, blacksmithing 15% - Spells : recover 10% Gnome. - Age from 370 to 430 years - Abilities infravision, see magic, see invisible - Skills : attack 10%, knife 10%, brawling 5%, minin 10%, blacksmithing 5%, mathematics 15%, woordcraft 10%, metalcraft 10%, gem cutting 15%, fast-talk 10%, hiding 5%, sneak 5%, appraise 10%, bargain 10%, - Spells : Identify 20%, analyze magic 15%, delvin true 10%, gift of reason 10%, work metal 5%, work mystic 5%, work gem 5%, inspiration 60% Halfling. - Age from 70 to 130 years - Abilities : none - Skills : alertness 10%, attack 10%, knife 10%, brawling 10%, fast talk 20% diplomacy 15%, sneak 15%, hide 10%, dodge 10%, swimming 10%, fishing 5%, appraise 5%, cooking 20% - Spells : Purify water 20%, create water 15%, purify food 20%, create food 15%, weather prediction 15%, false sounds 10% please note that these spells/skills are NOT the abilities every member of the race has. These are the abilities that a up-coming-hero of the race (the player) is when he has lived a good childhood among his own people and learned many (but not all) of their major skills/spells.