PLAYER CITIES ETC. $Id: player_city.txt,v 1.1 1998/04/22 08:53:27 namhas Exp $ Players should be able to build castles, villages, inns etc. to the world map. The idea is rather simple, it will work like player castles in BatMUD, except that we have gridmap system and many, _many_ times versatile system. For every 'player-city' like location there is a emperor, owner, king, president or whatever appropriate. This allows possibility of mass-wars, and possibility of conquiring individual buildings, villages, cities, as well as becoming emperor of whole world of Majik at once. For some players, this would be the ultimate goal of mortalhood. This also brings one really interesting thing as _real_ history which will be written without needing coders' attention at all. First Majik will have only few home cities of different races and then after like 10 rl years there might be thousands of large cities and large wars sweeping through the lands. There would be also borders between countries owned by different emperor, without needing coders to design such things at all! The only thing that coders need to code is all kind of special places or things like quests and temples. Everything else is up to mortals. Actually, quests will become obsolete when we have enough players around :) The players theirself will give quests to lesser mortals, like "deliver a message to the emperor of Plaah". After becoming emperor of some 'player-city'-like place then (s)he will be allowed to see exact population of city, set and collect taxes, order people to build something to city, organize city's defensive and offensive forces and decide everything. If the tax rates are too high, then the players idling in the city will leave (not forced, but they will) and so on. We don't need code for such things, players will decide themself what they will do. I know, this is a crazy idea... but it might work someday! Your admin, Namhas.