spellbook mages MAJIK'S GENERIC MAGIC SYSTEM RQ, AD&D and ADOM's magic system build together to create unique Majik's generic majik system with aid of Namhas's ideas. INT % 10 + POW % 10 + DEX % 5 must be over 0 when joining to the guild. Joining costs 100 gold pieces, and then must throw POW * 5 otherwise the guildmaster will not trust enough on the character's skills and the character must wait one RL day to try again. Mortals should not know about these numbers. Maximum 7 students / guildmaster. In Majik there is at least 5 powerful enough NPC mages who can teach mortals. Maybe in the future we can allow mortals to be guildmasters too, but still though the rules should apply, except maybe POW * 5 check, it can be replaced with more realistic 'throw' - the mortal needs to speak the PC mage over. The PC guildmaster must have all skills at 100% he is teaching. Students can train on following skills: - Knowledge: World Lore (this skill affects on many things, usually this is checked when some action needs some knowledge of the world) - Magic: Intensity (this will replace on AD&D's rules all shit about levels. Intensity skill is divided by 10, thus if the character have intensity of 100% then he is as powerful as AD&D character with experience level of 10. the skill is extremely difficult) Students can study on all level 1 spells the guildmaster knows (random). Once in a Majik year the NPC guildmaster will choose to want new apprentice. Requirements for apprentice are: * must have been student for at least one majik year * INT % 10 + POW % 10 + DEX % 5 must be over 10. * World Lore must be 25% or over. * Intensity must be 25% or over. * must throw POW * 3 * must sacrifice one POW point for the guildmaster Apprentice can train on following skills: - Magic: Range (this is replacement for AD&D's level based spell range) - Magic: Duration (this is replacement for AD&D's level based spell duration) - Magic: Multispell (this is unique skill from RQ, using this the caster can cast multiple spells at same time. extremely difficult skill) Of course, apprentices can train the same skills as students. Also apprentices can study all spells from level range 1-3. After studying at least 3 years as apprentice the apprentice can try to become mage himself and join to the one of magic schools. This happens by going to the guild (abjuration, alteration, conjuration, divination, enchantment, illusion, invocation or necromancy) and asking permission to join. The requirements are: * must know at least one knowledge at 75% and at least two spells at 75%. * must throw POW * 2 * must fill the requirements for the guild he is trying to join: school of abjuration: 15 wis school of conjuration: 15 con school of divination: 16 wis school of enchantment: 16 cha school of illusion: 16 dex school of invocation: 16 con school of necromancy: 16 wis school of alteration: 15 dex After specialiazing to one school of magic it is possible to join another school of magic but there is certain restrictions: abjurer can't join to alteration or illusion conjurer can't join to divination or invocation diviner can't join to conjuration enchanter can't join to invication or necromancy illusionist can't join to necromancy, invocation or abjuration invoker can't join to enchantment or conjuration necromancer can't join to illusion or enchantment transmuter can't join to abjuration or necromancy In the guild one can study all spells of that school including skill which serves as for example 'cast magic' in BatMUD, while intensity serves as 'cast generic'. However those skills doesn't affect only the chance of success, they affect on the power of the spell. The skill of the school is divided by 10 as well as intensity thus if one has intensity at 100% and the school's skill at 100% he is compared to maximum level mage in AD&D and rocks the world. Divination spells below level 5 are known as "lesser divination" spells and are studyable by all mages, but only true diviner can gain the real power to those spells. That means, all divination spells below level 5 are available to all schools. All guilds (schools) of magic have 10 levels. Every level has all spells available on that level and requirements to next levels are at least 2 spells of that level must be 75% or over. For level 10 the requirements are all spells at least 75% and in level 10 the one can train the skill to maximum and gain the title of true master mage of the school.