Automatical growing. We should have very detailed race specifications, including the following: TERRAIN - array of terrains the race likes, "underground" or "any" CLIMATE - array of climates the race likes or "any" BASE RARITY - how common is the race in the beginning ORGANIZATION - array of possible forms of organization, this is for generic cities ACTIVITY CYCLE - "any", "day", "night" or "darkness" DIET - "omnivorous", "carnivorous", "herbivorous" or whatever we can think. this is for check if the monster eats the corpse of the victim. BASE ALIGNMENT - x-alignment, y-alignment is randomly determined, and with a chance, x-alignment can be changed too. this is for checks if the race does some evil or not. MORALE - as in ad&d, checking if the npc flees or not etc. STATS - stats :) SPECIAL ABILITIES - does the race have infravision for example? SPECIAL SKILLS - above average percentage on these skills, automatically added to every npc of the race. SPECIAL ATTACK - function pointer to special attack. CLASSES - array of classes allowed with percentages. EQUIPMENT - generate strings for usual equipment for each class with percentages. MAXIMUM AGE - determining when npc dies of old age, when it's adult, when child etc. Wars between races are set somewhere else. If we have for example set war between orcs and humans then every npc orc attacks human on sight. Or something like that. Again, we should rely on quality instead of quantity in this case too, if we have hundreds of races then we just cannot make them as detailed as they should be. With no detail all generic is boring. For "generic cities" I suggest something like this: A god creates a place for, a city, sets name for it, decides race and alignment for the city, sets some other values etc. and then creates many special buildings, places etc. to city forming the "base". As the city expands then it creates new generic buildings around that are houses of the citizens or some other generic stuff. The god of the city can set the city's ruler and ruler can change rates of some modifiers.